1 The Central Parle, for the purpose of construction, is in charge of a special Board of Commissioners, consisting of 10 members, who serve without pay, and report annually to the Common Council. The history of this park is briefly as fol¬ lows :—
On the 5th of April, 1851, Mayor Kingsland, in a special mes¬ sage to the Common Council, called attention to the importance of a public park sufficiently ample to meet the growing wants of the city population. The message was referred to a select committee, who reported in favor of purchasing the tract of 150 acres between 66th and 75th Sts. and 3d Avenue and the East River, known as Jones’s Wood. An act was passed July 11,1851, allowing this to be taken; but, from some errors in the act, tho Supreme Court refused to appoint Commissioners, and the law was repealed April 11,1854. On the 5th of August, 1851, a com¬ mittee was appointed to examine whether another more suitable site for a park could not he found; and the result of the inquiry was the selection of the site now known as the “Central Park,” between 5th and Sth Avenues, originally extending from 49th to 106th Sts., and in 1859 extended to 110th St. The act for creating this park passed July 23,1853, and an act for its regu¬ lation and government April 17, 1857. The grounds are 2J miles long by i mile wide, embracing 840 acres, of which 136 are occupied by Croton reservoirs. It will he crossed by 4 thoroughfares, sunk below the -general surface and passing under the carriage ways and other avenues of the park, so as not to obstruct the movement of visitors. Access to the grounds cannot be had from these transverse roads. This park is now under construction, and will embrace a parade ground 50 acres in extent, for the maneuver of large bodies of infantry, cavalry, and artillery; a botanical garden, cricket grounds, playgrounds, ponds for skating in winter, and every variety of scenery which a surface naturally rugged and broken can be made to present. The plan embraces carriage drives and bridle paths, winding ways for pedestrians, and broad, noble avenues for promenade; fountains, lawns, terraces, and every variety of woodland scenery. Ground is reserved for a public hall intended for con¬ certs ; for a large conservatory, and exotic terraces; for a geo¬ metrical flower garden, with wall fountains; for an architectural terrace, with a large jet and tazza fountain; for public houses of refreshment; for residences of the Superintendent and head gardener; for a police station, a zoological garden, and for an astronomical observatory, chartered in 1859. The grounds now include the building erected and still used for a State Arsenal, but sold to the corporation, and the Mount St. Vincent Academy of the Sisters of Charity. There will be over 25 miles of walks, 5 miles of bridle paths, and 8 miles of carriage road. The main entrance will be at the corner of 5th Avenue and 59th St.; but other entrances will be provided at convenient points on 7th Avenue on both ends, and along 5th and 8th Avenues.
The Battery comprises a tract of about 20 acres at the s. point of the island, planted with trees and fronting upon the harbor. It was formerly a place of fashionable resort; but, in the exten¬ sion of commerce, it has lost most of its prestige. It is still at¬ tractive on account of its cool breezes and refreshing shade. The point, formerly called “ Schreyers Hook,” showed a number of rocks above water, upon which a platform was built in 1693 for a battery. This shallow spot wa3 afterward filled in; and in 1853-56 it was further extended so as to embrace its present limits. It is valued at $3,000,000.
The Bowling Creen is a triangular park between Broadway and Whitehall St. and Battery Place. It is supplied with a fountain, but is not open to the public. This Park or Green formerly fronted the fort upon the Battery. Prior to the Revo¬ lution, a leaden equestrian statue of Geo. III. was placed in it, which at the commencement of the war was thrown down and melted into bullets. The Green is valued at $135,000.
The Park is a triangular space of 10^ acres between Broad¬ way, Chatham, and Chamber Sts., near the present center of com mercial business in the city. The City Hall, Hall of Records, Rotunda, and New City Hall, used for courts and public offices, are located upon it. It has a large fountain, which is seldom used. This tract, formerly called “ The Fields,” or “ The Com¬ mon,” from the beginning has been owned by the city and used for public purposes. While distant from the settled portion, it was used as a place of execution; and the victims of the negro plot proscription were here burned. In the early part of the Revo¬ lution the Sons of Liberty here rallied to assert their rights; and at a later period it became the scene of cruelty as the prison aud execution ground of American patriots. The s. gateway was formerly of marble, beautifully finished, and surmounted by two marble halls, gifts from the Turkish Government to Com¬ modore Perry, and by him presented to the city. They had been made for cannon .halls. The foundation of this gateway was laid with great pomp, the Mayor presiding and depositing in it various coins, papers, and memorials. The Park is now partly surrounded by an iron fence, and its sides are open for some distance to allow the easy passage of pedestrians. Its central location renders it a favorite place for popular gather¬ ings, and, from the throng constantly passing, an audience can be swelled to thousands in a brief space of time. This Park is valued at $3,000,000. |
Washington Square, containing 9f acres, formerly the “ Pot¬ ter’s Field,” lies between Waverly Place, McDougal, Fourth, and Wooster Sts. It is handsomely laid out, and is surrounded with residences of a superior class. It has a fountain, and i£ a favor¬ ite resort for promenade. It is estimated that 100,000 persona were buried here before the ground was taken for a park. It is valued at $816,000.
Union Park is an oval area, with a fine fountain, on Broad¬ way, hounded by University Place, 4th Avenue, 14th and 17th Sts. It is much frequented in summer by nurses and children. It is valued at $504,000. Adjoining the park, hut not within its paling, is the equestrian statue of Washington, in bronze, by H. K. Browne, erected in 1856 at a cost of over $30,000. It is 14 feet high, and stands on a granite pedestal of about the same height.
Tompkins Square, formerly a parade ground, is bounded by Avenues A and B and by 6th and 10th Sts. It is still new; hut it is well laid out and will become an ornament to the eastern side of the city. A fountain is under construction, and other improvements are in progress.
Madison Square, comprising 10 acres, between 5th and Madi¬ son Avenues and 23d and 26th Sts., is beautifully laid out and planted with trees. The adjoining streets are built up with first' class dwellings, and it is one of the most fashionable places of promenade in the city. It is valued at $520,000. Adjoining this square on the west is a monument to the memory of General Worth.
Stuyvesant Square lies between 15th and 17th Sts. and 1st and 3d Avenues, the 2d Avenue passing through it. It has a fountain on each side of 2d Avenue, and is tastefully laid out and planted-with trees and shrubs. It was presented to the corporation by the late Peter G. Stuyvesant, and is valued at $196,000.
Reservoir Square, adjoining the distributing reservoir, be¬ tween 40th and 42d Sts., on 6th Avenue, from 1851 to 1858 was occupied by the Crystal Palace. It is valued at $150,000, and is at present unimproved as a park.
Manhattan Square, between 8th and 9th Avenues and 77th. and 81st Sts., is a rough, unimproved piece of land, valued at $88,000.
Hamilton Square, at York ville, between 3d and 5th Avenues and 68th and 69th Sts.,.has a rollyig surface, mostly above tha level of adjoining streets, and is uninclosed and unimproved. The corner stone of a monument to Washington was laid with pompous ceremonies cin this park Oct. 4,1847; hut the patriot¬ ism that instigated the enterprise was expended in the effort, and the work was abandoned without further action. The park is valued at $97,000.
Mount Morris Square, between 120th and 124th Sts., on both sides of 5th Avenue, not yet laid out, is valued at $40,000.
A square of 17 acres was reserved for a park at Blooming- dale, between 8th and 9th Avenues and 53d and 57th Sts.; but the location of the Central Park has led to its abandonment. In various parts of the city are several small triangular plata at the intersection of streets, valued at $10,000 to $15,000 each. The city also contains several parks not belonging to the city, which .are laid out with great care and are truly ornamental.
St. John’s Park, or Hudson Square, fronting St. John’s Church and hounded by Hudson, Varick, Beach, and Laigtit Sts., be¬ longs to Trinity Church, and is valued at $400,000. It is kept for the exclusive use of the inhabitants living near it, who pur¬ chase keys of the keeper at $10 per annum. It contains a beautiful fountain.
Grammercy Park, between 20th and 21st Sts. and 3d and 4th Avenues, is owned by those living around it, having been ceded to them by Samuel B. Buggies. It is inclosed with an iron railing and a thick hedge of sweet prim, and is planted with ornamental trees and shrubs. It has a fountain in the center.
2 This department has a Board of Fire- Wardens, consisting of 14 members, a Chief Engineer and 13 assistants, and 3,700 men, of whom 1,922 are members of engine companies, 1,262 of hose companies, and 502 of hook and ladder companies. This body of men constitutes a distinct and powerful combina¬ tion, whose services, although gratuitous, are prompt and in every respect praiseworthy, and whose interests the city author¬ ities find it their policy to protect. The city is divided into 8 fire districts, furnished with 11 district fire alarm bells, all connected by telegraphic signals. There are 47 engine compa¬ nies, 57 hose companies, 15 hook and ladder companies, and 4 hydrant companies. The first class engines have companies of |