Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 513
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of which 9,000 fleeces were shorn
in 1837.

“ Woodstock Green,” so called, is
a beautiful village. It is the seat
of a flourishing country trade, and
contains many veryhandsome build-
ings. The court house, planned,
and built under the supervision of
Ammi B. Young, Esq., a native ar-
chitect of great promise, is one of
the most chaste and classical struc-
tures in New England. The south
village is neat and pleasant: it is
about 5 miles from the “Green.”

Woodstock lies 46 miles S. from
Montpelier, and 11 N. W. from
Windsor. Population, 1830, 3,044.

Woodstock, Ct*

Windham co. Woodstock is bound-
ed N. by the Massachusetts line,
E. by Thompson, W. by Union and
Ashford, and S. by Pomfret and
Ashford. .It is
8 miles long, and
upwards of 7 in breadth. The sur-
face of the town is characteristical-
ly hilly, but not mountainous or
broken, and comprises very little
waste land, most or all of the emi-
nences being capable of cultivation.
The prevailing soil is a deep grav-
elly loam, which is strong and fer-
tile. It is best adapted to grazing,
but generally admits of tillage;
and considerable quantities of grain
are annually raised, consisting prin-
cipally of rye and corn; and it may
be considered one of the richest ag-
ricultural towns in this part of the
state. There are 4 woolen and 4
cotton factories in the limits of the
town. There are also about 900
persons engaged in the shoe mak-
ing business, principally in the
western part of the town. The
town is divided into three parts,
viz. the old society of Woodstock,
West Woodstock or New Roxbury,
and Muddy Brook society or North

The villages of Thompson, North
Killingly, and Dudley in Massa-
chusetts, on corresponding eleva-
tions, are in fair view, from the vil-
lage in Old Woodstock, which is 41
miles E. N. E. from Hartford, 32 N.
from Norwich, 32 W. N. W. from
Providence, and 12 N. by W. from
Brooklyn. First settled, in 1686.
Population, 1830, 2,915. The vil-
lage of Muddy Brook, or North
Woodstock, is about three miles
distant, situated in a beautiful val-
ley, through which Muddy Brook,
a fine mill stream, passes. The
village is in two parts, in each of
which is a Congregational church,
upwards of one mile distant from
each other. The houses in this
village are more clustered than in
any other part of the town, and
viewed from the surrounding hills
present an uncommonly beautiful
appearance. The west part is call-
ed “Village corner.”

General William Eaton, a
consul to Tunis, from 1797 to 1803,
and the hero of Derne, in 1804, was
born in this town in 1764. He died
at Brimfield, Mass., in 1811.

“ Gen. Eaton was a very extra-
ordinary character; he possessed
much original genius, was bold in
his conceptions, ardent in his pas-
sions, determined in his resolutions,
and indefatigably persevering in
his conduct. He possessed con-
siderable literary acquirements, and
the style of his writings was char-
acteristic of his mind ; bold, ener-
getic and decisive. His courage
was equalled only by his resolu-
tion, and the boldness of his enter-
prises, by his ability and persever-
ance to execute them.”

Woolwich, Me.

Lincoln co. Woolwich lies a lit-
tle above Bath, on the east side of
Kennebec river, 32 miles S. from
Augusta, and 7 W. from Wiscasset.
It was incorporated in 1759. Pop-
ulation, 1837, 1,433. Woolwich
has several ponds and small streams,
and its navigable privileges are


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