soon after the conquest, and which seems to have been in good preserva- tion till dilapidated by the civil wars of the seventeenth century; but the great object of attraction here, is Harewood House, the seat of the Earl of Hare- wood ; equally magnificent and com- modious ; the mansion was erected, in 1760, by Adams and Carr, and the grounds laid out in great taste by Capability Brown: this princely domain, says Dr. Whitaker, is a fortunate place, blessed with much natural beauty and fertility, and uniting in the compass of a country village, a dismantled and pic- turesque castle, a modern palace, and a parish church filled with unmutilated sculptures of the 14th and 15th centu- ries. ' The parish contains the town- ships of Alwoodley, Dun Keswick, East Keswick, Weardley, Weeton, and Wigton. Entire population, 2209.
Harker, W. R. (4) a small hamlet in the township and parish of Slaid- burn, wapentake of Staincliffe, 2§ miles N. from Slaidburn.
Harkerside, N. R. (1) a hamlet in the township and parish of Grinton, wapentake of Hang West, 1 mile S. from Reeth. On the summit of Har- ker, commanding an extensive view of Swaledale, is an encampment supposed to be British, of a nearly circular form, with wide and deep ditches; near a long avenue is a barrow of stones and gravel, and some other supposed druidical re- mains.
Harlethorpe, E. R. (5) a town- ship in the parish of Bubwith, division of Holme Beacon, 5 miles N. from Howden; inhabitants, 53.
Harlington, W. R. (8) a hamlet in the township and parish of Barn- brough, wapentake of Strafforth and Tickhill, 6 miles W. from Doncaster.
Harlow, W.R. (8) a hamlet in the township of Wentworth, parish of Wath upon Dearn, wapentake of Straf- forth and Tickhill, 7 miles N.W. from Rotherham. |
Harlsey, East, N.R. (2) a pa- rish and township in the wapentake of Birdforth, 6$ miles N. E. from North- allerton ; inhabitants, 420 ; a perpetual curacy; patron, John Charles May- nard, Esq. At Mount Grace, in this township, are the picturesque remains of a priory of Carthusian monks, founded in the 14th century. The walls of the church are yet standing, with a perfect tower rising from the centre. A part of the monastery has been converted into a farm house. Harlsey Hall is the seat of J. C. May- nard, Esq.
Harlsey, West, N. R. (2) a town- ship in the parish of Osmotherley, wa- pentake of Allertonshire, 6 miles N. E* from Northallerton; inhabitants, 51.
Harm by, N. R. (1) a township in the parish of Spennithorne, wapentake of Hang West, 2 miles S. E. from Ley- burn ; inhabitants, 194.
Harpham, E.R. (6) a parish and township in the wapentake of Dicker- ing, 6 miles N. E. from Driffield; in- habitants, 251; a chapelry to Burton Agnes ; the chapel is the burying place of the very ancient family of St. Quin- tin. In this village, St. John of Be- verley, a Saxon saint of great reputa- tion in the eighth century, is reported to have been born; he was the fifth Archbishop of York.
Harriot Air, N.R. (2) a small hamlet in the township of Rievalx, pa- rish of Helmsley, wapentake of Rydale, 2§ miles N. W. from Helmsley.
Harrogate, High, W. R. (5) a township with Bilton, in the parish of Knaresborough, wapentake of Claro, 3 miles S. W. from Knaresborough; inhabitants, 1934 ; a chapelry to Knares- borougb. Harrogate, though generally spoken of as a single place, consists of two villages, High and Low Harrogate, half a mile distant; the first distin- guished by its chalybeate, the latter by its sulphureous springs; the situation is on a dreary moor, bu t High Harrogate |