beyond the circle of the neighbourhood in which it occurred,
Stainbury, W. R. (4) a hamlet in the township of Haworth, parish of Bradford, wapentake of Morley, 8 miles W, from Bradford.
Standard Hill, N.H. (2). See Brompton.
Standbridge, W. R, (8) a hamlet In the township and parish of Sandal Magna, wapentake of Agbrigg, 3 miles S. from Wakefield.
Stanghowe, N. R. (2) a township in the parish of Skelton, wapentake of Langbarugh, 4 miles E. from Guis- borough; inhabitants, 91. This vil- lage, pleasantly seated on an eminence, commands some very pleasing and ex- tensive prospects.
Staningholme, E.R. (6) a ham- let in the township and parish of Wot- ton, division of Bainton Beacon, 8 miles S. E. from Driffield.
Stank Hall, N. R. (2) a small hamlet in the township of Winton, pa- rish of Sigston, wapentake of Aller- tonshire, 2§ miles E. from Northaller- ton, This was anciently the seat of the Lascelles, ancestors of the Earl of Harewood,
Stank House, W, R. (5) a small hamlet in the township and parish of Barwick in Elmet, wapentake of Sky- rack, 3 miles S.W. from Abberford, Stank House. W. R. (4) a ham- let in the township of Bolton Abbey, parish of Skipton, wapentake of Stain- cliffe, 6 miles E. from Skipton.
Stanley, W. R. (8) a township with Wrenthorpe, in the parish of Wakefield, wapentake of Agbrigg, If mile N.E. from Wakefield; inhabi- tants, 4620; here is a chapel of ease to Wakefield. In this township, are Hatfield Hall, anciently called Wood Hall, the seat of Francis Maude, Esq.} Moor House, the seat of John Maude, Esq., and Stanley Hall, the seat of Mrs. Tempest. There is no assemblage of houses called Stanley, the chief part of the population of the township living at |
Wrenthorpe. A place here, called Pin- ders Field, commemorates the import- ant event, where all on the Green, Robin Hood, Little John, and Scarlet, fought the pinder, or pound-keeper, of Wake- field,
Stanningley, W. R. (5) a ham- let in the townships of Bramley, Pud- gey, and Farsley, parishes of Calverley and Leeds, wapentake of Agbrigg, 5 miles W. from Leeds.
Stannington, W. R. (8) a hamlet in the township of Bradfield, parish of Ecclesfield, wapentake of Strafforth and Tickhill, 4 miles W. from Sheffield. This is an extensive tract of high ground between the rivers Loxlev and Kivelin, and it contains several scattered houses.
Stansfield, W. R, (7) a township in the parish of Halifax, wapentake of Morley, 12 miles W. from Halifax; inhabitants, 7275. Stansfield is a dis- trict which stretches six miles on the north bank of the Calder, and contains Under Bank, the seat of James Raw- den, Esq., and Stansfield Hall, the seat of John Sutcliffe, Esq. Here are also many supposed druidical remains, consisting of several rude stones or pillars scattered about in various di- rections.
Stansill, W.R. (8) a township with Wellingley and Wilsick, in the parish of Tickhill, wapentake of Straf- forth and Tickhill, 2 miles N. from Tickhill; inhabitants, 54.
Stan wick, St.John, N.R. (2) a parish and township in the wapentake of Gilling West, 9 miles N, from Cat- terick ; inhabitants, 59 ; a vicarage, value 6l. 13«. Ad.; patron, John Whar- ton, Esq. Here are the remains of some extensive entrenchments, supposed to be Roman. Stanwick Hall is the seat of Lord Prudhoe; the park is well wooded and stocked with deer. In the church are two marble figures, to the memory of Sir Hugh and Lady Smith- son, to which family the manor be- longed for several generations; their descendant marrying the heiress of the |