But the junction of the waters, however, is not exactly in this parish. Castle- ford was a Roman station, called by Antoninus, Legeolium ; and here many coins and other antiquities have occa- sionally been dug up. A peculiar re- gulation of the payment of tythes was settled by act of parliament; the rector receives 28 quarts of wheat for eveiy pound sterling paid by the tenant to his landlord on arable land, and 20 quarts for every two pounds rent on grass land. This parish contains the town- ship of Houghton. Entire popula- tion, 1434.
Castle Hill, E. R. (6) a hamlet in the township and parish of Sutton, wapentake of Holderness, 4 miles N.E. from Hull. Tradition reports the exist- ence of a castle in this place, but not a vestige of it remains.
Castle Holmes, E.R. (6) a ham- let in the township and parish of Low- thorpe, wapentake of Dickering, 5 miles N. E. from Driffield.
Castle Houses, W. R. (7) a ham- let in the township and parish of Al- mondbury, wapentake of Agbrigg, 2§ miles S. from Huddersfield.
Castle Howard, N. R. (5). See Hinderskelfe.
Castle Shaw, W.R. (7) a hamlet in the township of Quick, but in the parish of Rochdale, Lancashire, wa- pentake of Agbrigg, 2§ miles N. from Dobcross.
Castleton, N. R. (2) a hamlet in the township and parish of Danby, wa- pentake of Langbarugh, 9 miles S. E. from Guisborough. This place is situ- ated on a small eminence, surrounded by the Cleveland Moors. Some small vestiges of an ancient castle yet remain, but its origin and date have not been ascertained.
Casi ley, W. R. (5) a township in the parish of Leatliley, wapentake of Claro, 5 miles E. from Otley. Inhabi- tants, 110. |
Catcliffe, W. R. (8) a township in the parish of Rotherham, wapentake of Strafforth and Tickhill, 3 miles S. from Rotherham ; inhabitants, 202.
Catfoss, E. R. (6) a township in the parish of Sigglethorne, wapentake of Holderness, 9£ miles N. E. from Beverley; inhabitants, 49. This is a small and pleasant village, seated on an eminence.
Catherine Slack, W. R. (7) a ham- let iu the township of North Owram, parish of Halifax, wapentake of Ag- brigg, 3£ miles N. from Halifax. Here is Catherine House, the seat of Michael Stocks, Esq.
Cat Hill, W. R. (8) a hamlet in the township of Hoyland Swaine, parish of Silkstone, wapentake of Staincross, 2 miles N. frdm Penistone.
Cattel, W. R. (5) a township in the parish of Hunsingore* wapentake of Claro, 7 miles S. E. from Knares- borough; inhabitants, 207.
Catterick, N. R. (2) a parish and township in the wapentake of Hang East, 5 miles S. E. from Richmond; inhabitants, 561; a vicarage, value 25/. 2s. ■!</.; patron, the King. This is a place of great antiquity; a Roman station, called Cataracton, has left its name to the present village, but the site of the Roman town was, probably, somewhat nearer the river Swale: it was totally destroyed by the Danes, about the year 766. Catterick has a grammar school, founded by Mr. Sid- dal, vicar of the place, in 1645. Here also is an hospital for six poor wi- dows. The church is supposed, by Dr. Whitaker, to be the mother church of South Richmondshire, as Gilling is of the northern part: the present spacious structure was built in the reign of Henry V.; and the very curious original con- tract, in English, for building the church, regularly executed upon parch- ment, between Dame Katherine Burgh and her son William, on the one part, donors; and on the other, Richard of Cracall, mason, is nowin the possession |