that he married such a woman a& he thought would accomplish the object. The best part of the story is, that the wife hearing of the rea- sons; why he married her, was much offended, and out of revenge, became' orifc of the most pleasant and dutiful wives in the town, de- claring: that she was not a going to be made a pack horse, to carry her husband to heaven.
Wethersfield was the scene of one of the most horrible butcheries ever committed 5 that of tbe Bea- dle family y in 1782.
Beadle was an'Englishman, and ' came to this country in. 1762. He settled in Fairfield, where he mar- ried, and remained until about 10 years before this tragedy. The following are extracts from an ac- count of this event, written by a neighbor, and attached to the funer- al sermon of Mrs. Beadle and her children.
“ When the war commenced, he had on hand 'a very handsome as- sortment of goods for a country store, which he sold for the curren- cy of the country, without any ad- vance in the price; the money he laid by, waiting and expecting the the time would soon arrive when he might therewith replace his goods, resolving not to part with it until it should he in as good de- mand as when received by him. His expectations from this quarter daily lessening, finally lost all hope, and was thrown into a state little better than despair, as appears from his writing: he adopted apian of the most rigid family economy, but still kept up the outward appear- ance of his former affluence, and ever to thaMast entertained his friends with mis Usual decent hospi- tality, although nothing appeared in his outward deportment, which evinced the uncommon pride of his heart. His writings show clearly that he was determined not to bear the mortification of being thought by his friends poor and dependent. |
On this subject he expresses him- self in the following extraordinary manner: ‘ If a man,"who has once lived .well, meant well, and done well,- falls by unavoidable accident into poverty, and. then submits to be laughed at, despised and trampled on, by a set of mean wretches as far below him as the moon is be- low the sun; I say if such a man submits, he must become meaner than meanness itself, and I sincere- ly wish he might have JO years ad- ded to his natural life to punish him for his folly.’
“He fixed upon the night suc- ceeding the 18th of November for the execution of his nefarious pur- pose, and procured a supper of oys- ters, of which the family eat very plentifully : that evening he writes as follows : 61 have prepared a noble supper of oysters, that my flock and I may eat and .drink together, thank God and die.’ After supper he sent the maid with a studied er- rand to a friend’s house at some dis- tance, directing her to stay until she obtained an -answer to an insig- nificant letter he wrote his friend, intending she should not return evening—she did however reffcttriiV perhaps her return dis- concerted him " and prevented him for that time. The next day he carried his pistols to a smith for re- pair : it may be, the ill condition of his pistols might be an additional reason of the delay.
“ On the evening of the 10th of December some persons were with him at his house to whom he ap- peared as cheerful and serene as usual; he attended to the little af- fairs of his- family as if nothing uncommon- was in contemplation. The company left him about nine o’clock in the evening, when he was urgent as usual for their stay: whether he slept that night is un- certain, but it is believed he went to bed. The children and maid slept in one chamber: in the grey of the morning of the 11th of De- |