of two other churches. Hedon was almost entirely burnt down in 1656, a distressing calamity at the time, but which has rendered the present town more commodious; the old haven hav- ing been choaked up, a new cut has been made, and the trade of Hedon is progressively increasing.
Heeley, W. R. (8) a hamlet in the township of Nether Hallam, parish of Sheffield, wapentake of Strafforth and Tickhill, 2 miles S. from Sheffield.
Heights, W. R. (7) a hamlet in the township of Lintliwaite, parish of Almondbury, wapentake of Agbrigg, 3§ miles S. W. from Huddersfield.
Heights, W. R. (7) a hamlet in the township of Barkisland, parish of Halifax, wapentake of Morley, 6§ miles S.W. from Halifax.
Heights Chapel, W.R. (7) a ham- let in the township of Quick, parish of Rochdale, Lancashire, wapentake of Agbrigg, 1 mile N. from Delph. Here is a chapel of ease to Rochdale.
Helbeck Lunds, N. R, (1) a ham- let in the township of High Abbotside, parish of Aysgarth, wapentake of Hang West, 6 miles N.W. from Hawes; a ehapelry to Aygsgarth : in this hamlet a brook, called Helgillbeck, divides tbe county from Westmqreland.
Hellaby, W. R. (8) a township with Stainton, in the parish of Stain- ton, wapentake of Strafforth and Tick- hill, 5 miles E. from Rotherham; in- habitants, 218.
Hellifield, W. R. (4) a town- ship in the parish of Long Preston, wa- pentake of Staincliffe, 6f miles S.E. from Settle ; inhabitants, 279. Helli- field Peel, the seat of James Hamerton, Esq., is a curious castellated building of the age of Henry VI. erected by Lawrence Hamerton; it still remains a square, compact, and lofty structure, modernized by the present owner.
Helmsley Blackmoor, N. R. (2) a parish, township, and market town, In the wapentake of Rydale, 6 miles |
W. from Kirkby Moorside, 23 N. from York, 222 from London; inhabitants, 1520; a vicarage, value 11/. 85. 6§t/.; pation, Lord Feversham. Market, Sa- turday ; fairs, May 19, July 16, Oct. 1 and 2, Nov, 5 and 6. Helmsley is a small town situated on the east side of the Hambledon Hills, near the river Rye; here was a castle built, according to Camden, by Robert de Roos, before the reign of Edward I., which appears to have been defensible in tbe civil wars of Charles I.; its remains are a lofty tower with a gateway, surrounded with a double moat. Helmsley,once proud Buckinghams delight, became the property of tbe duke of that name, stabbed by Felton, from his marriage with the heiress of tbe Earl of Rut- land ; it was sold by his dissipated son, to Sir Charles Duncombe, ancestor of the present proprietor, Lord Fever- sham. The parish is fertile in the val- lies and very extensive, being sixteen miles from north to south. It contains six townships, Bilsdale, Haram, Las- kill, Pockley, Rivaulx (in which is Duncombe Park), and Sproxton. En- tire population, 3458.
Helmsley Gate, N. R. (5) a pa- rish and township in the wapentake of Bulmer, 6 miles N. E. from York ; in- habitants, 229 ; a vicarage, value 2/.; patron, the prebendary of Osbaldwick in York cathedral.
Helmsley, Upper, N. R. (5) a parish and township in the wapentake of Bulmer, 7miles N. E. from York; inha- bitants, 63; a rectory, value 4/. 195.2d.; patron, the King.
Helperby, N. R. (5) a township in the parish of Brafferton, wapentake of Bulmer, 5 miles N. E. from Borough- bridge; inhabitants, 611.
Helperthorpe, E. R. (6) a pa- rish and township in the wapentake of Buckrose, 9 miles N. W. from Drif- field ; inhabitants, 157; a vicarage, value 4/. 195. 7d.., patron, the Dean and Chapter of York. |