part are extensive flats, occupying about one-fourth of the area of the town. The principal streams are Canaseraga and Coshaqua Creeks, which empty into Genesee River near the n. w. corner of the town. The soil upon the upland is clay loam, and upon the flats a rich alluvium. Groveland Corners, (Groveland p. o.,) e. of the center, contains 1 church and 14 houses. Hunts Cor¬ ners, (East Groveland p.o.,) in the n. part, contains 1 church and 9 houses. Groveland Center is a p. o. in the n. w. part. The first settlement was made by Charles Williamson, agent for the Pulteney Estate, in 1792.1 In that year he built several houses in the n. w. corner of the town, and there located a small colony of Germans, and called the settlement “ Williarnsbwrgh.” This colony soon after left, and the entire village disappeared. In the s. w. part, at the junction of the Dansville Branch with the G. V. Canal, is a Shaker settlement, numbering 120 persons. They own a tract of 2,000 acres. There are 2 churches in town; M. E. and Presb.
EEICESTER.?—was formed, as “Leister,” March 30, 1802. Its name was changed Feb. 9, 1805. Mount Morris was taken off in 1818, and a part of York in 1819. It is the center town on the w. border of the co. The surface is undulating, with extensive flats in the e. It is drained by Genesee River, which forms its e. and s. boundaries, and by Beards Creek2 and its tributaries. The soil is a sandy and clayey loam on the upland, and a rich alluvium on the flats. Squakie Hill and Big Tree Reservations were within the limits of this town. Moscow, (p. v.,) near the cen¬ ter, incorp. about 1850, contains 3 churches and 320 inhabitants. Cuylerville, (p-.v.,) in the e. part, incorp. in 1848, contains a church, grist mill, & distillery, Pop. 354; Gibsonville, (p. v.,) in the s. w. part, a paper mill, savfanill, and 16 houses. Ebenezer Allen was the first settler, soon after the close of the Revolution, hut left soon after. The first permanent settlement was com¬ menced by Horatio and John H. Jones, in 1789.3 The census reports 4 churches in town.4
EIMA—was formed, as “Charleston,” Jan. 27, 1789. Its name was changed April 6, 1808. It is the nt. e. corner town of the co. Its surface is undulating and hilly. It is drained chiefly by Honeoye Creek, which forms the e. boundary. The soil in the s. e. is clay and clay loam, and in
the n. w. sandy and gravelly loam. Lima, (p. v.,) near the center, was incorp. ,-. It
contains 4 churches, the Genesee Wesleyan Seminary, Genesee College,5 and about 1,200 inhabitants. South Elma,, (p. v.,)—Hamiltons Station, on the B. N. Y. & E. R. R.,—in the s. w. corner, con¬ tains 13 houses. Settlement was commenced by Paul Davidson and Jonathan Gould, from Penn., in 17882 The first religious society (Presb.) was organized Oct. 1,1795, by Rev. Daniel Thatcher.8
LITOMIA—was formed from “Piltstown,” (now Richmond, Ontario co.,) Feb. 12,1808. A part of Conesus was taken off in 1819. It lies on the e. border of the co., n. of the center. The surface in the s. part is moderately hilly, and in the n. undulating. Conesus and Hemlock Lakes lie partly within the town. Their outlets, and that of Canadice Lake, are the principal streams. The soil in the valleys is a clay loam, and on the uplands a sandy and gravelly loam. Eivonia. Center, (Livonia p. o.,) a r. r. station, contains 2 churches and 408 inhabitants; Livonia Sta¬ tion, (p.v.,) 1J mi. w., on the B., N. Y. & E. R. R., a manufactory of agricultural implements, and 31 houses; South Eivonia (p.v.) 1 church and 13 houses; Hemlock Eake, (p.v.,) in the s. e., 2 churches, 2 gristmills, 2 sawmills, and 319 inhabitants; and Eakeville, (p. v.,) at the foot of Conesus Lake, 4 churches, a gristmill, sawmill, and 28 houses. The first settlement was
n. w. part of the village. The seminary was founded in 1830 by the Genesee Conference of the 51. E. Church. It was opened for pupils in 1832. The first building, erected at a cost of $20,000, was destroyed by fire in May, 1842. The present building was immediately erected of briek, at a cost of about $24,000. It has a main 8. front of 136 feet, with an e. and w. front, by wings ex¬ tending hack each 96 feet. Between these wings is a paved court. A farm of 70 acres is attached to the institution. This seminary has sent out more students than any other institution in Western New York. The college was founded in 1849, has — professorships, and is under the general supervision of the Gene¬ see and East Genesee Conferences of the M. E. Church.
1 Abner Miles, from Mass., settled in 1789; John Miner and Asahel Burchard in 1790; Steven Tinker and Solomon Hovey, from Mass., in 1791; and Col. Thomas Lee, Willard and Amasa Humphrey, Reuben and Gideon Thayer, Col. David Morgan, and Zebulon, Moses, Asahel, William, and Daniel H. Warner, from 51ass., previous to 1795. The first marriage was that of Simeon Gray and Patty Alger, in 1793; the first death, that of Sirs. Abbott, mother of Mrs. Paul Davidson, in 1791. Joh» Sabin taught the first school, in 1792 and ’93. Reuben Thayer kept the first inn, in 1793, and Tryon & Adams the first store, in 1794. The first sawmill was built by Reuben Thayer, in 1796; and Zebulon Norton built the first gristmill, in 1794.
8 The census reports 6 churches in town; M.E., Presb., Bap,. Univ., Christian, and R. C. |
Among the early settlers were Wm. Ewens, Wm. Lemon, John Ewart, and W. Harris. The first school was taught at “ Williamsburgh,” by Sam’l Murphy, about 1793. The first mill was built by Chas. Scholl, for Chas. Williamson, on Lot 58, in 1797; the first inn was kept in “ Williamsburgh,” by Wm. Lemon, in 1795; and the first store, in the same place, by Alexander McDonald, in 1795 or ’96.
* Named from Little Beard, an Indian chief, whose principal village, Little Beards Town, was situated on the present site of Cuylerville. Little Beard was one of the worst specimens of his race. He was chiefly instrumental in the horrid torture of Lieut. Boyd in 1799. In a drunken row, in which both Indians and whites were engaged, at Stimson’s tavern, in Leicester, he was pushed out of the door, and, falling from the steps, received a fatal injury.
I Among the other early settlers Were Elijah Hunt, Alexander Ewing, and Maj. Wm. Lemon. Jellis, Thomas, and Wm. Clute, from Schenectady, were also early settlers. The first child born was James Jones, May 5,1791; and the first death, that of Mrs. Horatio Jones, in June, 1792. The first inn was kept by Leonard Stimson, in 1797. He also opened the first store, soon after. The first sawmill was built by Ebenezer Allen, at Gib¬ sonville, in 1792; and the first gristmill, by Noah Benton,
near Moscow, in 1799.
Presb., 51. E., Bap., Ref. Presb.