cember he went to their bed cham- ber, awaked the maid and ordered her to rise gently, without disturb- ing, the children, when .she' came down stairs ; he gave her a line to the family physician, who lived at the distance of a quarter of a mile"; ordered her to carry it immediately, at the same time declaring that'^Mrs. Beadle had been, ill,all might, and directing her to May until the phy- sician should come "with.her : this he* repeated sundry times with a degree of ardor. "There is much reason to believe he had murdered Mrs. Beadle before he awaked the maid. Upon the maid’s leaving the house he immediately proceeded to execute his purpose on the children and himself. It appears he had for some time before, carried H.o his bedside every night an axe and a carving knife; he smote his wife and each of the children with the axe on the side of the head as they lay sleeping in their beds ; the wo- man had two wounds in the head, the skull of each of them was frac- tured ; he then with the carving knife cut their throats from, ear to earf the’woman and little boy were drawn partly over the side of their beds, as if to prevent the bedding from being besmeared with blood : the three daughters were taken from the bed and laid upon the floor side by side, like three lambs, be- fore, their throats were cut; they were covered with a blanket, and the woman’s face with a handker- chief. He then proceeded to the lower floor of the house, leaving marks of his footsteps in blond on the stairs, carrying with him the axe and knife, thelatter he laid on the table in the room where he was found, reeking with the blood of his family. Perhaps he had thoughts he might use it against himself if his pistols should fail. It appears he then seated himself in a Windsor chair, with his arms supported by the arms of the chair; he fixed the muzzles of the pistols into his two |
ears, and fired them at the same in- stant: the balls went through the head in transverse directions. Al- though the neighbors were very near and some of them awako, none heard the report of the pis- tols. .
“ The line to the physician ob- scurely announced the intentions of the man; the house was soon opened, but alas, too late ! The bodies were pale and motionless, swimming in their blood, their faces white as mountain snow, yet life seemed .to. tremble on their lips': description' can do no more% than faintly ape and trifle with the real figure,
““Such a tragical seenq filled ev- ery mind with the deepest distress: nature recoiled, and' was on the rack with distorting passions: the most poignant sorrow and tender pity for the lady and her innocent babes, who were the hapless vic- tims of the brutal, studied cruelty of nu husband and father, in whose embraces they expected to find se- curity, melted every heart. Shock- ing effects of pride and false notions about religion!
“ To paint the first transports this aflectingocene produced, when the house was opened, is beyond my reach. Multitudes of all ages and sexes were drawn together by the sad tale.. The very inmost souls of the beholders were wound- ed at the sight, and torn by con- tending passions. Silent grief, with marks of astonishment, were succeeded by furious indignation against the author of the affecting spectacle, which vented itself in incoherent exclamations. Nature itself seemed ruffled, and refused the kindly aid of balmy sleep for a time,
“Near the close of the day on the 12th of December, the bodies being still unburied, the people who. had collected in great num- bers, grew almost frantic with rage, and in a manner demanded |