1703.1 The old courthouse, built about 1739 for that part of Orange co. s. of the mountains, was at Tappantown, opposite the old Ref. Prot. D. church, and was burned before the Revolution. The first settlers were Dutch, who located in the s. e. part of the co. from 1690 to 1710.2
C E A SI RSTG WX—was formed from Haverstraw, March 18,1791. It lies upon the Hudson, and is the central town upon the e. border of the co. Yerdrieteges Hook, a rocky ridge 500 to 800 feet above tide, extends along the n. line, and the Nyack Range occupies a considerable portion to the s. e. corner. The remaining parts of the town, comprising four-fifths of its surface, are rolling or moderately hilly. Hackensack River flows s. through near the center, and a narrow swamp extends along the greater part of its course. Rockland Lake, about 1 mi. from the Hudson, is a fine sheet of pure water, 3 mi. in circumference and 160 feet above the river. The soil is a reddish, sandy loam underlaid by clay. Considerable attention is given to fruit growing. Rockland ILalie,3 (p.v.,) in the e. part of the town, and extending from the lake to the river, contains a church, a foundery and machine shop, and a ship yard. Pop. 430. An extensive business is carried on at this place in preserving and exporting ice.4 Mew City, (Clarkstown p.o.,) the co. seat, a little n.w. of the center, contains the co. buildings, a church, and 28 dwellings. IVannet, (p.v.,) formerly “Clarkstown Station†a station upon the Piermont Branch of the Erie R. R., in the s. w. part, contains 1 church and 20 dwellings. Clarksville, (Nyack Turnpike p.o.,) in the s. part, contains a church and 18 dwellings. Dutch Factory, a hamlet in thew. part, contains a cotton factory and 2 woolen yarn factories. The first settlements were made by the Dutch, at an early period. The first church (Ref. Prot. D.) was formed near Clarksville.5
HAVERSTRAW6—was formed March 7, 1788.7 Clarkstown and Ramapo were taken off in 1791. It lies upon the Hudson, in the n. angle of the co." Nearly the entire surface is hilly and mountainous. The Ramapo or Blue Mts., extending through the n. w. part, are divided into numerous precipitous and rocky peaks, and spurs from the principal range extend to the banks of the Hudson.5 Verdrieteges Hook, a long, rocky ridge, forms a considerable portion of the N. border. The s. e. portion is moderately hilly. The valleys separating these mountains are mostly narrow, rocky ravines. Stony Point is a small rocky peninsula on the river, near the center of the E. border of the town.9 The principal streams are Minisceongo and Cedar Pond Creeks, flowing into the Hudson, and Stony Brook, a tributary of Ramapo River, a branch of the Passaic. The soil is a sandy loam underlaid by clay. Extensive beds of a fine quality of clay border upon the river above Warren, and from them are annually manufactured 150,000,000 of bricks, giving employment to over 1,000 men. Limestone crops out near Tompkins Cove, from which large quantities of lime are manufactured. A gas spring is found 2J mi. s. of Stony Point.10 Warren,11 (Haverstraw p. o.,) situated upon the Hudson, in the s. e. angle of the town, was incorp. in 1854.
the quantities of wild o.ats growing on the borders of the river when the town was first settled.
7 The date of formation as! a precinct was not ascertained. Their distance from Tappan occasioned an act, June 24,1719, allowing the inhabitants to elect a supervisor, a collector, 2 assessors, a constable, and 2 overseers of highways, on the 1st Tuesday of April annually.
8 The principal of these peaks are the Dunderbergh and West Mts., in the n.e.; Buchan,Barrack, Bulson, Pine, and Collaberg Hills, near the center; Rock House Hill, Blackmine Ridge, and Horsepond Mts., in thew.; and Haslia Hill and Cheese Coats Hill in the s.
9 During the Revolution, Stony Point and Verplancks Point, on the opposite side of the Hudson, were strongly fortified, the two fortresses commanding the channel and Kings Ferry, the prin¬ cipal route between New England and the South. On the 1st of June, 1779, Gen. Vaughn, at the head of a considerable British force, made an attack upon these places and captured both. The garrison at Fort La Fayette, on Verplancks Point, consisting of 70 men, were taken prisoners; and that at Stony Point, con¬ sisting of 40 men, evacuated the place on the approach of tho British. Gen. Clinton immediately ordered the works strength¬ ened, and prepared for permanent occupation. Stony Point was surrounded on 3 sides by water, and on the fourth by a marsh covered at high tide, and crossed by a narrow causeway. On the night of July 16, 1779, this place was stormed and taken by an American force under Gen. Wayne. The- loss of the Americans was 15 killed and 83 wounded, and of the British, 63 killed and 543 prisoners. This action was one of the most daring and bril. liant that occurred during the war. A light was erected on the site of the fort in 1826.
10 Geol. 1st Dist. p. 107.
11 Locally known as Haverstraw. The large rolling mill of the Sampson Iron Co., 1| mi. w. of this place, usually employing 100 to 150 hands, has suspended operations. |
This tract is described as follows:—“A certain tract of va¬ cant land within our county of Orange called' by the Indians Whorinims. Peruck, Gemakie, and Nanashunck, and is in several small pieces; and also another parcel of land, beginning at the south bounds of lands lately granted to Daniel Honan and Michael Hawdon, being a small creek that runs into Demaree’s Creek to the southward of Nanashunck, and runs from thence by Demaree’s said creek as it runs southerly to the lyne parting our said Province from the Jerseys; and soe by the said parting line westward to a small river called Saddle River, thence by the said river northward until an east line doe run to the southwest corner of the said Honans and Hawdons land, containing by estimation two thousand acres of improvable land, Ac. &c.â€
Another deed on record commences, “ To all X Tian People,†(Christian People,) Johannes Mynne, of Haverstraw, &c. Ac. to Albert Mynne, of Haverstraw, Ac. &c., and dated 1694.
Witness, Thomas Luirens, Prans Wessel, and Peter Jacobus Maurius.
Among these early settlers were Capt. Cornelius Cuyper, Capt. Cornelius Harring, Johannes Meyer, Gerhardus Clowes, Derrick Straat, Jacobus Swartwout, Jonathan Ross, Thomas Pulling, John Gaile, Cornelius Smith, Jacob King, William Kur- track, John Ellison, Rinear Kiserike, Col. Vincent Matthews, Hendrick Ten Eyck, Guylbert Crom, Minard Ilogon Kamp, Gerrit Sneideker, Daniel Denton, Petress Decker, Jonathan Sea¬ mens, Thos. Maybee, Daniel De Clark, William Wyant, Evert Hombeck, John Van Fliet, Johannes Blauvelt, Nicholas Concklin, Lambert Auriancey, Teunis Van Houten, and Teunis Talman.
The landing at this village is sometimes called Slaughters Landing.
200,000 tons of ice are annually exported. The business gives employment to 1000 men during the season of securing
® Signifying Oat Straw. The name is said to be derived from
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