Gazetteer of New York, 1860 & 1861 page 623
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The first settlement was made in 1793, by Frederick Bartles and John Hervey, from New Jersey.1
Rev. E. Sanford was the first preacher in town; and Rev. Mr. Lazelle, (Bap.,) who settled in town
in 1816, was the first settled minister. There are 2 churches in town; Bap. and M. E.

CAMERON2—was formed from Addison, April 16, 1822. Thurston was taken off in 1844,
and a part of Rathbone in 1856. It lies a little s. of the center of the co. Its surface is a bigh,
•rolling upland, broken by the deep valley of Canisteo River, which flows
s. e. through near the
center of the town. The soil is a clayey and gravelly loam. Cameron, (p. v.,) on the Canisteo,
is a station on the Erie R. R. and contains 2 churches, and 35 houses; West Cameron (p. v.)
contains 1 church and 15 houses. North Cameron is a p.o. The first settlement was made
in 1800, by Richard Hadley, Phones Green, Samuel Baker, and Ira Pratt.3 Rev. Ira Bronson
(M.E.) was the first settled preacher. The census reports 5 churches.2

CAMPBELL 3—was formed from Hornby, April 15, 1831. It is an interior town, lying s.e.
of the eenter of the' co. ‘Its surface consists of high, broken ridges, separated by the valleys of the
streams. The declivities of the hills are generally steep and their summits are 300 to 500 feet
above the valleys. The streams are Conhocton River, flowing s.
e. through the w. part of the town,
and its tributaries Wolf Run, McNutt Run, Meads and Dry Runs and Stephens and Michigan
Creeks. The valley of the river is about 1J mi. wide. The soil is a clayey and gravelly loam upon
tbe highlands and a rich alluvium in the valleys. Campbelltown, (p.v.,) on the Conhocton,
is a station on the B., N. Y. & E. R. R., and contains 1 church, 3 sawmills, a flouring mill, 2 tan¬
neries, and about 20 houses. Curtis is a station on the same r. r. Settlement was commenced
in 1800.4 The first church (Presb.) was organized in 1831; Rev. B. B. Smith was the first
settled pastor. There are 2 churches in town; Presb. and M. E.

CANISTEO—was formed in March, 1796. A part of Troupsburgh was taken off in 1808,
Hornellsville in 1820, and parts of Greenwood and Jasper in 1827. A part was annexed to Troups¬
burgh in 1818. It is an interior town, lying s.w. of the center of the co. The surface is mostly a
hilly upland, broken by the deep valleys of the streams. Canisteo River flows eastward through
the n. part of the town. Its valley is about J mi. wide and is bordered by steep hillsides 400 feet
high. From the s. the river receives Bennetts and Col. Bills Creeks, which also flow through deep
valleys bordered by steep hills. The soil is generally a clayey and gravelly loam. Canisteo,
(p.v.,) on Bennetts Creek, in the w. part of the town, is a station on the N. Y. & Erie R. R., and
contains 2 churches, a flouring mill, a tannery, and 60 houses; Crosby ville, (p.v.,) a station
on the Erie R. R., contains 1 church and 20 houses. Center Canisteo (p.o.) is a hamlet
of 10 houses. Bennetts Creels, is a p. o. in the s. w. part. The first settlement was made in
1789., by Uriah Stephens, Sen., from Conn.5 The first preacher—Rev. Geo. Spaulding—settled in
town in 1805. There are 3 churches in town.6

C ATON—was formed from “Painted Post,” (now Corning,) as “ WormlyMarch28,1839, and its
name was changed April 3,1840. It is the s. e. corner town of the co. Its surface is a rolling upland,
more nearly level than most towns in the co. A considerable portion is yet covered with forests.
The streams are small brooks, flowing northward. The soil is a clayey and shaly loam. Lumber is
extensively manufactured. Caton, (p.v.,) near the center of the town, contains 3 churches and
34 houses. A temporary settlement was made in town in 1814, by Joseph and Charles Wolcott; but
the first permanent settlement was made in 1819, by Isaac Rowley, from Bradford co., Penn.7 The
first church (Presb.) was organized in 1832; and tbe Rev. Benj. Harron was the first settled pastor.8

built the first sawmill, and Campbell & Knox the first grist¬
mill. Robert Campbell kept .the first inn, and Frederick Stew¬
art the first store.

7 Col. John Stevens, Benj. Crosby, Arthur Erwin, Solomon
Bennett, Joel Thomas, Uriah Stevens, jr., Jedediah Stephens,
Wm. Baker, James Hadley, Joshua Stephens, W. S. Thomas,
Isaac and Israel Jones, and Asa Downs were among the early
settlers. The first birth was that of Oliver Stephens; the first
marriage, that of Bichard Crosby and Hannah Baker; and the
first death, that of Henry Stephens. Solomon Bennett built the
first gristmill and kept the first store; and Jedediah Stephens
kept the first inn.

' 8 Presb., M. E., and F. W. Bap.

9 Stephen and Simeon Hurd settled in thedown in 1821; Solo¬
mon Tarbox in 1822; and E. P. Babcock, Edward Robbins, and
Henry Miner in 1823. The first birth was that of Shepard
Hurd; the first marriage, that of Oliver Woodworth and Eliza¬
beth Hurd; and the first death, that of a child of John Rowe.
Bennett Bruce built the first gristmill; Samuel Wormiy kept
the first inn, and W. D. Gilbert the first store; and Edward Rob¬
bins taught the first school.

10 The census reports 3 churches; Presb., Bap., and M. K


Among the first settlers were John Hemiup, Sami. S. Camp,
Abram Rosenburg, Henry Switzer, John Schrinner, Thomas
Rolls, Michael Scott, Daniel Bartholomew, Henry Axtelle, Eze¬
kiel Sackett, and - Smith.    The    first    birth    was    that    of    a

daughter of John Hervey, in 1799; and the first death, that of
Mrs. Thos. Rolls, in Aug. 1803. Frederick Bartles built the first
saw and grist mill, about 1795; and Frederick and Charles Bar¬
tles opened the first store, about 1800, and the first inn, in 1806.
The first school was taught by Smith, in 1810.


8 Joseph Butler, John Sauter, and John Hollet were early


settlers. The first gristmill Was built hy Sami. Baker; the first


inn was kept hy John Hollet, and the first store, by Andrew G.


Erwin.    4    3    M.    E.,    Presb.,    and    Christian.


Named from the Campbell family, who were early and pro¬
minent settlers.


8 The first settlers were Samuel Calkins, Elias Williams, Jo¬


seph Wolcott, Rev. Robert Campbell and his son Archibald.
The first birth was that of Bradford Campbell; the first mar¬
riage, that of Asa Milliken and Rachel Campbell; and the first
death, that of Frederick Stewart, in 1806. Campbell & Stephens


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