"broken, and much of it is yet a wilderness. The name of the town still suggests the leading pur¬ suit of the people. A large number of small lakes, with their outlets, form the principal waters. The principal of these lakes are Lebanon Pond in the n., Round, Sand, and Hogais Ponds in the w., and Long Pond in the center. Metauques Pond, in the e., lies about 2 mi. w. of the Mongaup, and 300 feet above it. On its outlet is a beautiful cascade. Mosag'aup and Pond Eddy are p. offices. There is but one church, (M. E.) The Delaware & Hudson Canal extends through the town along the course of the river. It is supposed that settlement was commenced before the Revolution; but the names of the first settlers are not preserved.1 In the survey of the Minisink Patent by Charles Webb in 1762, mention is made of “Reeve’s Sawmill.”2
MAMAK.ATI1TG,8 said to have been named in honor of an Indian chief, was erected into a precinct by the General Assembly, Dec. 17, 1743, and embraced all the present territory of Sulli¬ van co. and a portion of Orange. It continued as a precinct until organized as a town, March 7, 1788. It was reduced to its present limits by the erection of Deerpark (Orange co.) and Lumber¬ land in 1798, Thompson in 1803, and a part of Forestburgh in 1837. It lies upon the highlands between Neversink and Shawangunk Creeks. Two parallel ridges, separated by the valley of Bashers Kil, extend through the town in a n. e. and s. w. direction. The eastern of these ridges is known as Shawangunk Mt. The declivities of this mountain are gentle upon the e., but abrupt and broken on the w. It attains an elevation of 1100 feet above the summit level of the canal, and about 1700 feet above tide. In the n.w. part of the town is a mountain of nearly equal eleva¬ tion, known as Panther Hill. The principal streams are Shawangunk, Bashers, and Pine Kils, the last of which is the outlet of a small lake in the w. part of the town, known as Yankee Pond. The summit level of the Delaware & Hudson Canal, 17 mi. long and 525 feet above tide, is con¬ structed through the valley of Bashers Kil. Masten Pond, in the w. part, is used as a reservoir. About 2 mi. n. of Wurtzboro a vein of lead was discovered several years since, and was worked to a considerable extent. After an abandonment of several years, preparations are again being made to work it. The soil is a sand and gravel loam, in some places intermixed with clay, and best adapted to pasturage. The census of 1855 shows that this town is second only to Thompson in the amount of dairy products. Bloomimgburgli3 (p. v.) contains 365 inhabitants, and Wurtzboro4 (p.v.) 491, Summitville (Mamakating p.o.) 20 houses, and Plaillips- port (p.o.) 10; the three last named lie upon the canal. Burlingliam (p.v.) contains 130 inhabitants. West Brookville (p. o.) is a hamlet, and ISomowaek is a p. o. The early settlement of this town has already been noticed,5 but most of the details have been lost. On the approach of the Revolution, the Indians became hostile, and several blockhouses were erected on the frontiers of Ulster co,, one of which was at Wurtzboro. On account of the distressed con¬ dition of the people by reason of Indian hostilities, they were favored by the supervisors in the apportionment of taxes. Many persons in those days accounted wealthy were reduced to poverty, and but little that could be destroyed remained on the return of peace. Gonzales, the pioneer settler, is said to have built the first sawmill, at Wurtzboro. In 1792 this town contained 182 taxable persons, of whom 34 were in the present towns of Lumberland, Tusten, and Highland. In 1794, Capt. David Dojrance removed from Windham, Conn., and purchased 1000 acres imme¬ diately s.*of the site of Wurtzboro.6 John Dorrance, with Elijah Perry, also from Conn., erected the first bark mill in Sullivan co. Rev. Mr. Freleigh was the first pastor of the Ref. Prot. D. Church, built in 1793.8 v
]VEVER.SIMBl7—was formed from Rochester, (Ulster co.,) March 16,1798. Rockland and a part of Shandaken were taken off in 1809, and a part of Fallsburgh in 1826. The surface
mi. This road opened a communication from the Hollow to the Delaware River, a distance of about 33 mi. A portion of it is still in use, but the greater part was taken up by the Newburgh & Cochecton Turnpike. The village of Wurtzboro is built upon a tract of 1000 acres bought by Johannes Masten, who cleared the land and erected a sawmill. Westbrookville. (formerly “ BashshusviVe”) was settled about the same time, and the first house was built of stone and used as a fort to shelter the set¬ tlers. Mr. Eelton was a pioneer near Burlingham, and J. New¬ kirk at Bloomingburgh. The early town records have been lost. The first school was kept at Bloomingburgh in 1784, by Mr. Campbell. Wm. Harlow kept the first inn, 2 mi. N. of Blooming¬ burgh ; Wm. Wigfaton opened the first store, 1 mi. s. of the same place; and H. Newkirk built the first gristmill, on the Shawan- gunk, within this town.
8 The census reports 11 churches; 6 M. E., 2 Ref. Prot. D., 1 Bap., 1R. C., 1 Asso. Ref. Presb.
8 This name, first applied to the river, is said by some to be derived from the Indian “ Ne-wa-sink.” or Mad River, and hy
Among the early settlers since the Revolution were John Showers and Joshua Knight, at Mongaup, S. Gardner and El- nathan Corey, at Pond Eddy, P. Van Vauken, above Mongaup, and John Rinck and Wm. Ryarson, in other parts of the town.
The first school was kept in a barn by Mr. Earnham; the first inn was kept by E.- Corey, at Pond Eddy.
Mr. Webb lived at Otisville, (Orange co.,) and died at an ad¬ vanced age in 1814.
* This village was settled by J. Newkirk, about 1780, and was
incorp. April 26,1833. It contains 3 churches, 4 hotels, and 5 stores.
Named from Maurice Wurtz, grantee of a canal privilege in Penn., afterward merged in Del. and Hudson Canal Co.
6 See page 642.
A road was constructed at an early day, by Ananias Sacket,
6 of Lords Pond, and continuing to Nathan Kinne’s Elats, from which place Capt. Dorrance made a road to Cochecton for £5 per