an ancient edifice, about the age of Ed- ward III.; in the parsonage house, is a fine portrait of John Wickcliffe, by Sir Antonio More, a painter of the age Of Philip and Mary, presented by Dr. Zouch, when rector of this parish, as an heir-loom to his successors : this morning-star of the reformation, doubt- less took his name from this place; hut Leland says, that the great hsereticus was borne at Spreswell, a poor vyllage, a good myle from Richmondpro- bably this is a mistake for Hipswell; hut though the precise spot cannot be ascertained, there is no doubt that Yorkshire has the honour of having given birth to John Wickliffe, in 1324. This undaunted defender of the faith once delivered to the saints, after at- tacking, with great success, many of the abuses and the doctrines of the Ro- mish church, died in peace, at his rec- tory at Lutterworth, Leicestershire, 1384. The Council of Constance, how- ever, more than forty years after, had the miserable spite to order his re- mains to be disinterred and burnt to ashes, which were cast into the Swift. The works of Wickcliffe were nu- merous, but they chiefly remain in MSS.: what particularly endears his memory to the protestant commu- nity, is his giving the example of trans- lating the scriptures into the English tongue, and thus tacitly admitting the right of private judgment. Wickliffe did not understand the Greek and Hebrew languages, and from too close an adherence to the idiom of the Latin Vulgate, his style is uncouth, and his language less intelligible than that of his cotemporary, the poet Chaucer: only the translation of the New Testa- ment has been printed.
Wycomb, N.R. (6) a hamlet in the township and parish of Old Malton, wapentake of Rydale, 2§ miles N. E. from New Malton. |
Wykeham, N.R. (3) a parish and township in the wapentake of Picker- ing Lythe, 7 miles S. W. from Scar- borough ; inhabitants 582; a perpetual curacy; patroness, the Hon. Mrs. Langley. In 1153, Pain Fitz-Osbert endowed a priory of Cistercian nuns : nothing remains of the ancient struc- ture except the chapel, and part of its north end wall, which separates the burying ground from the garden of the manor house. Wykeham abbey, the seat of the Hon. Mrs. Langdale, is an elegant modern structure, and the plantations are judiciously disposed.
Wykeham Grange, N. R. (3) a hamlet in the preceding township and parish.
Wyton, E.R. (6) a township in the parish of Swine, wapentake of Hol- derness, 6 miles N. E. from Hull. Wy- ton Hall is the seat of Richard Harri- son, Esq.
Yafforth, N. R. (2) a township in the parish of Danby Wiske, wapen- take of Gilling East, 1§ mile W. from Northallerton, inhabitants, 149; a chapel of ease to Danby.
Yapham, E. R. (5) a township in the parish of Pocklington, division of Wilton Beacon, 2 miles N. from Pock- lington; inhabitants, 114; a chapelry to Pocklington,
Yarlsber, N. R. (4) a hamlet in the township of Ingleton, parish of Low Bentham, wapentake of Ewcross, 1 mile
S. from Ingleton.
Yarm, N. R. (2) a parish, town- ship, and market town, in the wapen- take of Langbarugh, 9 miles N. W. from Stokesley, 43 N. N.W. from York, 237 from London; inhabitants, 1504; a perpetual curacy ; patron, the Arch- bishop of York; market, Thursday; fairs, Thursday before April 6, Holy Thursday, August 2, Oct. 19 and 20. Here is a free grammar school, en- dowed by Thomas Conyers, in 1588. The church was re-built about the year 1730; its exterior is uninviting, but |