Yorkshire that hath a fairer site or soile about it; ther be plenty of veines of se cole in the quarters about Wake- feld. The town may have obtained its appellation of merry, from the great abundance of barley grown, and the quantity of malt manufactured in the neighbourhood. In point of plenty, no site could be found more favourable; but in turning aside from the great north road, to the English Appenines, says Doctor Whitaker, the traveller quickly discovers that he is entering upon an inferior country; the scenery indeed becomes more various ancl in- teresting, but the buildings begin to grow rude, the churches decline in splendour, and the plenty and prox- imity of coal produce an appearance of filth about the houses of the lower orders: compare Wakefield with Don- caster, and its inferiority is striking— with Leeds, which is the next stage, and the comparison will be greatly to its advantage. The church of Wake- field is a spacious and elegant Gothic edifice; the spire is considered the loftiest in Yorkshire, being in height 228 feet: no portion of the present structure can be referred to a more early period than the reign of Henry
III., but by far the greater part has been entirely re-edified. In the list of its vicars some persons have expressed surprise, that they have not met with the name of Dr. Primrose. A second church, St. Johns, has been erected near the north entrance of the town, on a spot of ground bequeathed, toge- ther with a thousand pounds, by Mrs. Newstead. At the south entrance of the town is an ancient stone bridge over the Calder, of nine arches, built in the reign of Edward III.; in the centre, projecting on the eastern side, and resting partly on the sterlings, is a chapel built, in the florid Gothic style of architecture, by Edward IV., and endowed for the purpose of praying for the soul of hisYather, Richard Duke of |
York, and for those of all the slain in the battle of Wakefield: this most beautiful structure is ten yards in length, and about eight in breadth ; the east window, overhanging the ri- ver, is adorned with various and deli- cate tracery, and the parapets are perforated ; the windows on the north and south are equally rich; but the west front, on the bridge, exceeds all the rest in profusion of ornament, be- ing divided by buttresses into compart- ments, forming recesses, with lofty pe- diments and pointed arches; above is an entablature, supporting niches, tur- rets, and five basso-relievos, on scripture subjects: this facade forms an assem- blage of embellishments in the Gothic style, which, for richness and delicacy, can scarcely be surpassed: a previous cbapel had existed on the bridge, but the present structure was undoubtedly the work of Edward IV. On the dis- solution of the monasteries, the endow- ment for this chantry was withdrawn, and the chapel has been suffered to fall into decay; it was once occupied by an old clcthesman, who was in the habit of hanging on the precious traceries his filthy wares, and afterwards by a den of flax-dressers; its present appropria- tion is, however, more classical, as \t is now used as a news-room. At Wake- field are the register office for the West Riding, the office of the clerk of the peace, the paupers lunatic asylum, a house of correction, various places of worship for the dissenters, a corn ex- change, a suite of public rooms, a theatre, the tammy hall, in imitation of the doth halls of Leeds, and the court-house, in which the quarter ses- sions for the West Riding are held once a year. The manor of Wakefield is very extensive, possessing a jurisdic- tion, stretching from Normanton to the edge of Lancashire, including the lordship of Halifax; it is more than 30 miles in length, from east to west, and comprises 118 towns, villages, and ham* 2k |