Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 447
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gaged in foreign and domestic com-
merce; to accidents attendant on
launching* their trig ships, brigs,
and schooners, and in preparing
various kinds of lumber for their
cargoes ; and that they sometimes
get drowned in crossing their rapid
streams, and break their limbs by
riding too fast on their wintry snows;
yet they are perfectly satisfied with
their location and condition, and
have no hankering for the balmy
breezes of the south, nor thirst for
the sweet waters of the west.

Waldoborough is an ancient town
for this section of country: it was
incorporated in 1773. It lies 37
miles S. E. from Augusta, and 22
E. N. E. from Wiscasset. Popu-
lation, 1S20, 2,449; 1830, 3,113;
1837, 3,420.

Wales, Me.

Lincoln Co. There is a beauti-
ful pond lying partly in Wales and
partly in Lisbon ; its outlet meets
tbe Androscoggin a few miles above
Topsham. Wales is an agricultu-
ral town of good soil and even
surface, 20 miles S. W. from Au-
gusta, and 28 N. W. fro.ra Wiscas-
set. Incorporated, 1816. Popula-
tion, 1337, 667. Wheat crop, same
year, 2,232 bushels.

Wales, Mass.

Hampden co. This town is wa-
tered by a branch of QuinnebaUg
river, and has a considerable water
power. The surface of the town is
uneven, but the soil affords good
pasturage. Here is a woolen mill,
and manufactures of leather, boots,
shoes, axes, hatchets, palm-leaf
hats, &c.: annual value, about $70,-
009. Wales is 67 miles W. S. W.
from Boston, and 17 E. by S. from
Springfield. Population, 1837,738.

Wallingford, Vt.

Rutland co. This town is water-
ed by Otter creek, Mill river, and
by three ponds, one of which, Hi-
ram’s pond, covering an area of 350
acres, lies on very elevated.ground,
and is one of the principal sources
of Otter creek. The other ponds
are of less size, and less eleva-
ted. • These mountain ponds are
very handsome, and contain fish.
The soil of the town is gener-
ally good : that on the banks of
Otter creek, is very fertile and
productive. Wallingford produces
all the varieties of grain, grass, &.C.,
and feeds a large number of sheep.
“ A range of primitive limestone
passes through the western part of
the township, in which have been
opened several quarries of excel-
lent marble. Green hill, situated
near the centre, is composed almost
entirely of quartz. A part of
White rocks, belonging to the Green
Mountain range, appears to be
granite, the rest quartz. At the
foot of White rocks, are large cavi-
ties formed by the fallen rocks, call-
ed the
icebeds, tn which ice is found
in abundance- through the summer
season.” There are some valuable
manufacturing establishments in
the town, and a flourishing trade.
The village is pleasantly located on
the banks of Otter creek, near one
of tbe ponds. It contains some
handsome buildings, and presents a
variety of picturesque scenery.
Wallingford was firstsettled in 1773.
It lies 10 miles S. by E. from Rut-
land and 42 N. N. E. from Benning-
ton. Population, 1830, 1740.

Wallingford, Ct.

New Haven co. “Wallingford
is bounded N. by Meriden, W. by
Cheshire, E. by Durham and Mid-
dletown, and S. by North Bradford
and North Haven. Its length from
east to west is nearly 7 miles, and
its breadth about 6. The central
part of Wallingford is 13 miles N.
from New Haven, 23 S. from Hart-
ford, and between 11 and 12 miles
S. W. from Middletown. The pre-
vailing surface is pleasantly diver-
sified with moderate hills and dales;
the eastern extremity of the town-


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