Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 446
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Walden, Vt.

Caledonia co. This is-an eleva-
ted township between the head wa-
ters of Onion and Lamoille rivers.
Cole’s pond, a large sheet of water,
lying in the town, produces a small
mill stream, called “ Joe’s Brook.”
The surface is generally rough, but
the soil in some parts of the town
produces good crops. Walden was
first settled in 1789. It lies 22 miles
N. N. E. from Montpelier, and is
bounded S. E. by Danville. Popu-
lation, 1830, 827.

Waldo County, Me.

Belfast is the shire town. This
maritime and agricultural county
is bounded N. by Penobscot and
Piscataquis counties ; E. by Pe-
nobscot bay and river; §. by Lin-
coln county, and W. by the county
of Kennebec. It contains an area
of about 812 -square miles. Its
population in 1830, was 29,290; and
in 1S37, 36,817.

On the eastern side of the coun-
ty, the noble Penobscot spreads its
broad'bay and river, embosoming
Belfast and other beautiful bays,
and indented with numerous capa-
cious harbors, affording this county
every desirable facility for naviga-
tion and the fisheries. The relative
position of this county with the
great basin of the Penobscot, is
such as to give to it a large share of
the commerce of that fertile and
rapidly increasing section of New

Waldo county possesses within
itself great resources of agricultur-
al wealth. The surface is gener-
ally undulating: no portion of the
county is too elevated or too low
for cultivation. It is heavily tim-
bered and abounds in limestone, of
which large quantities are annually
manufactured and transported. The
soil is fertile, and congenial to the
growth of every northern staple
commodity. This county is inter-
spersed with excellent mill streams,


and its numerous ponds give it a
varied and picturesque appearance.

Waldo county was, as it were
but yesterday, a desert; at present
not more than two-thirds of its ter-
ritory may be said to be settled.
In 1837, it produced 109,14.0 bush-
els of wheat, and contained 55,000
sheep, with a population of 45 to a
square mile.

Waldo, Me.

Waldo co. This is a Plantation,
but it is high time it was incorpo-
rated with town privileges, for its
surface is pleasant, and its soil fer-
tile : it abounds with mill sites, and
its increase of population, for the
last seven years, was 85 per cent.

Waldo is 44 miles E. N. E. from
Augusta, and 7 W. N. W. from
Belfast. Population, 1837, 713.
Wheat crop, same year, 1,903

Waldo'borongli, Me.

Lincoln co. This is a large,
pleasant, and flourishing commercial
town; a port of entry, situated on
both sides of Muscongus river, and
at the head of navigation on Mus-
congus bay.

This town, surrounded hy a fertile
country, enjoying navigable accom-
modations, a great water power,
and peopled by an enterprising and
industrious class of agriculturalists,
mechanics and sailors, cannot fail
of advancing in wealth and popula-
tion. The tonnage of this district,
in 1837, was 39,960 tons.'

The surface of the town is agree-
ably diversified; the soil of a qual-
ity just hard enough to promote a
proper circulation of the blood of
its cultivators, with air and water
as pleasant, as pure, and as favora-
able to health and longevity, as
those of any prairie, of which we
have any account, west of the Al-
leghany mountains. It is true that
these people have to encounter the
dangers of the seas, in the naviga-
tion of their numerous vessels en-


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