of the family of Fitz Hugh. The parish contains the townships of Cotherston, Holwick, Hunderthwaite, Lartington, Lunedale, and Mickleton. Entire po- pulation, 2461.
Romanby, N. R. (2) a township in the parish of Northallerton, wapen- take of Allertonshire, § mile S. from Northallerton; inhabitants, 294.
Rookbarugh, N. R. (5) a hamlet in the township and parish of Norman- by, wapentake of Rydale, 5 miles N.W. from Malton.
Rookwith, N. R. (2) a township in the parish of Thornton Watlass, wapentake of Hang East, 4 miles E. from Bedale; inhabitants, 76.
Rookes, W. R. (7) a hamlet in the township of Hipperholme, parish of Halifax, wapentake of Morley, 4 miles E. from Halifax.
Roos, E. R. (6) a parish and town- ship in the wapentake of Holderness, 14 miles E. from Hull; inhabitants, 442; a rectory, value 19/.; patron, the Rev. Christopher Sykes. A family vault of the Sykess, of Sledmere, is in this church.
Roseberry Topping, N. R. (2) See Newton.
Rosedale, East Side, N. R. (2) a township in the parish of Middleton, wapentake of Pickering Lythe, 8 miles N. from Kirkby Moorside; inhabi- tants, 339.
Rosedale, West Side, N. R. (2) a township in the parish of Lasting- ham, wapentake of Rydale, 6 miles N. from Kirkby Moorside; inhabitants, 179 ; a perpetual curacy ; patrons, the inhabitants. The church is part of the ruins of a convent for nuns of the Benedictine order, founded in the reign of Richard I. by Robert de Stuteville ; the remains of the cloisters are con- verted into dwelling houses ; on the Moors in this township is Sledshow, a noted public house.
Roskeld House, N. R. (2) a ham- let in the township of Snaith, parish of Wells, wapentake of Hang East, 2§ miles N.E. from Masham. |
Rossington, W. R. (8) a parish and township in the wapentake of Strafforth and Tickhill, 5 miles S. E. from Doncaster; inhabitants, 383 ; a rectory, value 11/. Is. h^d.; patron, the corporation of Doncaster. This village is remarkable for the excellence of the parsonage house, erected a few years since by the corporation of Don- caster, who are lords of the manor and owners of the estate, which con- tains upwards of 2000 acres. In the church-yard was interred, in 1708, James Boswell, King of the Gipsies; for a number of years it was a custom for the gipsies of the south to pay an- nual visits to his tomb, where they performed various ceremonies, one of which was to pour a flagon of ale upon his grave; and it is to be presumed, that they did not neglect to pour other gallons down their own throats. Shoot- ers Hill, in this parish, is the seat of J. C. Hilton, Esq.
Rossington Bridge, W. R. (8) a hamlet in the preceding township and parish.
Rotherford Bridge, N. R. (1) a hamlet in the township of Scargill, parish of Barningham, wapentake of Gilling West, 5 miles E. from Bowes. Here is a bridge over the river Greta.
Rotherham, W. R. (8) a parish, township, and market town, in the wa- pentake of Strafforth and Tickhill, 6 miles N. E. from Sheffield, 49 S. S. W. from York, 160 from London ; inhabi- tants, 3548; a vicarage, value 16/. 8s. 6d.; patron, Lord Howard of Effingham; market, Monday; fairs, Whit Monday, and Dec. 1. Here is a free grammar school for teaching the classics only, founded in 1584. This place is pleasantly situated on the banks of the river Rother, near its confluence with the Den, over which there is a handsome stone bridge. The church, a spacious edifice, was built in the reign 2 E |