Gazetteer of New York, 1860 & 1861 page 405
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loam on the uplands, and a rich alluvium on the flats. East Rush (Rush p. o.) contains 2
churches, a saw and grist mill, a carriage factory, and about 250 inhabitants; West Rush, (p. v.,)
in the w. part, a station on the 0. & N. F. Branch of the N. Y. 0. R. R., contains a saw and grist
mill and 30 houses; Sorth Rush, (p. v.,) in the
n. w. part, about 1 mi. e. of Scottsville
station, contains a church and 16 houses. Genesee Valley R. R. Junction is 1 mi. w.
of West Rush. The first settlement was commenced in 1799, by Maj. Wm. Markham and Ran¬
som Smith, from N. H
.1 The first settled minister was Elder Goff, (Bap.)2


SWEDEN—was formed from Murray, (Orleans co.,) April 2, 1813. It lies on the w. border
of the co., near the center. Its surface is level and gently rolling. A high ridge passes e. and
W. through the town, n. of the center. Salmon Creek rises in the s. w. part and flows in an e. and
sr. e. course through the town. The soil is clay and clay loam. Brockport,3 (p. v.,) in the n.
part, a canal village and
R. R. station, was incorp. April 26, 1829, contains 6 churches, the Brock¬
port Collegiate Institute
,4 a bank, 2 newspaper offices, 4 founderies, planing mill, 2 manufactories
of mowers and reapers, an extensive carriage, cabinetware, and 2 rotary pump manufactories. Pop.
Sweden Center, (Sweden p. o.,) near the center, contains 2 churches and 20 houses;
and West
Sweden, near the s. w. corner, 2 churches and 15 houses. The first settlement was
commenced in 1807,5 by Nathaniel Poole and Walter Palmer. There are 10 churches in town

UNIGW—was formed from Clarkson, Oct. 11, 1852. It is the n. w. corner town of the co.
Lake Ontario forms its
n. boundary. Its surface is slightly rolling and inclines toward the lake.
It is drained by a number of small streams, the principal of which is Sandy Creek. The soil is
a sandy, clayey, and gravelly loam. Salt was manufactured to a limited extent by the early
settlers. Clarkson
Center, (p. v.,) in the s. part, contains 35 houses; North Clarkson,
(p.o.,) in the
e. part, 8 houses; Stendalls Mills, near the s.w. corner, partly in Kendall,
(Orleans co.,) is a hamlet. The first settlement was commenced in 1810, by Aretus Haskell
There are 5 churches in town.8 A Fourierite community was organized and located at the mouth of
Sandy Creek, in 1843, under Dr. Theller, of Canadian Patriot War notoriety. The bubble soon burst.

WEBSTER—was formed from Penfield, Feb. 6, 1840. It lies on Lake Ontario, in the n. e,
corner of the co. Irondequoit Bay forms the w. boundary. Its surface from the ridge in the s.
p/irt has a gentle inclination to the lake. The shore rises in places 50 ft., and in the w , on Iron¬
dequoit Bay, 80 to 100 ft. The streams are small and flow n. into the lake. The soil is a sandy
loam n. of the ridge, and clay and clay loam in the s. Salt was manufactured to some extent by
the early settlers. Webster, (p. v.,) in the s. part, on the ridge, contains 4 churches, the Web¬
ster Academy, and 310 inhabitants; West Webster, (p.v.,) in the s. w. part, contains 40
houses. The first settlement was commenced in 1805, under the agency of Caleb Lyon
.9 The
first church (M. E.) was formed in 1812, by Rev. Solomon Pierce

WMEATIiAlN®—was formed, from Caledonia, (Livingston co.,) as “Inverness/' Feb. 23,
1821. Its name was changed April 3,1821. It lies upon the s. border, in the s. w. part of the
co. Genesee River flows s. on the N. border. Its surface is rolling. Oatka (or Allens) Creek flows
E. through near the center of the town. It is joined at Mumford by the Outlet of Caledonia Springs,
forming an excellent water-power. The soil is loam, mixed with clay in the interior, and with sand
and gravel in some localities, the whole underlaid by limestone. Gypsum is found in large quantities.
,11 (p.v.,) in the e. part, contains 4 churches, a union school, extensive flouring mills,

the first inn, in 1809; Charles Richardson the first store. Jehial
Davison built the first mill, in 1815.

6 3 M. E., 2 Bap., P. W. Bap., Cong., Presb., Prot, E., and R. C.

f Josiah and Samuel Randall, from Maine, settled in 1810;
Stephen Baxter and John Nowlan, in 1811; Wm. Strunk settled
at the mouth of Sandy Creek, in 1811; Colman Billings and John
Randall, soon after. But few settlers came in until after 1817
The first death was that of Wm. Strunk, in 1812. A. D. Ray¬
mond kept the first inn; Church & Beebe the first store; Alanson
Thomas built the first mill, for Le Boy
& Bayard.

8 M. E., Meth. Prot., Bap., P. W. Bap., and Union.

9 John Shoecraft, from ulster Co., Isaac Straight, Daniel Har¬
vey, Abram Poster, Paul Hammond, William Mann> William
Harris, John Letts, Samuel Pierce, Lyman Goodnow, and
Benjamin Burnett, mostly from N. H. aud Vt., settled about 1806.
The first birth was in the family of Caleb Lyon; and the first
death, that of a child of N. Caines. Wm. Harris taught the first
school, in 1810. John Letts kept the first inn; P. B. Corning
the first store, in 1825; and Caleb Lyon built the first saw and
grist mill, In 1806.

10 There are 4 churches in town; Bap., M. E., Presb., and Univ.

u Named from Isaac Scott, the first settler and owner of tho

present site of the village.


Among the early settlers were Joseph Morgan, from the w.

Bide of the river, and Spraker, from the Mohawk. • Philip

Price, Chrystal Thomas, Jacob Stull, and John Bell, came in
1801, from Md.; Joseph Sibley and Elisha Sibley, from Rensse¬
laer co., in 1804; Elnathan Perry and Thomas Daily, in 1799.
Clark Davis was an early settler. The first birth was that of
Joseph Morgan, in 1789. The first deaths were Mr. and Mrs.
Markham, in 1791. John Webster kept the first inn; Benj.
Campbell the first store; and John Webster built the first grist¬


The census reports 5 churches in town; 2M.E., Evan. Luth.,
Bap., and Christian.


s Named from Hiel Brockway, a prominent early settler in
the tillage.


This institution is in a flourishing condition.


6 Samuel Bishop,   Hopkins, Isaiah 6. White, and Stephen


Johnson came in 1807; John Reed, Timothy Tyler, and Edward


Parks, in 1808. Reuben Moon, with his sons James, Amos, and


Isaac, settled in 1809 and ’10, in the E. part. Isaiah Scott


(colored) was the first settler in the s. part, in 1809. John


Phelps, Rufus Hammond, and Knight were the original


purchasers of the site of Brockport. James Seymour, George
Alien, Thomas R. Roby, Ralph W. Goold, Luke Webster, and
Charles Richardson were early settlers. Johnson Beadle kept


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