Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer, page 418
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KEN    418    KEN

are some medicinal springs near Lexington,
and Harrodsburg. The surface of the country
in many parts exhibits remarkable cavities or de-
pressions called sink-holes ; these are something
in the shape of inverted cones, and appear to be
caused by perforations in the limestone rock be-
neath, which have occasioned the soil above to
sink. The sound of running water has sometimes
been heard at the bottom of these cones. But the
most remarkable natural curiosity is the
moth Cate,
near Green River, which has been
traversed for 16 m. under the earth without reach-
ing the end. The sides and roof are formed of a
smooth limestone rock perfectly white. Some of
its apartments are
8 acres in extent and 100 feet
high. Others contain columns of brilliant spar and
stalactites 60 or 70 feet in height. The earth in
the cave is strongly impregnated with saltpetre,
and here was found some years since an Indian
mummy in perfect preservation.

The wheat raised in this state is of the finest
kind. Maize is produced in great abundance.
Hemp and tobacco, are, next to flour, the staple
productions of the country. Some cotton is also
cultivated. The manufactures are woolen and
cotton cloth, cordage, bagging, maple sugar,
saltpetre, paper, whiskey, leather, &c. The trade
of the state is very flourishing. Agricultural
and manufactured products are exported by steam-
boats and other river craft to New Orleans, and
herds of cattle are driven across the mountains to
the Atlantic States.

The legislature of Kentucky is styled the Gen-
eral Assembly,
and consists of a Senate and House
of Representatives. The Senators are chosen for
4 years and the representatives for one. The
Governor is chosen for 4 years ; one fourth of
the Senators are renewed annually. Elections
are popular, and suffrage is universal. Frankfort
is the seat of government, and Louisville is the
largest town. The other large towns are Lexing-
ton and Maysville. There are colleges at Lex-
ington, Danville, Augusta, Princeton, Bardstown,
and Georgetown. The Baptists are the most nu-
merous religious sect: they have 289 ministers;
the Methodists 77; the Presbyterians 70; the
catholics 30 and the Episcopalians 5. The state
is divided into 83 counties, and contains a popu-
lation of688.S44,of whom above 165,350 are slaves.

This state was originally a part of Virginia,
and was admitted into the Union as a state in
1792. The first settlement within its limits wins
made by the celebrated Daniel Boone in 1775.

He was a native of Maryland, and as early as
1769 made a visit to this country. In 1770 he
waxc2xb0 living alone in the woods, the only white
man in Kentucky. The next year he with his
brother explored the country as far as Cumber-

land river, and in 1773 Boone had collected a
company of 45 persons who attempted to form
a settlement but they were attacked by the Indi-
ans and lost their cattle. In 1775 he built a fort
on the spot where Boonsborough now stands, and
this was the first effectual settlement in the state
Boone was afterwads taken prisoner by the sava
ges but escaped and arrived at Boonsborough
after a journey of 160 m. thiough the woods
which he performed in 4 days, eating but
a single meal in that time. He was after-
wards actively engaged in warfare with the
Indians who continually annoyed the early
settlers with hostilities. Being subsequently vex-
ed with law suits respecting his title to the land
in his possession, he retired to the banks of
the Missouri; and led a solitary life among the
forests. “ We saw him” says Mr. Flint
those banks with thin grey hair, a high fore-
head, a keen eye, a cheerful expression, a singu-
larly bold conformation of countenance and
breast, and a sharp and commanding voice, and
with a creed for the future, embracing not many
articles beyond his red rival hunters. He appeared
to us the same Daniel Boone, if we may use the
expression, jerked and dried to high preservation,
we had figured, as the wanderer in the woods,
and the slayer of bears and Indians. He could
no longer well descry the wild turkey on the
trees, but liis eye still kindled at the hunter’s
tale, and he remarked that the population on
that part of the Missouri was becoming too dense,
and the farms too near each other, for comfortable
range, and that he never wished to reside in a
place where he cotild not fell trees enough into
his yard to keep up his winter fire. Dim as was
his eye, with age, it would not have been diffi
cult, we apprehend, to have obtained him as a vol
unteer on a hunting expedition over the Rocky
Mountains. No man ever exemplified more
strongly the ruling passion strong in death.’’ He
died in 1822 aged 85.

Kentucky Riter, rises among the mountains in
the eastern part of Kentucky, and flows north
westerly into the Ohio. It is a very rapid stream
and for a great part of its course flows between
high and perpendicular cliffs of limestone. It
has a navigation of 150 m. and at its mouth is 450
feet in width.

Keppel Bay, a bay on the E. coast of New Hol-
land, which communicates with Port Curtis.

Kercolang, an island in the Indian Ocean, about
80 miles in circumference. The face of the
country is diversified with steep hills and extensive
valleys, and is every where covered with trees
and verdure. The inhabitants are Malays. Long.
126. 30. E., lat. 4. 28, N.

Kerguelen’s Land, an island in the Southern
Ocean, wliich, on account of its sterility, captain
Cook, who visited it in 1779, would have denomi-
nated the Island of Desolation, but that he was
unwilling to rob M. Kerguelen of the honour of
its bearing his name. On the N. E. coast is a
good and safe bay, named Christmas Harbour.
Long. 69. 30. E., lat. 49. 20. S.

Kerkuk, a town of Curdistan, the capital of a
government, and residence of a pacha. It is sur-
rounded by walls, and defended by a castle, 135
m. S. S. E. of Betlis.

Kerman, the ancient Caramania, a province of
Persia, lying on the gulf of Persia. xe2x80xa2 The northern
part is barren, but towards the S. the land is

Kerman, or Sirgan, a city of Persia capital of


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