greater part of the surface is an undulating upland. On the e. it descends in steep declivities to the valley of the creek, which is here a narrow ravine. Its streams are small. The soil is "gene¬ rally loam intermixed with clay, and is particularly adapted to spring grains and dairying. The town has a limited amount of manufactures, consisting principally of sash and blinds, woolen goods, and flour. Hurtoiisville,1 (p. v.,) on Schoharie Creek, in the s. e. corner of the town, contains 32 houses; Charleston Four Corners, (p.v.,) in the s.w. corner, 30; and Charleston, (p. v.,) near the n. border, 20. Cary town and ©ah Ridge are hamlets. A portion of this town was included in the patent of 25,400 acres granted to Wm. Corry in 1737; and others were portions of the “ Stone Heap Patent,†granted to John Bowen and others in 1770, and Thomas Machin’s Patent of 1787. The first settlements were probably made previous to the Revolution.2 The census reports 5 churches in town.3
FLORIDA—was formed from Mohawk, March 12, 1793. It embraces that part of the co. lying s. of the Mohawk, and e. of Schoharie Creek. The greater part of the surface is a rolling upland, 600 ft. above the valley. Bean Hill, in the s. w. part, is the highest land in the co. The declivities bordering upon the streams are usually steep. The two principal streams within its borders are Chuctenunda and Cowilliga4 Creeks. The soil and productions are similar to those of neighboring towns. Several sulphur springs are found in town, the most noted of which is near Scotch Bush. The Erie Canal crosses the Schoharie Creek between this town and Glen, on a costly aqueduct. Broomcorn is one of the principal agricultural products, and brooms are exten¬ sively manufactured. Port Jackson (p.v.) is a canal village on the Mohawk, opposite Amster¬ dam. Pop. 369. Minaville, (p.v.,) on Chuctenunda Creek, near the center, contains 95 inhabi¬ tants. Fort Hunter,5 (p.o.,) at the mouth of Schoharie Creek, and Scotch Push, (p.o.,) near the s. border, are hamlets. One of the 3 Mohawk castles was situated at the mouth of Schoharie Creek at the first advent of the whites. The first white settlement in this co. is supposed to have been made in this town. Fort Hunter6 was built here by the whites in 1711. Queen Anne>s Chapel was soon after erected, and was furnished with a valuable set of communion plate by Queen Anne.7 The fort was garrisoned until after the French "War, when it was aban¬ doned. During the Revolution the chapel was inclosed with palisades, and converted into a strong fortress defended by cannon. In Oct. 1780, several houses were burned on the opposite side of the creek by the forces under Sir John Johnson, but the fort was not molested. Before the close of the war several newly arrived German emigrants settled in town, and they were followed soon after by Scotch and Irish families.8 The first preacher after the war was Rev. Thos. Romeyn, (Ref. Prot. D.,) in 1784. The census reports 5 churches in town.9
G-UEHT10—was formed from Charleston, April 10,1823. It lies in the s.w. angle formed by the junction of Schoharie Creek and the Mohawk. Its surface consists principally of uplands about 600 feet high, descending by abrupt declivities to the narrow intervales along the streams. The princi¬ pal streams are Auries11 Creek, a tributary of the Mohawk, and Irish Creek, a branch of the Scho¬ harie.12 The soil is generally a clayey loam. One mi. e. of Voorheesville is a chalybeate spring.13 Fultonville14 (p.v.) is situated on the Mohawk and the Erie Canal. Pop. 850. Voorhees¬ ville, (Glen p.v.,) near the center of the town, contains 40 houses, and Aurlesvllle, (p.v.,) a canal village near the mouth of Auries Creek, 170 inhabitants. The land bordering upon the river was granted in 10 patents to different persons in 1722 to 1726, and the greater part of the remainder to James De Lancey in 1737. Peter Quackenboss settled on Scott’s Patent, near Auries Creek.
r Buckwheat flour' for the New Tork market is extensively manufactured at this place.
2 Roht. Winchell, Nathan Tracy, Aden Brownley, and Joseph Burnhap settled near Kimhalls Corners, Abia Beaman near Charleston P. O., Henry Mapes, Abner Throop, and David and Nathan Kimball at Charleston. Thomas Machin, Capt. John Stanton, John Eddy, and Ezekiel Tracy were also early settlers.
3 Bap., M. E., Ref. Prot. D., Christian, and Union.
4 Said to signify “ Willow.â€
3 The Indian name for this place was I-can-de-ro-ga, or Te-on- da-lo-ga, “ two streams coming together.†The first Indian.castle, which stood near this place, was called “ Os-sev-ne-non,†or “ On- e-on-gon-re.â€â€”IV. T. Colonial Hist.
6 The contracts to build this fort, and one at Oswego, were taken Oct. 11,1711, by Garret Symouce, Barent and Hendrick Vroman, John Wemp, and Arent Yan Patten, of Schenectady. The walls of the first were 150 feet square and 12 feet high, and were formed of logs pinned together. It was afterward enlarged and strengthened. |
1 This chapel was for a long time under the charge of the “ So¬ ciety for Propagating the Gospel in Foreign Parts,†and a mis¬ sionary and Indian school were supported here. The chapel was demolished in 1820 to make room for the canal. The parsonage, still standing, is probably the oldest building w. of Schenec¬ tady. It was sold a few years since for $1500, and the proceeds were divided between the Prot. E. churches at Port Jackson and Johnstown.
8 Wm. Bent kept the first store at Port Jackson. The first bridge of any importance over Schoharie Creek was built in 1796, by Slaj. Isaiah De Puy. The route 8. of the Mohawk was the one principally traveled for a great number of years. An Indian school was taught at Eort Hunter in 1769. ^
» 2 Ref. Prot. D., M. E., Asso. Presb., and R. C.
10 Named from Jacob S. Glen, a prominent citizen of the town,
11 Auries Creek is the Dutch for “Adrians Creek.â€It was named from an Indian in the vicinity. The Indian name was Ogh-rack-ie.
12 Upon Schoharie Creek, about 2 mi. ahove its mouth, is a high bank formed hy a landslide, and called by the Indians Co-daugli- ri-ty, signifying “ steep bank,†or “ perpendicular wall.â€â€”Simms’s Hist. Schoharie.
18 In early days fruitless attempts were here made to obtain iron.
14 Named in honor of Robert Fulton. The village site was known as “ Van Eps Swamp’ during the Revolution.—Simms’s Hist. Schoharie. |
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