in the town.1 After making about 600 tons of iron, the works were abandoned, with the loss of the entire capital invested in them. There is but one church (M. E.) in town.
FORT COVINGTON2—was formed from Constable, Feb. 28, 1817. Bombay was taken off in 1833. It lies on the n. border of the co., w. of the center. Its surface is level, or gently undulating. Salmon River, the principal stream, is navigable to Fort Covington Tillage. The soil in the N. is a rich, clayey loam, and in the s. a light, sandy loam. Fort Covisagtois3 (p. v.) is situated in the n.w. part of the town, upon Salmon River. Pop. 894. Fort Covington Center is a p. o. The first settlements were made by French families, about 1796, around “French Mills.” Settlers from Vt. began to arrive about 1800.4 Much of the timber near Salmon River was stolen before this, and sold in the Montreal market. Soon after the battle of Cryslers Field the American army passed up Salmon River and took up winter quarters at “French Mills.”5 In Feb. the place was evacuated,6 and immediately taken possession of by the enemy.7 The Fort Covington Academy, incorp. April 21,1831, is in a flourishing condition. The census reports 4 churches.7
FRANK.EIN8—was formed from Bellmont, May 20, 1836. It lies on the e. border of the co., s. of the center. Its surface is broken apd mountainous, and it has an elevation of 1200 to 2000 feet above tide. The principal streams are the Saranac, which flows across the s. e. corner, and the head branches of the Salmon River. Among the mountains are numerous ponds and lakes. The soil is sandy, and scarcely fit for agricultural purposes, except along the streams. Iron ore abounds, and has been worked to some extent. The settlements are mostly confined to the s. e. corner, and the people are chiefly engaged in lumbering. The old Port Kent and Ilopkinton Road passes diagonally through the town, and a plank road extends from Franklin Falls to Keese¬ ville. Franklin Falls9 (p.v.) contains 12 houses, and Vermontville 20. AMer Brook and Merrillsville are p. offices. The first settlement was made at Franklin Falls, in 1827, at which time a forge and sawmill were erected.10 In town are 5 large gang sawmills, and several small manufactories of buckskin leather, mittens and gloves. There are 2 churches in town,—M. E. and R. C.
HARKIETSTOWN11—was formed from Duane, March 19,1841. It is the s. e. corner town of the co. Its surface is very rocky and mountainous, and its soil a light, sandy loam, generally unfit for cultivation. Mt. Seward lies along the s. border.12 It is the least populous and wealthy town in the co. It is principally drained by the Saranac. Among the mountains are a great number of small lakes, the principal of which are the Lower Saranac, Big Clear, and St. Regis. There are no villages or churches in town. Saranac Lake, on the line of Essex co., is a p. o. The first settlers located on the North West Bay Road, about 1812.13
MALONE14—was formed from Chateaugay, March 2, 1805, as 11 Harrison.” The name was changed to “Ezraville ” April 8, 1808, and to Malone, June 10, 1812. Constable was taken off in 1807, Dickinson in 1808, and Duane in 1828. It is an interior town, lying n. of the geo-
transpoftation. The enemy soon completed the work of de¬ struction.
7 A few years after the war, an extensive series of frauds upon government was perpetrated at this place. They consisted of fictitious claims for damages, in which the documents were forged, and the parties, witnesses, and magistrates were perjured.
8 Asso. Kef. Presb., (Scotch,) Wes. H., Bap., and it. C., (St. Mary’s.)
9 This town includes No. 10, and a part of No. 9, of the old Military Tract.
10 Formerly called “ McClenathans Falls” from the proprietor. On the 29th of May, 1852, the -entire village, consisting of 23 houses, store, tavern, extensive lumber mills, and a large amount of lumber, was destroyed by running fires. Loss, $30,000.
11 Among the first settlers were Wm. McClenathan, Jas. Mal¬ lory, Horace Gould, John Griffin, Harry Wood, Richmond and Davis Spaulding, Simeon French, and John Hough. The first birth was that of Sanford Hough; and the first death of an adult, that of Mrs. H. Wood. McClenathan kept the first inn and store and built the first mill and forge.
is Named from Harriet, daughter of Wm. Constable and wife of Jas. Duane. It embraces the townships of “ Ilarrietstown,” “Barrymore,” and “Tipperary,” or Nos. 21, 24, and 27 of Great Tract No. I.
is Mt. Seward, named from Wm. H. Seward, was called by the Indians “ On-no-wan-lah,” the big eye.
ll Among the first settlers were Isaac Livingston, Isaiah C. Flanders, Pliny Miller, Wm. Kelly, and Nehemiah White.
is Named “Harrison” from Richard Harrison, proprietor; “Ezraville” from Ezra L’Hommedieu, of Suffolk co.; and Malone from a family related to Harrison. It embraces the townships of “ Malone” and “ Shelah,” or Nos. 6 and 9 of Great Tract No. I. |
By an act of May 20,1841, a company was chartered by the name of “ The Franklin Native Steel Manufacturing Co.;” but it was never organized. The making of steel directly from the ares of this region has proved to be practically a failure. A few years since, silver was said to be discovered; but it has never been successfully worked.
Named from Brig. Gen. Leonard Covington, who was mor¬ tally -wounded at Cryslers Field and buried here. It embraces the w. part of the township of “ Cormachus,” or No. 2 of Great Tract No. I., and a part of the original St. Regis Reservation, since ceded to the State.
8 Formerly called “ French Mills.” It is situated on a mile square reserved by the Indians in 1796. This tract was leased by the Indians to Wm. Gray, in 1793, and assigned to Jas. Robertson, of Montreal, in 1798. These Indian leases occasioned much difficulty concerning title, which was finally settled by commissioners, after the purchase of the e. part of the reserva¬ tion, in 1816-18.1—Hough’s Hist, of St. Law. and Frank. Go’s.
Mills were built at a very early period, and were swept away
by a flood in 1804.
Here a fearful mortality occurred among the troops, on
had been lost or destroyed on the passage down the St. Lawrence,
nor could fresh supplies be obtained nearer than Albany. The
surrounding country was mostly a wilderness; and the army of Gen Hampton the fall previous had exhausted the resources of
the Inhabitants, and, consequently, provisions were of a bad
quality and were procured with difficulty.
® As an appropriate finale to an imbecile enterprise, the re¬
treating army destroyed the boats on the river, sunk 60 tons of
biscuit, and destroyed all the public property too heavy for