Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 512
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bridge, the most noted of which is
Hatchet Harbor or the Lodge, near
a beautiful spring, in a valley, about
7 miles from New Haven.

Woodbury, Vt.

Washington co. Woodbury is
watered by branches of Onion and
Lamoille rivers, and contains a
greater number of ponds than any
other town in the state. These
ponds afford a great variety of fish.
Woodbury lies 15 miles N. by E.
from Montpelier. Population, 1800,
23; 1820, 432; 1830', 824.

Woodbury, Ct.

Litchfield co. The settlement
of this town commenced in the
year 1672 : in 1674, it was incorpo-

This is a good grazing township;
the soil is generally warm and fer-
tile. Between four and five thou-
sand sheep are annually sheared in

The village is situated in a pleas-
ant valley, and watered by a num-
ber of small streams, which form
the Pomperaug. It is surrounded
by high h
iRs’ow rmciy side, funning
a kind of amphitheatre, which ren-
ders it strikingly romantic. The
village contains some handsome
buildings, three satinet, one tin and
two nail factories. This place lies
25 miles N, W. from New Haven,
36 W. S. W. from Hartford, and 15
S. from Litchfield. Population, in
1830, 2,049.

Bethel Rock, near the village of
Woodbury, is about forty feet in
height, and projects over 3 or 4
feet, forming a kind of shelter from
the wind and rain. There is a fine
grove near it. This spot is fre-
quently visited: it excites solemn
and pleasing impressions.

'Woodford, Vt.

Bennington co. This mountain
town is 7 miles E. from Benning-
ton, on the road to Brattleborough.
Population, 1830, 395.

Woodford contains several large
ponds, from which issue branches
of Woloomsack and Deerfield riv-
ers. There is a good deal of wild
scenery on the road in crossing the
mountains from Bennington through
Woodford and Searshurgh:    the

gurgling .of the streams down the
mountain sides, allay, in a great
degree, the fatigue of the jour-
ney. The greater part of this
township is too elevated and broken
for cultivation. It is a good loca-
tion for the sportsman; for fish and
fowl are abundant, and the deer,
the bear, and other wild animals,
roam with almost undisputed sway

Wood’s Hole, Mass.

See Falmouth.

Wood River, R. I.

See Hopkinton.

Woodstock, Me.

Oxford co. A part of this town-
ship is mouutainous; but it contains
large tracts of undulating, fertile
land. It is bespangled with beau-
tiful ponds, forming mill streams,
which qrass'to Little Androscoggin

Woodstock was incorporated in

1815. It lies 42 miles W. from
Augusta, and
10 N. W. from Paris.
Population, in 1837, 699. Wheat
crop, same year, 2,669 bushels.

Woodstock, Vt.

Shire town, Windsor county.
This town was first settled about
the year 1768. It is well wa-
tered by Queechy river and its
branches, which propel a woolen
mill, a scythe and axe factory, an
establishment for the manufacture
of woolen machinery, and several
smaller manufacturing works.

The soil of the town is generally
very fertile, with a pleasant surface
of hills and vales. The agricultu-
ral productions are large and valua-
ble : they consist of beef, pork, but-
ter, cheese, apples, cider and wool,


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