tal, are for poor widows; Temperons hospital is for six poor persons; here also are several other charities, under the direction of trustees. The gram- mar school is of ancient date, but it does not appear when or by whom it was founded; this school has two fellowships, six scholarships, and three exhibitions to St. Johns College, Cam- bridge. Beverley is situated at the foot of the Wolds, about a mile from the river Hull; its origin is involved in great obscurity; it obtained its name, Beverlac, or the place of beavers, from the abundance of those animals in the neighbouring waters: the earliest fact to be relied on in its history, is the foundation of a church by St. John of Beverley, Archbishop of York, about the year 700, which he afterwards con- verted into a monastery. In the year 867, it was destroyed by Ubba, the Dane, and lay in ruins three years; no further mention of it appears till the time of Athelstan,. who, in the early part of the tenth century, granted many privileges to the town and mo- nastery ; also a sanctuary, the limits of which were marked by four crosses: a memorial of this place of refuge is yet preserved, by an ancient stone seat standing on the right side of the altar in the minster, bearing a Latin inscrip- tion, offering an asylum to any crimi- nal who should flee to its protection. In 1664, workmen opening a grave in the minster found, wrapped in a sheet of lead, some reliques, and a plate of lead bearing a Latin inscription, im- porting that the bones were those of the founder, St. John of Beverley, and that the ancient church was destroyed by fire in the year 1188, consequently the present structure was ereeted not earlier than the thirteenth century: its style indeed, decides it to be of the date of Henry III. This church is aptly termed, by Dr. Stukeley, an extraor- dinary beauty, nothing inferior to York minster, but something less. The lapse of fiv6 centuries had brought the building to such a ruinous state of de- cay, that in the beginning of the last century a thorough repair became ne- cessary ; the choir was then paved with marble of various colours; a new and very beautiful screen between the nave and choir, in the Gothic style, was erect- ed, and the large east window decorated with painted glass collected from the other windows, but very skilfully con- nected together; some other alterations introducing Corinthian and Doric pil- lars, however meritorious in them- selves, do not accord with the ancient English cathedral style of architecture. The most curious circumstance in these repairs was the replacing the north end wall of the great cross aisle, which then overhung its foundation forty-two inches; this was actually screwed up to its proper perpendicular by a machine, the contrivance of Mr. Thornton, a carpenter, of York: an engraving of this extraordinary under- taking, still bears witness to its great ingenuity. In the Minster are several monuments of the Percy family, who have added a little chapel to the choir. At the upper end of the body of the church, next the choir, hangs an an- cient tablet, with the portraits of St. John of Beverley and King Athelstan upon it, and between them this distich— |
Als free make I thee,
As hert may thynke or egh see. From this distich the burgesses lay claim to exemption from paying toll or 9«stom, in any port or town in Eng- land. The west end of the church is adorned with two lofty towers, and the whole building may vie with several of the minor English cathedrals in mag- nitude, and with most in beauty.
The edifice of St. Mary is an ancient and handsome parish church, but me- rits no particular notice. Beverley is well built, and is inhabited by many genteel families ; it is about a mile in length ; the entrance from Driffield is |