small hamlet in the township of Bar- den, parish of Hawxwell, wapentake of Hang West, 3§ miles N. from Leyburn. |
Halifax, W. R. (7) a parish, town-* ship, and market town, in the wapen- take of Morley, 8 miles N. W. from Huddersfield, 42 S.W. from York, 197 from London; inhabitants, 12,628; a vicarage, value 84/. 13*. 6§d.; patron, the King; market, Saturday; fairs, June 24, first Saturday in November. Alms houses for twelve poor widows, and a blue-coat hospital for twenty poor children, were founded here by Na- thaniel Waterhouse, in 1642. Halifax is seated on the western' declivity of a deep valley, about a mile and half to the north of the river Calder; the streets are narrow and rather crooked, but the houses, in general, are well built, partly of stone and partly of brick : it is not a place of great antiquity, no men- tion of it being made in Domesday Book. The church is a large and handsome structure, apparently of the age of Henry VI.; the tower is known to have been begun in 1450; a second church was erected by the late vicar, Dr. Coulthurst. In 1453 there were but 13 houses in this town; in the course of 120 years they had increased to the number of 520, owing to the introduc- tion of the woollen manufacture, which has ever since proceeded with a rapid pace. About the beginning of the 18th century the manufacture of shal- loons commenced, and a few years af- ter, that of figured and flowered stuffs; these articles seem ramified into the va- rious branches of lastings and amens, plain and diced Florentines, duroys, serges, moreens, tammies, calimancoes et hoc genus omne, which the unini- tiated cannot pretend to explain, but of which the skilful can well appreciate the value; shalloons of a scarlet colour are woven for the Turkey market, in which country they are used for tur- bans. Excellent wool cards, for comb- ing wool, are made at Halifax. The inhabitants have erected a spacious edi- fice, called the Piece Hall, in form of an oblong square, and which contains 315 distinct rooms, for the reception and sale of the various manufactures. From the unequal surface of the country, and its many rapid rivulets, extensive mills and machinery have been erected for the cotton as well as the woollen ma- nufacture, to the success of which an abundant supply of coal materially con- tributes. Halifax was formerly cele- brated for its gibbet law, which is sup- posed to have been a baronial privilege, as part of the manor of Wakefield; it was exercised when a felon was taken within the liberty with any stolen com- modity on his person, of the value of thirteen pence halfpenny; after condem- nation, by a jury, he suffered death, by beheading with a machine, upon the model of which the too famous guillo- tine seems to have been constructed : this extreme severity seems to have arisen from the necessity of protecting the tenter grounds from the depreda- tions of the lawless inhabitants of Hard- wick Forest: the practice continued till the year 1650, and during the century preceding, 49 delinquents suffered this last penalty of the law: from the ex- treme severity of this local jurisdiction, and the strict police of the town of Hull, arose that petition in the thieves lit- any, from Hull, Hell, and Halifax, good Lord, deliver us. Halifax sent members to parliament under the Pro- tectorate, but this privilege was with- drawn at the restoration. The etymo- logy of the name has been much dis- puted ; Dr. Whitaker contends, that Halifax means the four holy ways; fax, says he, being an old Norman plural word for road : but he has forgotten to tell us whence he obtained this piece of information. Camdens derivation is more probable, who states it to have been so called, from a celebrated picture of St. John, preserved here in a hermit- age ; fax being, says this antiquary, an |