daughter of Theophilus Earl of Hun- tingdon, by the eldest daughter of Sir John Lewis; the estate she bequeathed to the Earl, her half brother, and it afterwards descended to the Rawdon family: this lady was distinguished by her many munificent acts of charity, and by her piety. In Ledston church, on a column adjoining to the north chapel, she affixed a table of injunctions for the use of her parochial minister; good enough in themselves, says Dr. Whitaker, with a little professional feel- ing, but savouring of a species of lay episcopacy to which devout and honour- able women are apt to addict themselves.
Lee, W.R. (7) a hamlet in the township of Stansfield, parish of Hali- fax, wapentake of Morley, 5 miles W. from Halifax. |
Leeds, W. R. (5) a parish, town- ship, borough, and market town, in the wapentake of Skyrack, 8 miles S. from Harewood, 25 miles S.W. from York, 189 from London; inhabitants, 48,605 ; a vicarage, value 38/. Os. 2§t/.; patrons, 25 trustees; the remaining churches, St. John’s, St. Paul’s, the Holy Trinity and St. James’s, together with the two new edifices erected under the million act, are properly speaking, chapelries dependent on the mother church, St. Peter’s. Market, Tuesday, and Saturday; fairs, July 10 and 11, November 8 and 9. The corporation, according to the charter of Charles II., by which the town is at present govern- ed, consists of a mayor, recorder, town- clerk, 12 aldermen, and 24 common councilmen. Leeds, however, was in- corporated by Charles I., in 1626, but the borough does not return members to parliament; the only reprepresen- tative which it ever possessed, was Captain Adam Baynes, in the days of the Commonwealth. A session is held for the borough every three months, and the general quarter sessions for the West Riding, take place here once in the year, at Michaelmas. The free grammar school was originally founded by Sir William Sheafield, in 1552; but the present edifice was erected by John Harrison, Esq., a distinguished bene- factor to this town, who died 1656 ; and who also endowed alms-houses for 40 aged persons; and the foundation being enlarged by Arthur Ikin, Esq., 64 persons now receive a comfortable asylum. Potter’s and Jenkinson’s alm- houses, also provide for 18 aged and indigent persons. The General Infir- mary is an excellent institution, afford- ing extensive benefit to the whole dis- trict. Leeds is also distinguished by Several other charities of minor im- portance. The town is situated upon the river Aire, on the slopes and sum- mit of a gently rising eminence; it is a mile and a half in length, and nearly a mile in breadth. Leeds had a castle, probably built soon after the conquest by one of the Lacy family, on the site of Mill Hill, not a vestige of which remains. The earliest mention of Leeds is by Venerable Bede, and it has long been the most considerable manufacturing town, for woollen cloths, in the north of England, though in the time of Le- land, in the reign of Henry VIII. it was esteemed “ apraty market toune, as large as Bradeforde, but not so quik as it.” This latter place it has since wonder- fully outstripped, from the advantages of its situation, amidst abundance of coal, and its possessing every facility of inland navigation. The town is chiefly built with brick, and some of its parts present a great contrast, a few of the streets being wide and spa- cious, as Briggate, at the bottom of which is a handsome bridge, hut the generality are narrow, crooked, dirty, smoky, and inconvenient; various aug- mentations and improvements are, how- ever, taking place; Wellington bridge of one arch, 100 feet in the span, unites beauty with utility. Leeds possesses, like most large towns in England, bar- racks, assembly rooms, and a theatre, |