Masham, N. R. (2) a market town, parish, and township, in the wapentake of Hang East, 6 miles S. W. from Be- dale, 34 miles N. W. from York, 222 miles from London; inhabitants, 1171; a vicarage, valne 30/.; patron, Trinity College, Cambridge; market, Wed- nesday ; fair, September 17, 18, 19. Masham is delightfully situated on the south hank of the Ure, amidst an abun- dantly fertile country. A large estate here, formerly belonged to the family of the Lords Scrope of Masham, so called, to distinguish them from ano- ther branch, the Lords Scrope of Bol- ton ; the family failing in the male line, in the early part of the 15th century, their estates became divided between the Wyvils and the Danbys. The pa- rish of Masham contains the various townships of Burton upon Ure, Elling- string, Ellingtons, Fearby, Healey, II- ton with Pott, and Swinton, Entire population, 2767.
Mason Gill, W. R. (4) a hamlet in the township and parish of Thornton in Lonsdale, wapentake of Ewcross, 3 miles N. W. from Ingleton. |
Masborough, W. R. (8) a hamlet in the township of Kimberworth, pa- rish of Rotherham, wapentake of Straf- forth and Tickhill, ยง mile W. from Rotherham. Masborough House is the seat of Miss Walker. This village is divided from Rotherham by the river Don, over which there is a stone bridge; it contains nearly the same number of in- habitants as Rotherham, and is celebra- ted for its extensive iron works, origi- nally established in 1746, by Mr. Samuel Walker, at which have been manufac- tured cannon of the largest calibre, and almost every article of cast iron, with various kinds of wrought iron; the pon- derous iron bridges at Yarm, Sunder- land, and Southwark, with innumerable others, were cast at these founderies. The history of their original projector, who was born at the neighbouring vil- lage of Hill Top, in 1716, affords, as it is expressed in his epitaph, written by his friend, the poet Mason, a singular example, both of the public and pri- vate benefits, which may 'arise from the smallest beginnings, when prose- cuted with integrity, foresight, regu- larity, and an active and comprehen- sive genius. Mr. Walker was left by the death of his parents, at the age of twelve, with scarcely the means of subsistence; by diligent application he qualified himself for keeping a school, which he continued till the age of thirty, when, in conjunction with his two bro- thers, he established a small foundery, which at length became one of the most flourishing establishments of the kind in Europe: he died in 1782, immensely rich, and universally esteemed. But, perhaps, such extreme prosperity al- most defeats the benefit of the exam- ple to be derived from so striking an instance of successful industry, as tend- ing to excite a murmur at the unequal distribution of the gifts of Providence : thousands and tens of thousands, en- dued with as large a portion of inte- grity, diligence, and knowledges this excellent person, would deem them- selves too happy in the enjoyment of the hundredth part of his possessions ; and how many have been shipwrecked by those uncontrolable currents of ad- verse fortune, which no human pru- dence could avert or withstand. Mr. Walker erected a meeting-house for dissenters of the independent denomi- nation at Masborough; and was a great benefactor to an institution, entitled, The Rotherham Independent Acade- my, for the Education of Students in- tended for the Ministry, established in the same place.
Mauley Cross, N. R. (2). See Pickering.
Maunby^ N. R. (2) a township in the parish of Kirkby Wiske, wapentake of Gilling East, 6 miles S. from North- allerton ; inhabitants, 206. Maunby Hall is the seat of T, S. Walker, Esqv |