of 315. Rural Hill1 (p. o.) and War dwell (p.o.) are hamlets. Lyman Ellis and a large number of others made the first settlement, in 1797.2 A tract of 3000 acres in the s.w. corner of the town was sold by Wm. Constable, in 1796, to Brown and Eddy, and was settled by squatters. Upon the advent_pf the first settlers, near Ellis Tillage, on Sandy Creek, were found numerous traces of an early occupation by civilized races,3. During the war an engagement took place near the mouth of S. Sandy Creek, between a party of 150 American regulars and a few militia and Indians, under Maj. Appling, and a party of 200 British, who were pursuing a flotilla of boats, commanded by Lieut. Woolsey, laden with stores for Sackets Harbor. The British were defeated, and nearly the whole party were killed or taken prisoners.* The census reports 11 churches in town.4
HENDERSON5—was formed from Ellisburgh, Feb. 17, 1806. It lies on Lake Ontario, s.w. of the center of the co. The surface is rolling; and it is deeply indented by Henderson Bay, formed by a long rocky point known as Six-Town Point.6 There are in-town two small lakes and several marshes. Stony and Little Stony Creeks are the principal streams. The soil is clay and,loam. Henderson7 (p. v.) is situated near the center, on Stony Creek. Pop. 404. Hen¬ derson Harbor8 contains 12 houses; and Smitliville9 (p. o.) 40. Roberts Corners (p. o.) is a hamlet. Settlement was begun in 1802, under Asher Miller, agent for the proprietor.11 At the head of Henderson Bay is a curved embankment or bar of stone, 100 rods long, and a little above the water, knowp as “ Indian Wharf;" and from this point to Stony Creek there was an Indian trail or portage. The census reports 5 churches in town.10
IfOUNSFIEED11—-was formed from Watertown, Feb. 17, 1806. It is situated on Black River Bay, on the w. border of the co. Its surface is very level, and the soil is a clayey and sandy loam. Ship building and manufactures have received considerable attention. Sackets Har¬ bor1* (p.v.) is the principal village. Pop. 994. This was the principal military and naval station on the northern frontier during the last war with Great Britain, and millions of dollars were spent in fortifications and in building vessels. East Hounslieltt (p.v.) and Stowells Corners (p. o.) are hamlets. Amasa Fox was the first settler. In 1802 there were 30 families in town.15 In 1805 several English families came in.16 During the war this town was the center of important -military events. Several expeditions were here fitted out against Canada; and, in turn, the town was invaded on several occasions.17 Large bodies of troops were fre¬ quently quartered here, and the citizens became familiar with the lights and shades of military life.18 After the war most of the troops were withdrawn, leaving only enough to keep the
Towns,” and was named from Ezra Hounsfield, one of the early proprietors. In the division it fell to the share of Harrison and Hoffman; and by them the w. half was sold to Champion and Storrs, and the remainder to Peter Kemble and E. IIouus- field. It was called “Newport” in. early documents. Gull, Snake, Great and Little Galloo, and Stony Islands belong to this town. Upon Galloo Island a lighthouse was erected in 1820.
14 Named from Augustus Sacket, the first settler. Called by the Indians Ga-hti-a-go-je-twa-da-a-lote, fort at the mouth of Great River. Ineorp. April 15,1814. A collection district was formed in 1805. Madison Barracks, built in 1816-19 at a cost of $85,000, are the principal military works. Upon a point in the harbor is the hull of the frigate New Orleans, sheltered by a house built over it. It was commenced during the war, but has never been finished. It measured 3200 tons, and was pierced for 110 guns. The frigate Chippewa, of like dimensions, built farther up the bay, has been taken down.
46 Among these were John and Wm. Evans, Squire Reed, Amasa Hollibut, and Charles Baird.
16 Among these were Sami. Luff) his sons Edmund, Sami., Jr., Joseph, and Jesse, David Merritt, William Ashby, John Roots, Henry Metcalf, and Geo. Slowman. Dr.Wm, Baker, who settled in 1803, was the first physician; Ambrose Pease and Step. Simmons were early innkeepers, and Loren Buss and Hezekiah Doolittle, early merchants. In 1808 Samuel F. Hooker brought in a stock of goods worth $20,000. Meetings were first held by Edmund Luff, who built a church, and preached many years without fee or reward. Elisha Camp settled in 1804, as a lawyer and agent, and has since been more prominently concerned in the affairs of the town than any other person. Samuel Luff built the first grist mill, Augustus Sacket, the first sawmill, and Solon Stone, the first cotton factory, on Mill Creek. The first child born in town was Wealthy Rowlison. At an early period, John Jacob Astor and other capitalists invested large sums here in the manufacture of potash, that article commanding $200 to $350 per ton in the Montreal market. 17 See page 354.
18 About a dozen military executions took place here during the war. A duel was fought with muskets, June 13, 1818, between two soldiers, one of whom was killed.. During the com¬ mand of Col. Brady at this station, the remains of Gens. Zebu- lon M. Pike and Leonard Covington, Col. John Tuttle, Lieut, |
Formerly called “ Buck Sill.”
Among the first settlers were Caleb Ellis, Robert Fulton, Elijah Richardson, Hez. Pierce, Chauncey Smith, Wm. Root, Vial Salisbury, Isaac Waddle, and Abram Wilcox. The early settlers suffered much from sickness. The first child born was Ontario Pierce, and the first death, that of Caleb Ellis. Lyman Ellis built the first sawmill, in 1797, and the first grist mill, in 1803.
8 It is probable that the French expedition, under De La Barre, against the Onondagas in 1684, met with their terrible disasters from famine and sickness within the limits pf this town.
3 Bap., 2 Cong., 2 M. E., Prest)., Prot. E., Univ., Union.
No. 6 of the “ Eleven Towns.” Named from Wm. Henderson, the proprietor. It embraces the adjacent islands in the lake.
Upon this point are the remains of a small 4 sided fortifica¬ tion, evidently built during the French or Revolutionary War.
Formerly called “Salisbury Mills,” from Lodowyck Salisbury, an early merchant and mill owner.
The bay upon which this place is situated was called the “ Bay of Naples” by Henderson, the proprietor.
1° Named from Jesse Smith, who, from a common laborer, became one of the most extensive lumber dealers in the county, and a man of influence. It is on the line of Adams.
2 M. E., Ev. Luth., Univ., and Union.
M The town embraces No. 1, or “Hesiod,” of the “Eleven