Gazetteer of New York, 1860 & 1861 page 433
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The city of New York has a large number of charitable corporations chiefly dependent upon
private subscriptions for support; and their management is highly creditable to those who have
bestowed their time and money for the relief of the suffering and friendless. Several of these
have received aid from the State and the city in their organization and support.1

school with 6 pupils was opened May 19, 1832, at 47 Mercer St.,
under Dr. Russ. By the aid of fairs and donations from indi¬
viduals and the city, a piece of ground and buildings on 8th
Avenue were obtained of James Boorman at a nominal rent,
with a covenant to sell. An instructor in the mechanic arts
was procured, and Dec. 2, 1833, the first public exhibition was
held at the City Hall. The success in teaching from raised
letters and characters, the proficiency of the 16 pupils in reading,
geography, arithmetic, and especially in music, and the skill of
their workmanship in mats, mattresses, and baskets, excited
great interest. The present site, between 8th and 9th Avenues
and 33d and 34th Sts., was purchased of Mr. Boorman at a re¬
duction of more than $10,000 below what it could have been
sold for; and on the 30th of April, 1836, $12,000 was given by the
State, conditioned to tho raising of $8,000 more hy the managers.
In 1839 $15,000 was given to erect buildings. Annual reports
are made to the State Legislature. State pupils have been
received since. 1834; and for many years the institution has
received pupils from New Jersey. The site, originally beyond
the improved portion of the city, is now in the midst of a densely
settled quarter, and the square which it occupies is valued at
$400,000. The managers are endeavoring to obtain leave to sell
and erect new buildings on the upper part of the island. The
proceeds of the sale would, it is believed, procure new and
superior premises without other aid. • The institution now has
200 pupils, and employs 11 blind instructors and assistants. The
manual trades taught are broom, mat, bandbox, and mattress
making and needle work. Musical instruction is received with
great facility by the blind; and with those that evince decided
talent it often becomes a means of support. Those of proper age
are instructed in the common and higher branches of English
education; and the number of hooks with raised characters now
prepared for tbe blind is quite extensive, including the entire
Bible, and volumes upon almost every branch of useful learning.

The New York Juvenile Asylum is intended to secure the
maintenance and promote the welfare of children under 14 years
of age who may be in destitute circumstances. This asylum
was incorp. June 30,1851. Its office is located at 23 W. 13th St.,
and its temporary asylum is at the foot of E. 50th St. A per¬
manent asylum, erected on 175th St., near High Bridge, was
opeued April 2, 1856. This society takes children between 7
and 14 intrusted to it by parents, guardians, or other com¬
petent authority, and affords them the means of a moral and
industrial education. A fund originally of $50,000, and after¬
ward of $20,000 in addition, was raised by subscription; and to
this $40,000 was added by the city. The total number sent
to the house of reception up to Jan. 1859, was 4,893. Several
companies of children are sent annually to the Western States,
to be indentured to farmers and others, under the direction of
a judicious person. Children are also hound out in the city
and vicinity as occasion offers. An act of March 25,1856, di¬
rected a sum not exceeding $75 per annum to be levied hy tax
and paid to this asylum for each child committed hy the city
and supported by the society, and gave $20,000 toward the
erection of a new house of reception on 13th St. The edifice is
now nearly completed.

The Society for the Prevention of Pauperism, formed Dec. 16,
1817, after promoting the establishment of the first Savings Bank
and other institutions of public utility, resolved itself into

The Society for the Reformation of Juvenile Delinquents, Dec.
19, 1823, and measures were taken to carry the purpose implied
by the name into effect. An act of incorporation -was obtained
March 29, 1824; and, having in that year raised $17,000 and
obtained possession of the TJ. S. Arsenal near Madison Square,
the establishment was opened Jan 1,1825, with 9 inmates. This
place was burned in 1839, and the location changed to a building
on the East River at the foot of 23d St., erected for a fever hos¬
pital. In 1851 the society exchanged a parcel of land it pos¬
sessed on Wards Island for about 36 acres on the s. end of Ran¬
dalls Island, where the corner stone of a new building was laid
Nov. 24,1852, hy the Mayor. The buildings were opened Nov.
24,1854. The male department will consist of a central build¬
ing and 4 'wings, of which 2 are parallel to the front of the
center building, and form together with it a front of 590 ft. upon
the river. The other two wings are to radiate from the center
of the rear at angles of 60°; they have not yet been erected.
The arrangement admits of the necessary classification and
embraces every modern improvement. A workshop 3 stories
high and 30 by 100 ft. is erected in the rear of each of the front
wings. The female department, when completed, will be on a
plan similar to the other, of 250 ft. front, and otherwise propor¬
tionally smaller. With the refuse stone obtained in excavation
and grading, a sea wall was built out to low water mark ; and
some seven acres were thus added to the grounds. The entire
cost, including the fitting up, to Nov. 1854, was $310,441.15, of
which $14,199.39 had been for the Eemale Department. The
whole number of inmates from its first opening to 1859 was
7,650; and at the beginning of that year it contained 463 boys
and 77 girls. A female department is now in course of building,
and when complete will afford to the whole a capacity for 1,000
inmates. Juvenile offenders from the several counties have been
as follows:—



S 1853.










J 1858.

N. Y. Police.............









“ Sessions..........









Gov. of Almshouse...









Rensselaer Co..........









Kings Co.................









Albany Co...............









Other Cos................









Of the cos. not enumerated, Westchester has sent 15, Ulster
11, Queens 10, Dutchess 9, Orange and Columbia each 8, Suffolk
7, Greene 6, Schoharie, Saratoga, and Oneida each 4, Monroe and
Sullivan each 3, Onondaga, Butnam, and Rockland each 2, and
Erie and Richmond each 1. Of 2,641 received in 8 years, 2,039
were white hoys, 439 white girls, 138 black boys, and 25 black
girls; as to nativity, 1,548 were Irish, 445 American, 218 Ger¬
man, 150 English, 53 Scotch, 30 Drench, 10 Italian, 4 Swedes,and
1 each Spanish, Polish, Russian, Prussian, Dane, Dutch, Welsh,
and Belgian.

The Prison Association of New York, incorp. in 1846, for the
relief and encouragement of discharged convicts, is elsewhere
more fully noticed. It' has a female department, organized in
1844, to provide employment for discharged female prisoners.

1 The Orphan Asylum Society of New York was incorp. April
7, 1807. It was located on the hanks of the Hudson, near 80th
St., in 1840. It has 9 acres of grounds and a building 120 by 60
ft., pleasantly situated. Alpout 200 orphans are supported in
the institution.

The Society far the Relief of Half-Orphans and Destitute Chil¬
was established Dec. 16, 1835, and incorp. April 18, 1837.
It is located at No. 7 10th St., and is usually known as the
“Protestant Half-Orphan Asylum.” It has received donations
of $20,000 from John Hosburgh and of $5,000 each from James
Boorman, John Jacob Astor, Peter G. Stuyvesant, and th©
daughters of John Mason. The whole number of inmates re¬
ceived up to 1859 was 1,884, and the number then remaining was
136 hoys and 101 girls.—
Common Council Manual, 1859, p. 580.

The Reman Catholic Orphan Asylum, on Prince St., was
incorp. April 29, 1836. It is under the charge of Sisters of
Charity, and has 300 inmates,—all females.

St. Patrick’s Orphan Asylum has a male aid female depart¬
ment. The male department, on 51st St., has 400 inmates, and
the female department, on Prince St., corner of Mott St., 300.
They are both under the same trustees, and are managed by
Sisters of Charity.

The Orphans’ Home of the Protestant Episcopal Church, at 74
Hammond St., was incorp. April 16,1838.

Leake and Watts Orphan HousS is located at Manhattanville,
between 9th and 10th Avenues and 111th and 112th Sts. This
noble charity was founded hy the bequest of J. A. Leake, and
enhanced by the liberality of Mr. Watts, who waived a claim he
had upon the legacy. It is incorp. under the general law.

St. Luke’s Home for Indigent Christian Females is at 453
Hudson St.

House and School of Industry, at 100 W. 16th St., is for tha
gratuitous instruction of poor females in needle work.

Association for the Relief of RespectoMe Aged arid Indigent
is located at 20th St., between 2d and 3d Avenues.

Nursery for the Children of Poor Women, at 223 6th Avenue,
is under lady managers.

Magdalen Female Benevolent Asylum, between 88th and 89th
Sts. and 4th and 5th Avenues, is under the care of lady mana¬
gers, has 40 inmates, and is designed to encoui'age reform in
abandoned females.

American Female Guardian Society and Heme for the Friend¬
on E. 30th St., between 4th and Madison Avenues, was
formed in 1834. It received hy donations in 1857 and ’58
$49,719.79. The home school had 108 girls and 112 boys, indus¬
trial school No. 1 340 girls, and No. 2 165 girls. It is managed
and chiefly supported by ladie3.

St. Catharine’s Convent and House of Protection, on Houston
St., corner of Murray St., is under the charge of Sisters of

New York Ladies’ Home Missionary Society of the Methodist
Episcopal Church,
on the site of the “ Old Brewery,” 61 Park St.,
was incorp. March 20, 1856.

St. Joseph’s Asylum was incorp. April 15, 1859. It is designed
to support and educate in some useful employment poor orphan,
half-orphan, homeless, and neglected children, especially of
German origin. It has 16 managers.

Five Points House of Industry is located on North St., Noa,
155, 157,159.



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