Gazetteer of New York, 1860 & 1861 page 225
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from defect in title, most of them left. The greater part of the later immigration was also from New
England. In consequence of the gradual change which has been going on for the last 20 years in
the business of the co., and the substitution of dairying for all other branches of farming, the popu¬
lation of-the co. has gradually decreased, and is now no greater than it was 40 years ago.


AETON—was formed from Bainbridge, Nov. 18, 1857. It is the s. e. corner town of the co.
Its surface consists principally of a rolling upland, separated into two nearly equal parts by the
broad valley of the Susquehanna. The summits of the hills are' 300 to 500 feet above the valleys,
and their declivities are generally gradual slopes. The Susquehanna flows s. w. through near the
center, in a broad and beautiful valley. It receives from the ir. Kelseys and Harpers Brooks.
Round Pond, one mi.
n. e. of the village, covers an area of about 40 acres. It is 25 feet above the
surface of the river, and without any visible outlet. The soil upon the hills is a shaly loam, and
in the valleys a clayey loam and alluvium. AftOH; (p.v.,) upon the Susquehanna, near the center
of the town, contains 4 churches and 270 inhabitants. AyresSlire, (p.o.,) upon Kelsey Brook,
in the N. part, is a hamlet. The first settlement was made upon the Susquehanna, below Afton, in
1786, by immigrants from Conn. and Yt.1 There are 5 churches in town.2

BAI\BRIDGE—was formed as part of Tioga co., by the name of “ Jericho/ Feb. 16,1791.
Its name was changed April.15,1814. Parts of Norwich and Oxford were taken off in 1793, of
Greene in 1798 and ’99, and Afton in 1857. It lies upon the
e. border of the co., s. of the center. Its
surface is a rolling upland, divided into two parts by the Susquehanna, which flows s. w. through
the center. The valley of the river is about one mi. wide, and is bordered by moderately steep
hillsides. The highest summits are 400 to 600 feet above the valleys. The soil upon the hills is
a gravelly and shaly loam, and in the valleys a clay loam and alluvium. Bainbridge, (p.v.,)
upon the Susquehanna, was incorp. April 21, 1829. It contains 3 churches and 350 inhabitants.
Beimettsville, (p. v.,) upon Bennetts Creek, in the s.
e. part, contains 2 churches, a gristmill,,
sawmill, and about 20 houses. West Bainbridge is a p. o. in the
n. w. corner, and East
Bainbridge is a hamlet in the
n. e. corner. The lands in this town were first claimed by Ro¬
bert Harper under -a grant from the Indians; but the title was repudiated by the State, and a por¬
tion of the lands was granted to settlers from Vt. who had suffered from failure of title to lands in
that State granted to them by N. Y. The first settlements were made in 1785, by immigrants, from
Yt. and Conn.3 The first church (Presb.) was formed about 1790, by Rev. William Stone.4

COIiUMBUS—was formed from Brookfield, (Madison co.,) Feb. 11,1805. A part of Norwich
was annexed in 1807. It is the
n. e. corner town in the co., and occupies a portion of the high
ridge between Unadilla and Chenango Rivers. The highest summits are 400 to 600 feet above the
valleys. Unadilla River forms its
e. boundary, receiving as tributaries Beaver Crtek, Shawler
Brook, and several other smaU streams. The soil is a gravelly and shaly loam.3 Columbus
Center, (Columbus p. o.,) upon a branch of Shawler Brook, contains 3 churches, a tannery, and
25 houses. The first settlement was made upon Lot 44, in 1791, by Col. Converse.4 The first
religious meeting was the funeral of Mrs. Dorcas Howard, conducted by Elder Campbell, (Bap.,)
.in 1797.5

COVENTRY—was formed from Greene, Feb. 7, 1806. Parts of Oxford and Greene were, an¬
nexed in 1843. It is situated centrally on the s. line of the co. The highest elevations, midway
between the Susquehanna and Chenango Rivers, are about 800 feet above the valleys. The hills
are arable to their summits, and their slopes are generally long and gradual. Harpers and Kelseys
Creeks, flowing into the Susquehanna, are the principal streams. The soil is a gravelly and shaly

and Reuben Bennett erected a gristmill on Bennetts Creek, in

* There are 7 ohurches in town; 2 M. E., 2 Bap., F. W. Bap,
Presb., and Prot. E.

6 The people are almost solely engaged in dairying. For 30
years the population has been continually decreasing and the
dairies increasing.

6 Among the other early settlers were Henry, Daniel, and Jas.
Williams, from R. I., who located upon Lot 90, in 1792; Thos.
Howard, from R. I., on Lot 89, Israel Greenleaf, from N. H., o*
Lot 62, Gilbert Strong, on Lot 61, and Josiah Rathbone, on Lot
54, in 1794. The first child born was Sally Williams; the first
marriage, that of Joseph Medbery and Hannah Brown, in 1794;
and the first death, that of Mrs. Dorcas Howard, in 1797. Nicho¬
las Page taught the first school; Col. Converse kept the first inn,
in 1793; Amos C. Palmer, the first store, in 1797; and Job Vail
built the first sawmill, in 1794, and the first gristmill, in 1795.

7 The census reports 5 churches in town; Bap., F. W. Bap,
Cong., M. E., and Univ.


Among the early settlers were Seth Stone, Nath’l Benton,
Isaac Miner, and Japhet Bush and sons, from Conn., and Heze-
kiah Stowell and sons, Orlando Bridgman and sons, and Eben¬
ezer Church and sons, from Vt. The three last named families
were “ Vermont Sufferers.” The first child born was Wm. Bush,

in 1786; and the first death was that of-Polly. Nath’l Church

taught the first school, in 1790; Asa Stowell kept the first inn, in
1788, Peter Betts the first store, in 1805; and David Cooperand
Isaac Miner built the first sawmill, on Kelseys Brook.


Two M. E., Cong., Bap., and Univ.


Stiles, Heath*Kelsey, Chas. Bush, Eben and Jos. Landers, and


Jas. Graham. Sam’l Bixby settled on Lot 75, in 1788, and Maj.
Henry Evans on Lot 80, in 1789. The.first birth was that of K.
Landers, daughter of Jos. Landers, in March, 1791; the first mar¬
riage, that of Charles Bush and Joan Harrington, in 1794;
and the first death, that of Mrs. Reuben Kirbey, in 1792. Wil¬


liam Gutherie kept the first inn, in 1793, on Lot 85. Phineas


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