inhabitants, 315; a vicarage, value 10/. 115.; patron, the King. The pa- rish contains the township of Duffield. Entire population, 748.
Skieram, or Skireholme, W. R.
(4) a hamlet in the township of Apple- tree Wick, parish of Burnsall, wapen- take of Staincliffe, 7 miles N. from Skipton.
Skircote, W. R. (7) a township in the parish of Halifax, wapentake of Morley, 1§ mile S. from Halifax ; in- habitants, 3323. Here is a grammar school, usually called the Halifax School, founded by a charter of Queen Elizabeth, 1585. In this township are Pye Nest, the seat of H. L. Edwards, Esq.; and Willow Edge, the seat of Thomas Dyson, Esq.
Skirden Hall, W. R. (4) a small hamlet in the township and parish of Bolton by Bolland, wapentake of Stain- cliffe, 4§ miles N. W. from Gisburn.
Skirlaugh, North, E. R. (6) a township with Routon, in the parish of Swine, wapentake of Holderness, 9 miles N. E. from Hull; inhabi- tants, 260.
Skirlaugh, South, E. R. (6) a township in the parish of Swine, wa- pentake of Holderness, 8 miles N. E. from Hull; inhabitants, 211; a cha- pelry to Swine. Here is a chapel, built about the year 1400, by Wal- ter Skirlaugh, a native of this place, Bishop of Durham, which is con- sidered as one of the most beautifuL specimens of Gothic architecture, in a building of small dimensions, in the kingdom. This prelate is said to have been the son of a sieve-maker at this place, but running away from his fa- ther, he went to Oxford, where being received by some scholars, he found means to acquire learning, took or- ders, and after various preferments was raised at length to the see of Durham. At Skirlaugh was born Mr. John Bigland, author of various historical works, and of the 16th volume of the |
Beauties of England and Wales, con- taining Yorkshire: to his extensive inquiries and undeviating good sense, every subsequent topographer [[of the county has been greatly indebted.
Skirlington Hill, E. R. (6) a hamlet in the township and parish of Atwick, wapentake of Holderness, 3 miles N. from Hornsea.
Bkirpenbeck, E. R. (5) a parish and township in the wapentake of Buck- rose, 6 miles N. W, from Pocklington; inhabitants, 263 ; a rectory, value 14/. 7s. &%d.; patron, the King.
Skutterskelfe, or Leven Grqve, N. R. (2) a township in the parish of Rudby, wapentake of Langbarugh, 2 miles W. from Stokesley; inhabitants, 32. Leven Grove is the seat of Lady Amherst.
Skyrack, W. R. (5, 6) a wapentake in the West Riding, bounded on the north by the river Wharfe, on the west by the wapentake of Staincliffe, on the south by the river Aire, and on the east by Barkston Ash. It contains 44 townships, 15 of which are parishes, and 3 market towns; houses, including Leeds, 24,519; inhabitants, 120,892.
Skythorne, W; R. (4) a hamlet in the township of Threshfield, parish of Linton, wapentake of Staincliffe, 6 miles S. from Kettlewell.
Sladesbarn, W. R. (7) a hamlet in the township of Quick, parish of Roch- dale, Lancashire, wapentake of Ag- brigg, 1§ mile E. from Dobcross.
Slaidburn, W. R. (4) a parish and township in the wapentake of Stain- cliffe, 10 miles W. from Gisburn ; in- habitants, 914; a rectory, value 28/.; patron, J. Wigglesworth, Esq.; fairs, Wednesday before Easter, and Novem- ber 4. Here is a grammar school, of uncertain foundation. The church is a spacious and handsome structure, of the age of Henry VIII. Town Head, adjoining the village, is the seat of the Rev. H. Wigglesworth. This exten- sive but dreary parish contains the |