HERMON1—was formed from Edwards and De Kalb, April 17, 1830, and named “Depau.†The name was changed Feb. 28, 1834, and a part was annexed to Edwards in 1850. It lies in the primitive region, s. w. of the center of the co. The surface is generally rolling, but broken and hilly in the s. part. Elm and Carter Creeks are the principal streams. Trout and Clear Lakes lie near the s. border, and Gardners Pond near the center of the town. The soil is generally a sandy loam interspersed with tracts of sand, and is best adapted to grazing. Hermon (p. v.) is situated on Elm Creek, in the n. e. corner of the town. Pop. 346. Marshville is a hamlet, lmi. s. of Hermon, The first settlement was made by Jas. Taylor, and a few others who came soon after him, previous to 1812.2 The town did not begin to be settled rapidly until 1822-25. Rev, Mr. Wright was the first preacher.2
IIOPM.IN'FON3—was formed from Massena, March 2, 1805. Russell was taken off in 1807, Parishville in 1818, and a part of Lawrence in 1828. It lies along the e. border of the co., and is the second largest town- in the State. Its surface is level in the n., but broken and hilly in the s. It is crossed by the St. Regis and Racket Rivers; and in the central and s. parts are several extensive lakes, the principal of which is Tuppers Lake, on the line of Franklin co. The whole town is a wilderness, except the extreme sr. part and a small tract upon Tuppers Lake. The soil is a fertile loam in the sr. part. Hopkinton (p.v.) contains about 20 houses. Ntcholville is a small village on the line of Lawrence and mostly in the latter town. Fort Jackson, in the n. part, on the St. Regis, is a hamlet of a dozen houses. The first settlement in town was made by Roswell Hopkins, in 1802.5 In 1814 a party of British, consisting of 30 men, under Maj. P. W. De Haven, visited this town and captured a large amount of flour belonging to the U. S., which was here stored in a barn.6 In the spring of 1858 a company consisting of 13 families located in the vicinity of Tuppers Lake, with the design of forming an agricultural settlement.7 The township of Mortlake, or No. 3 of Tract II, has been called “Atherton but it has yet no legal organization. There are 4 religious societies in town.4 .,
LAWREMCE9—was formed from Hopkinton and Brasher, April 21, 1828. It lies on the e. border of the co., n.‘ of the center. The surface is very level, and the soil is a fertile, sandy loam underlaid by Potsdam sandstone. It is drained by St. Regis and Deer Rivers. Lawrence- ville (p.v.) and North Lawrence (p. v.) are villages upon Deer River, each with a pop. of about 220. The latter is a station on the Northern R. R. NIC kol ville,10 (p. v.,) on the line of Hopkinton, contains about 200 inhabitants. The first settlement began in 1806.11 Since the completion of the r. r. this town has rapidly increased in population. The Quakers held the first meeting in 1808. There are 7 churches in town.12
ILISISON—was formed March 6,1801.13 Madrid and Oswegatchie were taken off in 1802, and Canton in 1805. It lies upon the St. Lawrence, n. w. of the center of the co. Its surface is level or gently undulating. It is drained by Great and Little Sucker Brooks, and several smaller streams. Its soil is a light but fertile loam underlaid by calciferous sandstone. The town includes Gallop14 Island in the river. Lisbon Center (p.o.) is a station on the Ogdensburgh R.R., and contains about a dozen houses. Flackville15 (p. o.) is a hamlet, on the Ogdensburgh & Canton Road. Red Mills16 (Lisbon p. o.) is a hamlet, on the river, opposite Gallop Island. This town was the first one organized in the co. The first settlement was made by Wm. O’Neal, in 1799. Alex. J. Turner came in as agent in Feb. 1800.17 He was from Salem, N. Y., and induced many families
born, of Nashua, N. H., Elbridge G. Read and Wm. D. Beason, of Chelsea, Mass., and Moses A. Herrick, of Boston, for its lum¬ ber. The settlement was made under the auspices of tliis Com¬ pany.
8 Cong., Bap., M. E., and F. W. Bap.
9 Named from Wm. Lawrence, of New York, proprietor. It embraces “ Chesterfield,†or No. 16 of Great Tract No. II, Ma¬ comb’s Purchase.
to Named from E. S. Nichols, an agent of the proprietors.
11 Mr. Brewer, a sub-agent, came in as early as 1801; J. and S. Tyler, A. Saunders, A. Chandler, J. Allen, and J. and J. Pierce came in 1807. Ephraim Martin built the first sawmill, in 1809; Miss S. Tyler taught the first school, in 1810.
42 2 Cong., 2 M. E., 2 Bap., and F. W. Bap.
13 It originally contained the whole territory of the “ Ten Towns.†It now includes No. 5 of the “ Ten Towns.â€
44 Pronounced “ Gal-loo†Island.
46 Named from John P. Flack, first p. m.
. 48 Named from the color of the mills erected by Daniel W. Church for the proprietor, Stephen Van Rensselaer, in 1804.
44 Apiong the first settlers were Peter Sharp, Peter Hinnon, John Tibbets, Reuben Turner, Wm. Shaw, Lemuel Hoskins, Wm. Lyttle, James Aikens, Benj. Stewart, Matthew Perkins, Wesson |
Named from Scripture. It embraces “ Fitz William,†or No. 4 of Great Tract No. Ill, Macomb’s Purchase, and parts of other townships.
There are 3 churches in town; M/E., Bap., and Christian.
Named from Roswell Hopkins, the first settler. It embraces the townships of “Oakham,†“Mortlake,†“ Jonestown,†“ Pierre- field,†“Hollywood,†“Kildare.†“Riversdak.fi and “Islington,†or Nos. 2, 3,5, 6, 8,9,12, and 15 of Great Tract No. II, Macomb’s Purchase.
sisting of Chas. G. Atherton, John H. Gage, and Dan’l H. Dear¬
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