the profit of these inventions, but the honour of the discovery belongs to Sheffield, and the town still maintains a superiority, both in the elegance and durability of its productions : the in- troduction of this new branch of trade gave to Sheffield a share in the manu- facture of silver plate, and an assay office was soon after established. A more humble imitation of plate, in a superior sort of pewter, called Britan- nia metal, has commanded an extensive sale, both at home and abroad. In the town are several founderies of different metals, and various works on the banks of the rivers, for slitting and preparing iron and steel, for the use of the manu- facturers : here is a carpet manufac- ture, and another for the weaving of hair seatings. The woollen, cotton, and silk branches have been tried, but have obtained only a sickly existence. In the year 1750 the Don was made navigable to Tinsley, within three miles of the town, but it was not till 1819 that the Sheffield canal, from Tinsley to the Castle Orchard, was opened. Sheffield has always been backward in adopting ideas of general improve- ment; and though possessing many superior advantages of situation, can- not strictly be considered as an opu- lent place, few of the manfacturers possessing those great accumulations which would now be thought to con- stitute a large fortune. The soil of the vicinity is generally deep clay, and is rich in mineral productions : the air of Sheffield is naturally pure and salubri- ous, but the nature of some species of its manufacture, has caused a strong tendency to pulmonary disorders, which is somewhat counteracted by a portion of the workmen being dispersed in the neighbouring villages, like the clothiers about Leeds. Sheffield has produced scarcely any eminent person; Doctor Balguy, a learned disputant in the Ban- gorian controversy, was born here; his sermons are distinguished by good sense, which is, though no science, fairly worth the seven; he died in 1748. Sheffield may be considered as the capital of a district, known by the name of Hallamshire, (which see). Park Grange, 1§ mile from the town, is the seat of Samuel Roberts, Esq. The parish is extensive, and contains the townships of Attercliffe with Dar- nal, Brightside Bierlow, Ecclesall Bier- low, Hallam Nether, and Hallam Up- per. Entire population, 6‘5,275. |
Sheffield, Little, W. R. (8) a hamlet, now incorporated with Sheffield.
Shelfe, W. R. (7) a township in the parish of Halifax, wapentake of Morley, 3£ miles N. E. from Halifax ; inhabitants, 1998.
Shelley, W. R. (8) a township in the parish of Kirk Burton, wapentake of Agbrigg, 7 miles N. W. from Peni- stone ; inhabitants, 1329.
Shepherds Hill, N. R. (2) a hamlet in the township and parish of Whorlton, wapentake of Langbarugh, 7 miles S. W. from Stokesley.
Shepley, W. R. (7) a township in the parish of Kirkburton, wapentake of Agbrigg, 7 miles S. E. from Hudders- field ; inhabitants, 1000.
Shepley, Nether, W. R. (7) a hamlet in the preceding township.
Sherburn, W. R. (5) a parish, township, and market town, in the wa- pentake of Barkston Ash, 7 miles S. from Tadcaster, 15 S. S.W. from York, 183 from London ; inhabitants, 1144 ; a vicarage, value 10/. 17.?. \d.; patron, the Prebendary of Fenton, in York Cathedral; market, Friday; fair, Sep- tember 25. In this place are a gram- mar school and hospital, founded by Robert Hungate, Esq. 1619, possess- ing four exhibitions to St. Johns Col- lege, Oxford; the school is one of the eight in Yorkshire, which is entitled to send candidates for lady Elizabeth Hast- ings exhibition to Queens College, at Oxford. Sherburn is a place of great antiquity; here king Athelstan had a |