FRAJSKFORT1 —“-was formed from German Flats, Feb. 5,1796. It was divided in the forma¬ tion of Oneida co. in 1798, and a part annexed to Deerfield. It lies on the w. border of the co., s. of the Mohawk. Its surface is a broad intervale, rising into hills of moderate elevation on the s. w. border, the highest points being about 500 ft. above the river. The Mohawk flows s. e. on the n. border. The streams are small brooks and creeks. The soil on the uplands is a clayey and slaty loam, and on the flats an alluvial loam. Limestone ledges are found in the s. w. The most important of these is called Ilorsebone Ledge. The stone is whitish and makes excellent lime. Slate and calciferous sandstone are also found in some places. Frankfort, (p.v.,) in the n.e.,
, near the Mohawk, contains 4 churches, 1 bank, a grist and saw mill, woolen factory, and distillery. Pop. 1,150. Mew draefenberg' (p.o.) is the seat of a water cure, 4-J mi. from Utica. Frankfort Center (Frankfort Hill p. o.) is w. of the center. Jacob Folts made the first settle xnent, on Lot 3, Burnetsfield Patent, before the Revolution.2 The census reports 7 churches in town.2
GERMAI F1LATS3—was formed, as a district of “Tryon to.,” March 24, 1772. Its name was exchanged with the Kingsland District, March 8,1773. It was recognized as a town March 7, 1788. Frankfort, Litchfield, and Warren were taken off in 1796, and a part of Little Falls in
1829. It lies upon the s. bank of the Mohawk, s. of the center of the co. A fine intervale extends along the river, and from it the surface gradually rises to a height of 300 to 400 ft. and spreads out into an undulating upland. The valley of Fulmer Creek divide^ this upland into two nearly equal parts. Steele Cr. is a large stream in the w. The soil is a clay and slaty loam upon the hills, and a gravelly loam and alluvium in the valleys. Mohawk, (p.v.,) a canal village, in the n. w. part of the town, was incorp. April 16, 1844. It contains 3 churches, a hank, and news¬ paper office. Pop. 1,355. Ilion (p.V.) is a canal village, 1J mi. w. of Mohawk. It contains 2 churches, a bank, and Remmington’s rifle factory. Pop. 813. Fort Herkimer, upon the Mohawk, in the E. part, contains 2 churches and 20 houses. Henisons Corners (Denison p. o.) and Fains Hollow are hamlets. The first settlements were made in 1722, by a colony of Palatinates who had previously located upon the Hudson.4 The population rapidly increased until 1756, when the whole settlement was laid waste by a party of Canadians, French, and Indians.5 A counpil was held with the Indians at this place, June 28, 1775, at which the Oneidas and Tus- earoras agreed to remain neutral.6 During the Revolution the Indians committed many murders in town; and in July, 1782, they destroyed nearly the whole settlement.7 The German inhabitants early espoused the Patriot cause; and the first liberty-pole in the Mohawk Valley, erected here, ’ was cut down by Sheriff White and a body of militia, who came up from Johnstown for the pur¬ pose, in the spring of 1775. At the close of the war the settlements progressed with great rapidity. A treaty was held with the Indians at Fort Herkimer, June 28, 1785,- at which time the Oneidas and Tuscaroras ceded to the State the territory lying between Unadilla and Chenango Rivers. The first church was built of logs, in 1725; it was superseded by one built of stone, in 1767. The building is still standing, and is the most ancient structure in the co. It was commenced under 9 permit granted in 1746, but from apprehension of Indian troubles it was delayed, and a new per¬ mit was granted Oct. 6, 1751. It was not fully completed for use until 1767. On the 24th of Sept. 1730, Nicholas Wolever deeded Lot 30 of Burnetsfield Patent for church and school purposes. A society wsfs formed soon after, and the conveyance was perfected April 26, 1733. Lots 45, 46, and 47 in German Flats were conveyed Sept. 18, 1755, by Hans Dedrick Stelly, and others, to Peter Remsen, for the support of the Ref. Prot. D. church at this place. The first preacher was Rev. A. Rosegrantz.8
40 persons were killed, and 150 taken prisoners. These nmn bers were doubtless much exaggerated. A small stockaded fort, called Fort Kouari, was garrisoned at this time, and afforded shelter for a portion of the inhabitants. On the 30th of April, 1758, the French and Indians made another attack upon the settlers, and killed 30, losing 15 of their own number.
1 On the 15th and 16th of Aug. 1775, another council was held here by Turbot Francis and Valkert P. Doun, on the part of the Commissioners for the Northern Department, to induce tho In¬ dians to go to Albany to hold a great council. They attended at Albany soon after; but sufficient inducements could not be offered to detach them from the royal cause.
8 In July, 1782, a party of 600 Indians and tories entered the settlement, and were discovered by Peter Wolever, who, with Augustinus Hess, lived about 50 rods from the fort. Both fami¬ lies escaped to the fort, except Hess, who Was killed at the picket gate. Valentine Starring was tortured within hearing of the fort, which was too feeble to attempt a rescue.—Benton’s Her¬ kimer, p. 406.
2 There are now 7 churches in town; 2 Kef. Prot. D., Bap., Ey Luth., F. W. Bap., Univ., and Union. |
Named from Lawrence Frank, an early settler. A large part of Cosby’s Manor, 1* tiers of great lots of Bayard’s Patent, 4 lots in Burnetsfield Patent, 5 of 1 lot in Frank’s, 4J lots in Staley’s, and a part of Golden’s Patents, are in this town.—Benton’s Herkimer, p. 400.
4 M. E., Bap., Ref. Prot. D., and Univ.
Named from the German settlers who located on the Mo¬
hawk Flats at this place.
Among the early settlers were families named Erghemar,
Herkimer, Fox, Editch, Bellinger, Starring, Wolever, and Herter, —names still common in the co.
6 This attack was made Nov. 11, 1776. The settlers were totally unprepared, and the greater part were murdered or cap¬ tured without resistance. The French account states that a
mill, 60 houses, and a large number of barns, were destroyed,