wapentake of Barkston Ash, 4 miles N. E. from Pontefract; inhabitants, 61. Byram Hall, is the seat of Sir John Ramsden, Bart.
Cadeby, W.R. (8) a township in the parish of Sprotborough, wapentake of Strafforth and Tickhill, 4ยง miles S. W. from Doncaster; inhabitants, 169.
Caldbergh, N.R. (1) a township in the parish of Coverham, wapentake of Hang West, 4 miles S. W. from Mid- dleham ; inhabitants, 103.
Caldcotes, W. R. (5) a hamlet in the township of Potter Newton, parish of Leeds, wapentake of Skyrack, 2 miles N.E. from Leeds.
Calder, W. R. (7,8) a river which rises in Lancashire, and enters the county of York at Todmorden; taking an easterly direction, it flows on accom- panied by the Rochdale canal to Halifax, and thence passes by Dewsbury toWake- field, whence taking a north-easterly course, it falls into the Aire at Castle- ford: the Calder navigation commences at this junction ; it proceeds in a west- ern course to Wakefield, thence to Hor- bury Bridge, Dewsbury, Cooper Bridge, Brighouse,. Elland, and Salterhebble near Halifax, where it joins the Roch- dale canal.
Caldwell, N. R. (1) a township in the parish of St. John Stanwick, wapen- take of Gilling West, 9 miles N. from Richmond ; inhabitants, 188. This vil- lage is disjoined from Stanwick, by the intervening parish of Gilling; it is sup- posed to have been a considerable place at the time of the Roman occupation of Britain.
Calton, W.R. (4) a township in the parish of Kirkby Malhapi Dale, wa- pentake of Staincliffe, 7 miles N. W. from Skipton; inhabitants, 76. This is a small village seated on a hill, on the east bank of the Aire; it is remarkable only as the birth-place of General Lambert, the friend of Oliver Cromwell: after an active participation in the troublous events of the age, at the restoration he was tried and condemned, but his pu- nishment was softened into perpetual exile, in which he died, at Guernsey, about thirty years after. |
Calvel Houses, W. R. (4) a ham- let in the township of Fountains Earth, parish of Kirkby Malzeard, wapentakeof Claro, 4 miles N. from Pateley Bridge.
Calverley, W. R. (5) a parish and township in the wapentake of Morley, 7 miles N. W. from Leeds; inhabitants, 2605 ; a vicarage, value 9l. ID. 10c/.; patron, the King. Calverley Hall was the residence of a very ancient family of that name, and is rendered memo- rable by a deplorable catastrophe which occurred in 1604, and which gave rise to ce the Yorkshire tragedy, wrongly attributed to the pen of Shakspeare. In Dr. Whitakers Loidis and Elmete, is a long prose narrative of the event by a contemporary, told in a style so ridiculous as to render a scene of the utmost horror almost ludicrous. The outline of this appalling story is, that Walter Calverley having wasted his estate by dissipation, forsook the object of his early affections, and married a lady of superior wealth and alliances, by whom he had three sons; but con- tinuing his ruinous courses, his affairs became irretrievably embarrassed, and he embraced the desperate resolution of murdering his children, from the contradictory motives of an apprehen- sion, that they would be reduced to beggary, and from an unfounded jea- lousy that they were not his own : the immediate crisis of the fate of this un- fortunate family was produced by a messenger bringing intelligence to Wal- ter Calverley, that his younger brother was committed to prison in consequence of failing to discharge a bond for a thousand pounds, in which he had been induced to j oin from motives of frater- nal affection: under the excitement occasioned by this information, the |