Gazetteer of New York, 1860 & 1861 page 385
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made by Solomon Woodruff, from Conn., on Lot 32, in 1792.1 There are 10 churches in


MOUNT MORRIS3—was formed from Leicester, April 17,1818. It lies on the w. border of
the co., s. of the center. Its surface is rolling and moderately hilly. It is drained by Genesee River,
which forms its n. and
w. boundaries, Keshaqua Creek, which flows through the s. E. corner, and
several small streams, its tributaries. The soil is a clay loam. A part of the Gardeau Reservation
was in the s. w. part of this town. Mount Morris,4 (p. v.,) in the n. part, was incorp. May 2,
1835. It is on the G. V. Canal, and is the southern terminus of the G. V. R. R. It contains 5
churches, 2 furnaces, a printing office, bank, machine shop, 3 flouring mills, a sawmill, paper mill,
and 1,851 inhabitants. Tuscarora, (p. v.,) in the s. e. part, contains 2 churches, a gristmill, and
192 inhabitants; Rrooks drove,5 (p. v-.,) in the s. part, a church and 16 houses; Ridge (p. v.)
a church and 13 houses. River Road (River Road Forks p. o.) is a hamlet. Ebenezer Allen
commenced settlement, in 1784 or J85.6 The census reports 9 churches in town

NORTH DANSVTEEE8—was formed from Sparta, Feb. 27,1846. A part of Sparta was an¬
nexed in 1849. It lies on the s. border of the co., e. of the center. Its surface is hilly, the highest
summits being 600 to 800 feet above the valleys. The hills are generally arable. Canaseraga
Creek flows through the N. w. part, and Mill Creek through the s. The soil upon the hills is a
clayey and gravelly loam, and in the valleys a sandy loam, in town are valuable quarries of build¬
ing and flagging stone. Dansville, (p. v.,) w. of the center, Was incorp. May 7,1845. It is the
terminus of the Dansville Branch of the G. V. Canal. It contains 9 churches, the Dansville Semi¬
,9 2 printing offices, a bank, a water cure, 5 flouring mills, 3 paper mills, 2 furnaces, a plaster
mill, machine shop, pail factory, sash and blind factory, distillery, 2 tanneries, and 5 breweries. Pop.
2,879. Comminsville, in the n.w. part, contains a sawmill, furnace, and about 25 houses.
Settlement was commenced at Dansville Village, by Amariah Hammond and Cornelius McCoy, from
Penn., in 1795. David and Jas. McCurdy, step-sons of McCoy, came at the same time
.10 The first reli¬
gious services were held by Rev. Andrew Grey, in 1798. The first church (Presb.) was formed in 1800.12

NUNDA—was formed from Angelica, (Allegany co.,) March 11, 1808. Portage was taken
off in 1827. It lies on the s. border of the co., w. of the center. Its surface is hilly, the highest
summit, near the center, being about 1,200 feet above the ocean at Nunda Village. The principal
stream is Coshaqua Creek, which flows through the n. w. part. The soil is a sandy loam, inter¬
mixed with gravel and clay. On Lot 53, stone is quarried for building purposes. A' small spring
on the same lot emits gas. Nunda, (p.v.,) in the w. part, on the G. V. Canal, was incorp. April
26, 1839. It contains
6 churches, the Nunda Literary Institute,13 a gristmill, sawmill, furnace,
machine shop, and tannery. Pop. 1,125. Nunda Station, (p.v.,) on the B. & N Y. C. R.
R., in the s. w. part, contains about 20 houses; Coopersville, in the n. part, a gristmill and
about 20 houses. East Hill, in the s.e. part, is a p.o. The first settlement was commenced
near the village, by Phineas Bates and Beela Elderkin, in 1806.14 The first church (Bap.) was
formed in 1819; Elder Samuel Messenger was the first preacher15.

9 Can-a-se-ra-ga, an Indian name signifying “ among the slip¬
pery elms.”.

10 This institution was started in the spring of 1858. Tbe
building and grounds cost'$12,000 to $15,000. It is under the
supervision of the M. E. denomination.

11 Among the other early settlers were Daniel P., Samuel, and
James Faulkner, Nathaniel and William Porter, from Penn., in
1796; Jacob Welch, Jacob Martz, and his son Conrad, George
Shirey, and "Frederick Barnhart, from Penn., in 1798. William
Phenix, Jas. Logan, David Scholl, and John Vandeventer, were
also early settlers. The first marriage was that of William
McCartney and Mary McCurdy. Thos. McLam taught the first
school, in 1798 or ’99; Samuel Faulkner kept the first inn, ijx
1796; Daniel P. Faulkner, the first store, in 1797 and ’98; David
Scholl erected the first sawmill, in 1795, and the first gristmill,
in 1796. Mr. Scholl was Charles Williamson’s millwright, and
built the mills for the Pulteney Estate.

12 There are 9 churches in town; 2 Presb., 2 R. C., Prot. E,
M. E., Bap., Evang. Luth., and Germ. Evang. Ref.

13 Opened in 1844. The building was burned in June,

Among the other early settlers were David Corey and
brother, Peleg and Reuben Sweet, Abner Tuttle, G. W. Merrick,
Wm. P. Wilcox, John II. Townsend, and James Paine. The first
inn was kept at the village, by Alanson Hubbell, in 1820, and
the first store by Wm. P. Wilcox, near the center. Willoughby
Lowell built the first sawmill, in 1818, and Samuel Swain and
Lindsey Joslyn the first gristmill, in 1828.

15 There are 7 churches in town; Bap., F. W. Bap., Presb., H.
E., Prot. E., Univ., and R. C.



Among the other early settlers were Higby and Peter

1 Briggs, in 1794, Philip Short, in 1790, David Benton, in 1798, and

Geo. Smith, Jesse Blake, Nathan Woodruff, Smith Henry, and
Thomas Grant, mostly from Conn., and all of whom came in
previous to 1800. The first child born was Philip Woodruff, Feb.

19,1794; the first death, that of a child of   Higby, in 1797.

Dorias Peck taught the first school, in 1798 and’99; Solomon
Woodruff kept the first inn, in 1794; Isaac Bishop the first store,

in 1803 or ’04. The first sawmill was built by Higby, in

1795-; and the first gristmill, by Thomas Van Fossen, in 1799.


3 Bap., 2 M. E., 2 Rresb., Christian, Univ., and It. C.


8 Named from Robert Morris.


* Formerly called “Allens Hill” from Ebenezer Allen, the


first settler. Col. John Trumbull, of Revolutionary memory,
at one time contemplated making it his place of residence. H6
planted an orchard, selected a site, and made some preparations
for building. He changed the name to
“Richmond Hill.”
When he abandoned the idea of settling here, the place received
its present name.


Named from General Micah Brooks, one of the purchasers of
the Gardeau Reservation, and who settled at this place.

6 Among the early settlers were Benj. W. Rogers, Isaac Bron¬
son, G en. Mills, and J esse Stanley, from Conn. The first store was
kept by Ebenezer Allen, about 1790. He brought inalot of goods
from Philadelphia, for the purpose of trading with the Indians.
Ihe first mill was built about 1820, by William Shull.


12 Presb., 2 M.E., Meth.Prot., Bap., Prot.E.,Ref.Prot.D., and R.C.


Named from Daniel P. Faulkner, a prominent pioneer settler


“ Dansville.” In area this is the smallest town in the co., and


one of the smallest in the State.


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