Fisholme, E. R. (6) a small ham- let in the township of Brigham, parish of Foston, wapentake of Dickering, 5 miles S. E. from Driffield.
Fishlake, W. R. (8) a parish and township in the wapentake of Strafforth and Tickhill, 2 miles W. from Thorne; inhabitants, 723 ; a vicarage, value 13/. 3s. 9d.; patron, the Dean and Chapter of Durham. The parish con- tains the township of Syke House. En- tire population, 1274.
Fitling, E.R. (6) a township in the parish of Humbleton, wapentake of Holderness, 11 miles S. E. from Hornsea; inhabitants, 119.
Fivelin Nook, E.R. (6) a small hamlet in the township of Bdwholme, parish of Nunkeeling, wapentake of Hol- derness, 6 miles N. W. from Hornsea.
Fixby, W. R. (7) a township in the parish of Halifax, wapentake of Mor- ley, 2imiles N. from Huddersfield; in- habitants, 345. Fixby Hall is'the seat of Thomas Thornhill, Esq. |
Flamborough, E.R. (6) a parish and township in the wapentake of Dick- ering, 4 miles N. E. from Bridlington; inhabitants, 917; a perpetual curacy ; patron, the Archbishop of York and Sir Wm. Strickland, Bart, alternately. This ancient village, formerly a place of some note, is situated in the centre of a promontory, and is chiefly inha- bited by fishermen; the cliffs of lime- stone rock, forming a semi-ellipsis, called Flamborough Head, extend near- ly five miles, and in many places are 300 feet in height; at their base are many excavations, worn by the per- petual action of the ocean. In the sum- mer season these elevated cliffs are the rendezvous of myriads of aquatic birds, which resort hither from various re- gions, to build their nests and rear their offspring : their constitutions being fit- ted for cold climates, they choose the north side of the promontory: at the breeding season these enormous masses of rock seem altogether animated, and desperate are the contests which occur, as it is common for one bird, who has no nest of her own, to attempt to dis- possess another who has. At the re- port of a gun, says the eloquent author of the History of Scarborough, fC the feathered tribes are instantly in motion, the eye is almost dazzled with the wav- ing of innumerable wings, brightened by the rays of the sun, and the ear is stunned with the clamour of a thousand discordant notes.* Dr. Goldsmith, however, compares this assemblage of hawks, gulls, guillimotes, kittywakes, puffins, and cormorants, as they sit upon the ledges of the rocks, one above another, with their white breasts for- ward, to the appearance of an apothe- carys shop ; which is no very sublime idea; but whether the spectator be dis- posed to be grave or gay, the scene affords a very agreeable entertainment. The western boundary of the parish of Flamborough is formed by that remark- able ditch or ravine, called the Danes Dyke, of great depth, and affording two lines of defence; it is supposed to have been the work of that people, and that it was their intention to insulate this promontory, and thus render it im- pregnable whilst they waited here for reinforcements from their own coun- try. On the extreme point of the promontory, a light-house, with re- volving points, was erected in 1806, and has proved of eminent utility.
Flanshaw, W. R. (8) a hamlet in the township and parish of Wakefield, wapentake of Agbrigg, 1ยง mile W. from Wakefield.
Fla sby, W. R. (4) a township with Winterburn, in the parish of Gargrave, wapentake of Staincliffe, 6 miles N. W. from Skipton; inhabitants, 134; Fiasby Hall is the seat of Mrs. Preston.
Flawith, N. R. (5) a township in the parish of Alne, wapentake of Bul- mer, 5 miles E. from Boroughbridge ; inhabitants, 94.
Flaxby, W. R, (5) a township in |