Cowgill, W.R. (4) a small hamlet in the township and parish of Gisburn, wapentake of Staincliffe, 3 miles S. W. from Gisburn.
Cowick, W.R. (8) a township in the parish of Snaith, wapentake of Osgoldcross, 1§ mile S. from Snaith; inhabitants, 905 ; Cowick with Snaith, has a peculiar jurisdiction over several neighbouring villages. Cowick Hall is the mansion of Lord Viscount Downe, situated in a flat but fertile country.
Cowlam, or Coldham, E. R. (6) a parish and township in the wapentake of Buckrose, 6 miles N. W. from Drif- field ; inhabitants, 33 ; a rectory, va- lue 11/. 11s. 3</.; patron, B. Foord Bowes, Esq.
Cowling, N.R. (2) a hamlet in the township of Burrell, parish of Bedale, wapentake of Hang East, 2 miles W. from Bedale.
Cowling, W. R. (4) a township in the parish of Kildwick, wapentake of Staincliffe, 6 miles S. from Skipton; inhabitants, 1870. The considerable population of this township is chiefly occupied in the cotton manufacture. Car Head, near the village, is the seat of R. B. Wainman, Esq.
Cowmes, W. R. (7) a small hamlet and mill in the township of Lepton, pa- rish of Kirkheaton, wapentake of Ag- brigg, 2 miles S.E. from Huddersfield.
Cow Royd, or Royds Hill, W.R. (8) a small hamlet in the township of Dalton, parish of Kirkheaton, wapen- take of Agbrigg, 2 miles N. E. from Huddersfield.
Cowsby, N.R. (2) a parish and township in the wapentake of Bird- forth, 5§ miles N. E. from Northaller- ton; inhabitants, 91; a rectory, value 5/. 115. Off/.; patron, Thomas Alston, Esq. Here is a hospital for decayed tenants, supposed to have been founded by Lord Crew. |
Cowthorpe, W. R. (5) a parish and township in the wapentake of Claro, 4 miles N. from Wetherby; inhabi- tants, 120; a rectory, value 4/. 15s. lGf/.; patron, the Hon. Edward Petre. This village is remarkable on account of an enormous tree, called the Cow- thorpe Oak, the circumference of which, near the ground, is 60 feet; the trunk, however, and the principal branches of this venerable father of the forest, are completely decayed, and tradition re- presents their having been so for many generations.
Cowton, East, or Long, N. R. (2) a parish and township in the wa- pentake of Giiling East, 9 miles N. W. from Northallerton ; inhabitants, 358; a vicarage, value 4/. 6s. 10§d.; patron, the Trustees of St. Johns Hospital, Kirkby Ravensworth.
Cowton, North, N. R. (2) a township in the parish of Gilling, wa- pentake of Gilling East, 8 miles N. W. from Northallerton; inhabitants, 270.
Cowton, South, N. R. (2) a township in the parish of Gilling, wa- pentake of Gilling East, 8 miles N. W. from Northallerton ; inhabitants, 148 ; a chapelry to Gilling. Here is Pepper Hall, the spacious and elegant mansion of John Arden, Esq. North and South Cowton are separated from Gilling by the intervening extensive parish of Cat- terick.
Coxwold, N. R. (5) a parish and township in the wapentake of Birdforth, 5 miles N. from Easingwold; inhabi- tants, 348; a perpetual curacy; patron, T. E. W. Belasyse, Esq. The church is an ancient building, with an octagonal tower; it contains many handsome monuments of the Belasyse family, Earls of Fauconberg. Here is a free school, founded by Sir John Harte, Alderman of London, in 1603 ; and also a neat hospital, founded in 1696, by Thomas. Earl of Fauconberg, for ten poor men; there is also an hospital for eight poor women. In 1760 Lau- rence Sterne was presented to the cu- racy of this place, and wrote here Tris- tram Shandy. Coxwold contains the |