New Yorkshire Gazetteer (1828) page 298
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Yerby, N. R. (2) a hamlet in the
township and parish of Kirk Leatham,
wapentake of Langbarugh, 4 miles N.
from Guisborough.

Yews, W. R. (8) a small hamlet
in the township and parish of Maltby,
wapentake of Strafforth and Tickhill, 4
miles W. from Tickhill.

Yews, W. R. (8) a hamlet in the
township of Bradfield, parish of Ec-
clesfield, wapentake of Strafforth and
Tickhill, 4§ miles N.W. from Sheffield.

Yokefleet, E. R. (9) a township
in the parish of Howden, wapentake of
6 miles S. E. from How-
den ; inhabitants, 199.

Yokenthwaite, W. R. (4) a ham-
let in the township of Buckden, parish
of Arnecliffe, wapentake of Staincliffe,
7 miles N. W. from Kettlewell.

Yordas Cave, W. R. (4). See
Thornton in Lonsdale.

Yore, N. R. (1) a hamlet in the
township and parish of Aysgarth, wa-
pentake of Hang West, 4 miles E.
from Askrigg. Here is a free gram-
mar school, founded in 1601, by An-
thony Beeson, for the children of four
villages in the vicinity, to be taught the
classics only; the sehool-house is plea-
santly situated on the banks of the Ure,
at a small distance from Yore Mill, and
the picturesque edifice, Yore Bridge.

YORK, (5) a city, borough, and
metropolis of the county, 199 miles
N. N. W. from London; inhabitants,
20,787; but including St. Peter’s Li-
berty, York Castle, and St. Olave,
Mary-gate; entire population, 22,829.
York contains the following parishes:—
All Saints, in Nortli-street; a rectory,
4l. 7s. llr/.; patron, the King.
All Saints, in the Pavement; a rectory,
with the vicarage of St. Peter the Lit-
tle, value 5/. 16s.
10fr/.; patron, the
King. 1 St. Andrew. St. Crux; a
rectory, value
6l. 16s. 8r/.; patron,
the King. St. Cuthbert, with St. He-
len on the Walls, and All Saints in
Peaseholmi; a rectory, value 5/. 10s.
lOd.; patron, the King. St. Dennis, in
Walm-gate ; a rectory, with the vicar-
age of Nabourn and St. George; value

41. Os. lOrf.; patron, the University of
Cambridge. * St. Giles. St. Helen,
in Stone-gate; a vicarage, value 4/.
5d.; patron, the King. * St. John,
Delpike ; a rectory, with St. Trinity, in
Goodram-gate. St. John, in Mickle-
gate ; a curacy, with the vicarage of St.
Lawrence. * St. John, at Ouse Bridge,
a chapel. St. Lawrence and St. Nicho-
las ; a vicarage, with the curacy of St.
John, in Mickle-gate, value 5/. 10s.;
patron, the Dean and Chaper of York.
St. Margaret, in Walm-gate; a rectory,
with the vicarage of St. Peter le Wil-
lows, value
41. 9s. 9%d; patron, the
King. St. Martin, in Coney-street; a
vicarage, value 4/.; patron, the Dean
and Chapter of York. St. Martin, in
Mickle-gate; a rectory, with the vicar-
age of St. Gregory, value 5/. 16s.
patron, N. Payler and others. St.
Mary, Bishophill, senior; a rectory,
value 5/. Os. 10c?.; patron, the Dean
'and Chapter of York. St. Mary, Bi-
shophill, junior; a rectory, value
0s. 10r/.; patron, the Dean and Chap-
ter of York. St. Mary, Bishophill, the
New ; a vicarage, value
10/.; patron,
the Dean and Chapter of York. St.
Mary, in Castle-gate ; a rectory, value
8s. 6%d.; patron, the King. St.
Maurice, without Monk Bar ; a vicar-
age, with the rectory of St. Trinity, in
Goodram-gate; patron, the King. St.
Michael le Belfrey; a rectory, with St.
Whlfrid, value 2/.
0s. 10r/.; patron, the
Dean and Chapter of York. St. Michael,
in Spurrier-gate.; a rectory, value
12s. Id.; patron, the King. St. Olave,
in Mary-gate; a perpetual curacy; pa-
tron, the King. * St. Peter the Little;
a vicarage, with the rectory of All
Saints on the Pavement. * St. Peter


The churches to those parishes,
marked with an asterisk, are no longer


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