comprehends the whole of the district called Cleveland, and is usually pro- nounced Langbarf; it contains 3 mar- ket towns, 83 townships, 31 of which are parishes, 6309 houses, and 29,858 inhabitants.
Langcliffe, W.R. (4) a town- ship in the parish of Giggleswick, wa- pentake of Staincliffe, 1 mile N. from Settle; inhabitants,420, Langcliffe Hall is the seat of Mrs. Swales; Langcliffe Place, the seat of William Clayton, Esq.
Langer House, W.R. (4) a small hamlet in the township and parish of Burnsall, wapentake of Staincliffe, 8 miles N. from Skipton,
Langfield, W. R. (7) a township in the parish of Halifax, wapentake of Morley, 11 miles AV, from Halifax; in- habitants, 2069. Langfield is a district, not a village, and is situated chiefly in the vale of Todmorden.
Langhill House, W.R. (4) a small hamlet in the township of Hetton with Boardley, parish of Burnsall, wa- pentake of Staincliffe, 8 miles E. from Settle.
Langill, W.R. (4) a hamlet in the township of Rathmel, parish of Giggleswick, wapentake of Staincliffe, 5 miles S. W. from Settle.
Langley Brook, W.R. (8) a ham- let in the township of Bradfield, pa- rish of Ecclesfield, wapentake of Straf- forth and Tickhill, 3§ miles S. from Penistone.
Langold, W.R. (8) a hamlet in the township of Letwell, parish of St. Johns, wapentake of Strafforth and Tickhill, 5 miles S. from Tickhill. Here is a seat of John Gaily Knight, Esq.
Langrick, W.R. (8). SeeDrax Long.
Langsett, W. R. (8) a township in the parish of Penistone, wapentake of Staincross, 4 miles S. W. from Penis- tone; inhabitants, 325.
Langstroth Dale, W.R. (4) a hamlet in the township of Buckden, pa- rish of Arnecliffe, wapentake of Stain- eliffe. This is a wild valley, extending several miles along the river Wharfe. |
Langthorne, N.R. (2) a town- ship in the parish of Bedale, wapen- take of Haliikeld, 3 miles N. W. from Bedale; inhabitants, 135.
Langthorpe, N. R. (5) a town- ship in the parish of Kirkby on the Moor, wapentake of Haliikeld, 1 mile W. from Boroughbridge; inhabitants, 143. In this township is Brampton Hall, an ancient seat of the Tancred family, now occupied as, a farm house.
Langthorpe, E.R. (6) a small hamlet in the township of Ellerby, pa- rish of Swine, wapentake of Holder- ness, 9 miles N, E. from Hull.
Langthwaite, W. R. (8) a town- ship with Tilts, in the parish of Don- caster, wapentake of Strafforth and Tickhill, 4 miles N. from Doncaster ; inhabitants, 21.
Langthwaite, N. R. (1) a ham- let in the township and parish of Arken- garthdale, wapentake of Gilling West, 3§ miles N.W. from Reeth.
Langtoft, E. R. (6) a parish and township in the wapentake of Dicker- ing, 6 miles N. from Driffield; inha- bitants, 416 ; a vicarage, value 8/.; pa- tron, the Dean of York. This parish contains the township of Gotham. En- tire population, 432.
Langton, E.R. (5) a parish and township in the wapentake of Buck- rose, 3£ miles S. from Malton; inha- bitants, 280 ; a rectory, value 17/. 4s. 7d.; patron, the King. Langton Hall is the seat of Norcliffe Norcliffe, Esq. The parish contains the town- ship of Kennythorpe. Entire popu- lation, 363.
Langton, Great, N.R. (2) a pa- rish and township in the wapentake of Gilling East, 6 miles W. from North- allerton; inhabitants, 116; a rectory, value 6/. 10s. 10c?.; patron, the Duke of Leeds. This small village is plea- santly situated on the bank of the Swale: the parish contains the town- |