and township in the wapentake of Straf- forth and Tickhill, 8 miles S.W. from Tickhill; inhabitants, 189; a rectory, value 4/.; patron, the King. Din- nington Hall is the seat of John Mid- dleton, Esq.
Dinsdale Over, N. R. (2) a town- ship in the parish of Sockburn, in the county of Durham, but in the wapen- take of Allertonshire, 5 miles W. from Yarm; inhabitants, 66; a small Village seated on the river Tees.
Dirt Car, W. R. (8) a hamlet in the township of Crigglestone, parish of Sandal Magna, wapentake of Agbrigg, 4 miles S. from Wakefield.
Dishforth, N. R. (5) a township in the parish of Topcliffe, wapentake of Hallikeld, 4 miles N. from Borough- bridge ; inhabitants, 340; a chapelry to Topcliffe.
Dobcross, W. R. (7) a hamlet in the township of Quick, parish of Roch- dale, Lancashire, wapentake of Ag- brigg, 12 miles S. W. from Hudders- field ; a chapelry to Rochdale. This is a considerable village, in which are two banks, a stamp office, and a post office.
Doctor Houses, W. R. (7) a hamlet in the township of Quick, pa- rish of Rochdale, Lancashire, wapen- take of Agbrigg, 1 mile S. W. from Dobcross.
Dodworth, W. R. (8) a township in the parish of Silkstone, wapentake of Staincross, 2 miles W. from Barns- ley; inhabitants, 1227.
Dodworth Bottoms, W. R. (8) a hamlet in the preceding township.
Doe Park Hall, N.R. (1). See Hunderthwaite.
Dog Park, W. R. (4) a small ham- let in the township of Askwith, parish of Weston, wapentake of Claro, 11 miles N. E. from Bingley.
Dolebank, W. R. (5) a small ham- let in the township of Bishop Thornton, parish of Ripon, wapentake of Claro, 3 miles N. from Ripley,
Don, or Dune, W. R. (8) a river, |
' which takes its rise in the parish of Penistone, on the borders of Cheshire; it then flows in a south-easterly direc- tion past Wortley to Sheffield, where making a bend, it runs to the north- east to Rotherham, whence gliding along through a narrow, but picturesque val- ley, by Conisbrough and Doncaster, it enters a flat country, and continues its course to Thorne, where turning to the north it joins, at Cowick, Vermui- dens canal, commonly called the Dutch river, and afterwards falls into the Ouse at the village of Goole. The Don is navigable from its mouth to Tinsley, 2 miles W. from Rotherham.
Doncaster, W. R. (8) a parish, township, and market town, in the wa- pentake of Strafforth and Tickhill, 7 miles N. from Tickhill, 37 S. from York, 162 from London; inhabitants, 8544 ; a vicarage, value 32/. 19s. 2d.; patron, the Archbishop of York; mar- ket, Saturday; fairs, April 5, and Au- gust 5. Here is a free grammar school, and the boys assemble in the ground- floor of the town hall; and here also is an hospital, for six poor housekeepers; founded by Mr. Thomas Ellis, in the 30th year of Queen Elizabeth. Don- caster does not return members to Parliament, but it has a wealthy Cor- poration, possessing a revenue of 7000/. per annum, which is liberally expended for the benefit of the inhabitants: this corporation consists of a mayor, re- corder, 12 aldermen, and 24 common councilmen. The town is pleasantly situated on the south bank of the river Don, and is, doubtless, one of the most agreeable places of residence in Eng- land ; it is well built, and the approach from Bawtry even magnificent: it was the Roman station of Dunum. The church is very ancient and spacious; its tower, 141 feet in height, is of later date, probably of the age of Henry VI. and is an extremely imposing object. In the church is an ancient Saxon font, but the date is obliterated: an inscription |