tional church, in the Gothic style, is now erecting, under the sanction of the late acts of parliament. Scarborough is not mentioned in Domesday Book, and the first authentic notice concern- ing it, is a charter from Henry II., 1252, enabling the bailiffs to establish a port duty for the security of their harbour; this seems to have given origin to the erection of a pier, which after successive repairs and additions, was superseded by the present struc- ture, sweeping with its circular arms into the sea, and composed of enor- mous blocks of stone from the neigh- bouring quarry of White Nab; the harbour is liable to be warped with sand, but is the only port between the Tyne and the Humber in which ships of large burden can take shelter : the commerce of Scarborough is on a con- tracted scale, it contains, however, a ship-yard, sail-cloth manufactory, and rope-walks; but the great support of the place is from the influx of com- pany during the summer season, for the purpose of sea-bathing, and drink- ing the mineral waters, which consist of two springs, one of a chalybeate, the other of a saline quality, rising on the sea shore, at the foot of the cliff, a little to the south of the town; their medicinal properties were first dis- covered by Mrs. Farrow, an ingenious lady, in the year 1620. In December, 1737,these springs were nearly lost, by the sinking of a large mass of the cliff above them, but by diligent search they were recovered, and a building or spa house, for the accommodation of visi- tors, has been erected near the wells ; from the saline spring, salts are pre- pared, which are much esteemed as a gentle aperient. The town is well built, and various circumstances concur to ren- der it a charming summer retreat; beau- tiful prospects, a fine beach, equally convenient for exercise or bathing, pure air, and select company. The public buildings in Scarborough are, the town hall, prison, assembly rooms, theatre, with chapels and meeting-houses for various classes of the dissenters; a magnificent iron-bridge of four arches, supported on massive and lofty stone piers, has lately been erected for the purpose of affording an easy commu- nication from the cliff to the spa, which from the inequality of the ground was found formerly extremely inconvenient to invalids; this beautiful structure is a striking embellishment to the town, and reflects the highest credit on the projec- tor. Scarborough has given birth to no person of particular celebrity. The en- virons of the town are finely diversified with hill and dale, and exhibit a variety of romantic scenery. The parish con- tains the township of Falsgrave. En- tire population, 8533. |
Scarcroft, W. R. (5) a township in the parish of Thorner, wapentake of Skyrack, 7 miles N. E. from Leeds ; inhabitants, 105.
Scargill, N. R. (1) a township in the parish of Barningliam, wapen- take of Gilling West, 4 miles S. from Barnard Castle; inhabitants, 136.
• Scarhill, W.R.(4). See Bradford.
Scar House, N.R. (1) a hamlet in the township of Muker, parish of Grinton, wapentake of Gilling West, 10 miles W. from Reeth.
Scar House, W.R. (4) a hamlet in the township of Starbotton, parish of Arnecliffe, wapentake of Staincliffe, 6 miles N. W. from Kettlewell.
Scaro, W. R. (5) a hamlet in the township and parish of Ripley, wapen- take of Claro, 1 mile N. from Ripley.
Scaro House, N. R. (2) a hamlet in the township of Moulton, parish of Middleton Tyas, wapentake of Gilling East, 4 miles N. from Catterick.
Scarthneck, N. R. (1). See Pres- ton under Scar.
Scarthnick, N. R. (2) a hamlet in the township and parish of Whorl- ton, wapentake of Langbarugh, 7 miles S. W, from Stokesley. Here was once |