ey is delightfully situated on a gentle elevation above the bank of the Ure, and commands many beautiful pros- pects : here was a very ancient bridge over the river, which a few years since was repaired and widened. Wensley Dale takes its name from this parish, and extends westward through the ad- joining parish of Aysgarth: it is one of the richest, as well as one of the most picturesque, vallies in the kingdom; its soil is fertile, it abounds with wood, it is adorned with several villages stocked with vast herds of cattle, and in some parts it produces lead ore ; whilst the river Ure, meandering through its luxu- riant pastures, enlivens the scene with its romantic waterfalls. The parish of Wensley contains the townships of Bolton Castle, Leyburn, Preston and Redmire. Entire population, 2182.
Wentbridge, W. R. (8) a hamlet in the townships of Kirk Smeaton, Darrington and Thorpe Audlin, parishes of Kirk Smeaton, Darrington and Bads- worth, wapentake of Osgoldcross, 4ยง miles S. from Pontefract. Here is a bridge over the river Went, which falls into the Don near Vermuidens canal. |
Wentworth, W. R. (8) a town- ship in the parish of Wath upon Dearn, wapentake of Strafforth and Tickhill, 5 miles N. E. from Rotherham; inha- bitants, 1269; a perpetual curacy, pa- tron, Earl Fitzwilliam. Wentworth House, the superb mansion of Earl Fitz- william, was built about the year 1750, by the first Marquis of Rockingham; it consists of a centre and two wings, presenting a front 600 feet in length: the noble portico is supported by six Corinthian columns: many of the apart- ments are magnificent, particularly the entrance hall and gallery, and the man- sion is adorned by an excellent collec- tion of pictures from the Italian mas- ters; here are also many of the pieces of Vandyke, particularly the celebrated portrait of the first Earl of Strafford with his secretary. In the museum, are some valuable antique marbles, and some excellent modern copies. Every thing without the mansion corresponds to the taste and grandeur within : the park comprises 1500 acres, richly clothed with wood, and embellished with fine pieces of water : many orna- mented temples break in upon the eye at several angles, particularly the cele- brated mausoleum raised by the present Earl, in 1788, to the memory of his uncle, the late Marquis of Rocking- ham : it is ninety feet in height, and consists of three divisions; in the in- terior is an apartment rising into a dome, supported by eight columns, encircling a marble statue of the Mar- quis, by Nollekens; on one side of the pedestal are detailed the titles of the deceased, on the others are inscrip- tions in verse and prose, the former by Frederick Montagu, Esq., the latter by the right hon. Edmund Burke, composed with his usual eloquence, but perhaps a little too prolix, and not altogether de- void of that air of pretension which cha- racterizes the greater part of his works: its closing injunction, however, Re- member, resemble, persevere, has been so implicitly obeyed, that the bright ex- emplar whom he so justly eulogizes, still benefits his country, in the reflected virtues and patriotism of his distin- guished successors. Wentworth House was anciently called Woodhouse, and was the patrimony of SirThomas Went- worth, afterwards Earl of Strafford, who was beheaded in the quarrel be- tween the King and Parliament, in the year 1641, and who, whatever may be thought of his principles, has never been surpassed in talent by any Eng- lish statesman : his son dying without issue, 1695, devised the estate to his nephew, the second son of Lord Rock- ingham, who assumed the name of Wentworth; from the Rockingham family, it has descended to the present noble possessor. The neighbouring do- main at Stainbrough, being sometimes |