OSSIAW—was formed from Angelica, (Allegany cO.,) March 11,1808. It was set off from Alle¬ gany co. in 1856. It is the center town on the s. border of the co. Its surface is broken and hilly, the highest summits being 600 to 800 feet above the valleys. Sugar Creek flows s. e. through near the center. The soil in the valleys is a gravelly loam, and on the hills a sandy loam, with some clay in the e.part. In the n.w.part is a small gas spring. Ossian Center (Ossian p.o.) contains 2 churches and about 18 houses; and West View (p.v.) a sawmill and about 12 houses. Tho^ first settlement was made at the center, by Judge Richard W. Porter, and his brother, James Porter, from N. J., in 1804.1 The first church (Presb.) was formed Sept. 29, 1818.2
PORTAGE3—was formed from Nunda, March 8, 1827. It is the s.w. corner town of the co.
I ts surface is hilly, the highest point, near Portageville, being about 200 feet higher than the r. k. Genesee River forms the w. boundary of the town. Its banks are steep and rocky, 100 to 200 ft. high and in many places perpendicular. Coshaqua Creek flows through the e. part. The soil in the e. part is a clay loam, and in the w. a sandy loam. Oakland, (p. v.) in the n. e. part, con¬ tains 2 churches, a grist and saw mill, woolen factory, tannery, furnace, and 35 houses ; Hunts Hollow (p. v.) 2 churches, a tannery, and 31 houses. Portage Station, on the B. & N. Y.
C. R. R., is on the line of Wyoming co. Settlement was commenced by Jacob Shaver, on Lot 150, in 1810.4 The first church (Presb.) was formed at Hunts Hollow, about 1820.5
SPARTA—was formed in Jan. 1789. A part of Springwater was taken off in 1816, West Sparta in 1846, and parts of North Dansville in 1846 and ’49. A part of Dansville (Steuben co.) was annexed in 1822, and a part of Groveland in 1856. It lies s. e. of the center of the co. Its surface is hilly, the highest summits being 800 to 1,000 ft. high. Canaseraga Creek flows on the w. border. The soil on the hills is a gravelly loam, and in the valleys a sandy, clayey, and gravelly loam. Several small sulphur and gas springs are found near Scottsburgh. Scottstourgli,6 (p.v.,) in the n. part, con¬ tains 2 churches, a steam saw and grist mill, a furnace, and 34 houses. Wortli Sparta, (p. o.,) in the n.w. corner, Sparta, (p. o.,) in the w., and Reeds Corners, in the s. part, are hamlets. Settlement was commenced near Scottsburgh, by Jesse Collar, from Penn., about 1794.7 The census reports 6 churches.8
SPRUtfGWATER—was formed from Sparta and Naples, (Ontario co.,) April 17,1816. It is the s.e. corner town of the co. Its surface is very hilly, the highest summits being 600 to 1,000 ft. above the valleys. The principal stream is the inlet of Hemlock Lake, which flows n. through the town, w. of the center. Conhocton River rises in the s. e. part and flows s. into Steuben co. The soil is a sandy and gravelly loam. Springwater, (p. v.,) a r. r. station, n. w. of the center, contains 2 churches, a sash and blind factory, a sawmill, and 62 houses. East Springwater, (p.o.,) in the n.e., is a hamlet. The first settlement was made by Seth Knowles, from Conn., on Lot 18, about 1807.8 The first church (Bap.) was formed in 1816.9
WEST SPARTA—was formed from Sparta, Feb. 27, 1846. It is an interior town, s. of the center. Its surface is hilly, the summits being 500 to 700 ft. above the valleys. In the n.e. is an extensive marsh, known as the Canaseraga Swamp. Canaseraga Creek flows n. along the e. border. The soil is a clay loam in the n. and a sandy loam in the s. About one-half mi. n. of Byersville, in a small stream called Butter Brook, is a perpendicular fall of about 60 ft. Kysorville, (p.v.,) in the n. part, on the Dansville branch of the G. V. Canal, contains 79 inhabitants; Union Corners, (p.v.,) on the line of Mt. Morris, 2 churches and 17 houses; Byersville,
5 There are 4 churches in town; Presb., Meth. Prot., Prot. E., and Bap.
6 Named from Matthew and William Scott, early settlers at this place.
7 Darling Havens settled at North Sparta; John Niblack, on Lot 28; John Smith, Asa Simmons, Robert Wilson, and Thomas Hovey, previous to 1798; and Peter Roberts, on Lot 27, in 1799. Samuel and James Rodman were early settlers. Most of these were from Penn. The first school was taught by Thos. Bohanan, in 1800-01. The first inn was kept by Darling Havens,, at North Sparta, about 1800; and the first gristmill was built by Wm! D. McNair, in 1810. 8 2 M. B., 2 Presb., Bap., and Evang. Ref.
9 Among the other early settlers were Eber Watkins, Joshua Herrick, Peter Welch, Adam Miller, and Samuel Hines, in 1808; Reuben and Phineas Gilbert, from Mass., in 1810; Hugh Wilson, Henry Cole, Samuel Sparks, James Blake, Benj. Livermore, and David Frazer. Jacob Cannon settled op the E.' hill in 1812. The first death was that of Mrs. Benjamin Farnham, in 1813. James Blake taught the first school, in 1813-14. Oliver Jennings kept the first inn, about 1815. Hosea II. Grover kept the first store, in 1815. The first sawmill was built by Samuel Hines, in 1809; and the first gristmill, by Hugh Wilson, in 1813.
1° There are 4 churches in town; Presb., Bap., M. E., Christian.
Among the other early settlers were Richard N. Porter, Jas.
Haynes, and James Croghan, about 1806, Jacob Clendenin, in 1807, Orrison Cleveland, Wm. and John Gould, and Heman Orton, about 1810. Luther Bisbee was an early settler in the N. w. corner of the town. The first child born was Abraham Porter, in 1805; the first marriage was that of John Gelson and Betsey Shay, in 1816; and the first death, that of John Turner,
hilled by the fall of a tree, in 1807. Weston taught the first
sehool, in 1813 and ’14; Oliver Stacy kept the first inn, in 1817; and Daniel Canfield the first store, in 1824. The first sawmill was built by Nathaniel Porter, in 1808 or ’09; and the first grist¬ mill, by John Smith, in 1826.
There are 2 churches in town; Presb. and M. E.
Name derived from the portage or carrying place around the falls of Genesee Itiver. For description of Portage Falls and R. R. Bridge, see pp. 710.
* Ephraim Kingsley, George Williams, Nathaniel B. Nichols,
Walter Bennet, and Russel Messenger, all settled about 1816.
Horace Miller taught the first school, in 1817; Prosper Adams
kept the first inn, in 1817. Nathaniel B. Nichols was the first
(the Indian Coshaqua) what is now known as Hunts Hollow,
in 1818.