to have been first fortified by Agricola. The Emperor Adrian, so early as the year 124, took up his station at York. The Emperor Severus came into Bri- tain to repel the incursions of the Ca- ledonians, and after chasing them back to their mountains, died here in 211 ; his obsequies were celebrated with ex- traordinary magnificence; the body be- ing placed upon a funeral pile, his sons applied the lighted torch, and his re- mains, reduced to ashes, were collected in a porphyry urn and carried to Rome. It is somewhat uncertain, whether the three mounts, a mile north-west of the city, called Severuss Hills, are natural elevations, or were raised by the Roman army in commemoration of this great commander. In York, Constantine, on the death of his father, assumed the purple; but it is now generally ad- mitted, that Eboracum did not give birth to this celebrated emperor. Lit- tle further is heard of York till after the departure of the Romans; it suf- fered various vicissitudes, and was nearly destroyed to its foundations by the irruption of the Scots and Piets ; and during the whole turbulent period of the heptarchy, from the civil wars that incessantly prevailed, it always be- came the prize apd the prey of the con- queror. In the ninth century, how- ever, after the union of the kingdoms of the heptarchy, York became the seat of a considerable commerce, as well as of the little portion of letters which then prevailed in the kingdom. Dur- ing the Danish invasions it was again burnt to ashes; gradually reviving, it continued in a flourishing condition till soon after the Norman conquest, when the inhabitants calling in the Danes to their assistance, endeavoured to shake off the yoke, and put the garrison of the citadel to the sword; a dreadful retri- bution followed, as William the Con- queror, enraged at the indignity, razed the city to the ground ; it again slowly recovered its importance, but in the reign of King Stephen, 1137, was once more totally destroyed by fire. The history of York, till this period, may be considered as decidedly melancholy, but thenceforward it enjoyed for some ages the blessings of peace and pros- perity. A most shameful and merci- less persecution of the Jews took place in the year 1190, when many of that devoted race took the desperate reso- lution of slaying themselves, with their wives and children, to escape the re- morseless hands of their hypocritical enemies. York, from its convenient situation, has often been the seat of political interviews between the kings and nobility of Scotland and England. In 1527 Edward III. ordered his ar- my to rendezvous here, in order to oppose Robert Bruce: a terrible quar- rel broke out between some Hain- aulters, who attended John Lord Beau- mont, and the English archers, in which many on both sides were slain : the next year the marriage of Edward was solemnized in the cathedral, and the quarrel was renewed between the Hainaulters and the English. During the wars of the Roses this city was fre- quently the rendezvous of the hostile armies ; after the battle of Wakefield the head of Richard Duke of York was placed on the top of Mickle-gate Bar, but this horrid spectacle was removed after the success of the battle of Towton. The city sincerely adhered to the Yorkist interest, and was never thoroughly reconciled to the Lancastrian monarch, Henry VII. The suppression of the religious houses by Henry VIII. was a terrible blow to the grandeur of York, and seriously injured the temporal, as well as spi- ritual, prosperity of the town. In or- der to make some amends for the losses and depredations committed, the court of the Lord President of the North was erected at York, by Henry VIII., in 1537 ; this court was empowered to hear and determine all causes north of |