1 The Western Oracle, the first paper published in the co., was commenced by A.' Romeyn, previous to 1804, at Sher¬ burne Four Corners. It was discontinued in 1808 or ’09.
The Olive Branch was started at Sherburne in May, 1806, by Phinney & Fairchild. In 1808 John F. Fairchild became
sole proprietor. - Miller, Lot Clark, and John B.
Johnson were successively interested in its publication. In 1812 or ’13 Johnson changed its name to
The Volunteer. In 1816 the press was purchased by John F. Hubbard, who commenced
The Norwich Journal. In 1844 it passed into the hands of La Fayette Leal and J. H. Sinclair, who merged it with The Oxford Republican in 1847 and changed the name to
The Chenango Union. Harvey Hubbard purchased Leal’s interest Oct. 20,1847, Snd Sinclair’s interest Sept 1st 1859, and the paper is now published by Hubbard.
The Chenango Patriot was commenced at Oxford in 1807 by John
B. Johnson, and its publication continued for 3 or 4 yrs.
The President was published at Oxford in 1808 by Theophilus Eaton.
The Republican Messenger was commenced at Sherburne in 1810 by Petit & Percival.
The Oxford Gazette was started in 1814 by Chauncey Morgan, who published it some years, when it was sold to Geo. Hunt, and afterward to Hunt & Noyes. Mr. Morgan again became proprietor in 1826, and after a few years the paper was discontinued.
The Republican Agriculturalist was commenced Dec. 10,1818, by
Thurlow Weed. It soon passed into the hands of-
Curtiss, who continued it for a short time, when it was discontinued.
The People's Advocate was commenced at Norwich in 1824 by H.
P. W. Brainard. It passed into the hands of Wm. G.' Hyer, and was discontinued in a short time.
The Chenango Republican was commenced at Oxford in 1826 by Benj. Cory. In 1828 it was purchased by Mack & Chap¬ man. March 3,1831, Wm. E. Chapman and T. T. Flagler commenced a new series, and soon after changed its name to
The Oxfcrrd Republican. In 1838 Mr. Chapman became sole proprietor. It was successively published by J. Taylor Bradt, Benj. Welch, jr., R. A. Leal, C. E. Chamberlin, and La Fayette Leal. In 1847 it was merged with The Oxford Journal and published as The Chenango Union.
The Anti Masmiic Telegraph was commenced at Norwich in Nov. 1829, by E. P. Pellet. In 1831 B. T.Cook became asso¬ ciated in its [publication. Its name was subsequently changed to
Tlie Chenango Telegraph. In 184Q, on the death of
E. P. Pellet, it passed into the hands of his brother, Nel- * son Pellet; and upon his death, in 1851, it was conducted
for the estate by E. Max Leal and F. B. Fisher. In Sept. 1855, it was purchased by Rice & Martin, by whom it is now published. ■
The Chenango Patriot was commenced at Greene in 1830 by Nathan Randall. It afterward passed into the hands of Joseph M. Farr, who changed its name to
The Chenango Democrat, and in a short time it was discontinued.
The New Berlin Herald was commenced in 1831 by Samuel L. Hatch. In 1834 it was published by Randall & Hatch. It soon after passed into the hands of Isaac C. Sheldon; and afterward into the hands of Hiram Ostrander, who changed its name to
The New Berlin Sentinel. It was discontinued about 1840.
The Chenango Whig was published at Oxford a short time in 1835.
The Miniature, a small mo., was issued from the same office.
The Sherburne -was commenced in 1836 by J. Worden
Marble. In 1839 it was removed to Binghampton. |
The Oxford Times was commenced in 1836 by a joint stock company. It was for some time conducted by H.
H. Cook. In 1841 it passed into the hands of E. II. Purdy and C. D. Brigham. In 1844 it was published by Waldo M. Potter; in 1845, by Potter & Galpin; and in 1848 J. B. Galpin became sole proprietor, and still con¬ tinues its publication.
The Bainbridge Eagle was commenced in 1843 by J. Hunt, jr.
In 1846 its name was changed to The Bainbridge Freeman'; and in 1849 it was merged in The Chenango Free Democrat, commenced at Norwich Jan. 1, 1849, by Alfred G. Lawyer; and J. D. Lawjir soon after became associated in its publication. It was then early removed to Cobleskill, Schoharie co.
The New Berlin Gazette, was commenced in 1849 by Jos. K. Fox and M. E. Dunham, and was published about 1 year. The Chenango News was commenced in 1850 by A. T. Boynton. ^ J. M. Haight soon after became associated in its publi- * cation, and subsequently became sole proprietor. He removed the press to Norwich, and, in connection with A. P. Nixon, commenced the publication of The Temperance Advocate in 1855, and published it 1 year, when it was discontinued.
The Saturday Visitor was commenced in 18-52 by Joseph K. Fox.
Its name was soon after changed to The Social Visitor, after which it was published about 5 years. The Spirit of the Age was commenced at Berlin in 1852 by J. K. Fox, J. D. Lawyer, editor. It was continued but a short time.
The Oxford Transcript was commenced in 1853 by G. N. Carhart, and was published about 6 months.
The Sherburne Transcript was commenced in 1855 by James M.
Scarritt, and was published about 2 years.
The Chenango American was commenced at Greene, Sept. 20, 1855, by Denison & Fisher, its present pub¬ lishers.
The Daily Reporter was commenced at Norwich in 1857 by G. II. Smith. In 1858 it was purchased by Rice & Martin, and was soon after discontinued.
The Literary Independent was commenced at Norwich in the fall of 1858 by E, P. Pellet, G. H. & J. E. Spry. It was . published about 4 months.
The New Berlin Pioneer was commenced Feb. 19, 1859, by Squires & Fox, its present publishers.
2 This tract was granted to relieve those persons who had purchased lands of the State of New York within the present limits of Vermont. These lands were claimed by both New Hampshire and New York, and, after an angry and protracted controversy, extending through several years, New York sur¬ rendered her claim to Vermont.
8 These towns were designated originally by their numbers only, and are now in the counties of Madison, Chenango, and Oneida, as follows:—
Nos. |
Present Towns. |
Nos. |
Present Towns. |
8 9
10 |
Nelson, Madison co. Eaton, “ Madison, “ Hamilton, “ Lebanon, “ Georgetown, “ Otselic, Chenango co. Smyrna, “ Sherburne, “ Norwich and! {( New Berlin, j |
20 |
Plymouth, Chenango co. Phatsalia, “ McDonough, “ Preston, “ Norwich, “ New Berlin, “ Columbus, . “
j- Brookfield, “ |