beauties of this picturesque region; the abbey was founded by Ralph de Multon, about the year 1189, for white friars; a part of the building is entire, and is occupied as a farm house and cottages.
Egton, N.R. (2) aparish and town- ship in the wapentake of Langbarugh,* 6 miles S.W. from Whitby; inhabi- tants, 1037; a perpetual curacy; pa- tron, the Archbishop of York. Egton had a charter from William the Third, for a weekly market on Tuesdays, and for four annual fairs, but they are nearly fallen into disuse. The church was formerly dependant on that of Lythe; the present chapel was conse- crated in 1349, by the bishop of Da- mascus. The situation of Egton is ra- ther bleak, yet it contains some plea- sant sheltered spots. Coat Bank Hall is the seat of Doyley Saunders, Esq.; Egton Bridge is the seat of R. Smith, Esq.; and Newbiggin Hall is the seat of
H. W. Yeoman, Esq.; the site of Gros- mont abbey, on the bank of the Esk, is now occupied as a farm house.
Eight and Forty Houses, E. R. (6) a hamlet in the township of Gilber- dike, parish of Eastrington, division of Hunsley Beacon, 7 miles S. from Mar- ket Weighton.
Ella Kirk, E.R. (6) a parish and township in the wapentake of Hullshire, 5 miles N.W. from Hull; inhabitants, 246; a vicarage, value 13/. 2s. 8§d.; pa- tron, the Rev. Richard Sykes. In this place, several of the wealthy merchants of Hull have handsome residences, the principal of which are those of Joseph Sykes, Esq.; Joseph Egginton, Esq.; and Mrs. Williamson; South Ella is the seat of John Broadley, Esq. The parish contains the townships of West Ella and Willerby; entire popula- tion, 568.
Ella West, E. R. (6) a township in the parish of Kirk Ella, wapentake of Hullshire, 5§ miles N. W. from Hull; inhabitants, 122. This village com- mands an extensive view of the town of Hull, and of the river Humber with its numerous shipping. Here is the seat of the Rev. Richard Sykes. |
Elland, or Ealand, W. R. (7) a township with Greetland, in the parish of Halifax, wapentake of Morley, 3 miles S. E. from Halifax; inhabitants, 5088 ; a chapelry to Halifax. Elland is pleasantly seated on the south side of the river Calder, and from the grant of a charter fora market and fairs, 10th Edward II., it at one time pretended to rival Halifax; the market has been long since discontinued, and Elland now con- fessedly ranks as inferior. The Hall, on the north bank of the river, was an an- cient mansion of wood, and long the seat of a knightly family of the name of Elland, memorable on account of the fatal feuds in which it was engaged with its neighbours, in the reign of Ed- ward III.; the particulars of which are to be found in an old ballad, first pub- lished in Watsons History of Halifax, and confirmed by other authorities; the origin of the quarrel is not very clearly stated, but it would seem that Sir John Elland, being sheriff, was dis- obeyed on some occasion by Sir Robert Beaumont, of Crossland: enraged at this indignity, Sir John having mus- tered his tenants, came suddenly in the night and killed Sir Hugh Quarmby and Sir John Lockwood, the friends of Beaumont, at their several houses of Quarmby and Lockwood; he next pro- ceeded to Crossland Hall, and lying in ambush till the drawbridge over the moat was let down, he then rushed into the house, and slew the knight in his cham- ber, with several of his servants ; Lady Beaumont, however, with her children, made good their escape into Lancashire. Notwithstanding the atrocious nature of this outrage, it does not seem that Sir J6hn Elland was ever called to any account, it being possible that he might represent the affair as a necessary exer- tion of his authority, as an officer of the crown; however this might be, |