This county was formed from Montgomery, Jan. 27,1789. It was named from Lake Ontario, which originally formed its n. boundary. Steuben co. was taken off in 1796, Genesee in 1802, parts of Mon卢 roe and Livingston in 1821, and Yates and a part of Wayne in
1823. A strip was annexed from Montgomery co., w. of Seneca Lake, Feb. 16,1791, and a small tract in the fork of Crooked Lake, from Steuben, Feb. 25, 1814. It is centrally distant 180. mi. from Albany, and contains an area of 640. sq. mi. It lies upon the extreme n. declivities of the central Allegany Mt. Range, and has a northerly inclination, the summits of the s. hills being ele卢 vated about 1000 feet above the general level of the n. portions of the co. The s. portion, lying w. of Canandaigua Lake, is a hilly and broken region, divided into ridges with steep declivities and summits 1,500 to 1,700 feet above tide. The ridges all have a general it. and s. direction, declining toward the N., and termi卢 nating in a beautifully rolling region, which embraces all of the co. e. of Canandaigua Lake, and that portion lying w. of the lake and n. of the n. line of Bristol. The ridges in this section gradu卢 ally rise to a height of 20 to 250 feet above the valleys, and give to the land sufficient inclina卢 tion for thorough drainage. A terrace with declivities 100 to 250 feet higji, descending toward the n., extends through the n. portions of East and West Bloomfield and the s. part of Victor, at
right angles to the general range of the ridges. The extreme n. parts of the co. are occupied by
drift ridges similar to those in Wayne and Seneca cos.
The geological formation of this co. is nearly the same as that of the cos. lying e. of it in the same latitude. The lowest rocks, occupying the n. parts of Phelps, Manchester, Farmington, and Victor, belong to the Onondaga salt group. The gypsum of this group crops out along the banks of the streams, and is extensively quarried along the Canandaigua Outlet, in Phelps and Man卢 chester, and upon Mud Creek, in Victor. The water limestone, next above, crops out in Phelps, Manchester, and Victor, and is quarried for waterlime and building stone. The Onondaga and corniferous limestones next appear, and are quarried for building stone in Phelps. The Mar卢 cellus and Hamilton shales occupy all the central portions of the co. s. of the foot of Canandaigua Lake; and next above them successively appear the Tully limestone, Genesee slate, and the Portage group, the last occupying South Bristol, Canadice, and Naples. This last group furnishes a sandstone used for flagging and building. Except in the extreme s. parts of the co., the under卢 lying rocks have little influence upon the soil, as nearly the whole surface is covered deeply with drift deposits, consisting of sand, clay, and gravel, intermixed with the disintegrated lime卢 stone and gypsum evidently deposited by some great torrent that once swept across the co. in a s. direction. - The rocks are seen at some points along the banks of the lakes and the courses of the streams. In Bristol are several springs of carburetted hydrogen gas emanating from the strata of Genesee slate.1
The co. is drained by the Honeoye Outlet, a tributary of the Genesee River, and by the Canan卢 daigua Outlet and Mud Creek, tributaries of the Clyde River. Honeoye Outlet receives as tribu卢 taries Egypt Brook and the outlets of Hemlock and Canadice Lakes ;2 Mud Creek receives Beaver, Fish, and Hog Hollow Creeks; and Canandaigua Outlet receives Fall and Flint Creeks. Besides these, Irondequoit Creek flows through the n.w. corner of the co. Keshong Creek and Burralls and Castle Brooks flow into Seneca Lake. Several of the beautiful lakes which form the most peculiar and interesting feature of the landscape for which Central New York is celebrated lie partly or wholly in this co. Seneca, forming a portion of the e. boundary, is described under Seneca co.3 Canandaigua Lake lies almost wholly within the limits of the co. The shores are beautifully sloping down to the very edge of the water, except near the head of the lake, where they rise in steep bluffs to a height of 300 to 800 feet. Its surface is 668 feet above tide.
2 Hemlock Outlet, called by the Indians O-neh'da, signifying hemlock.
8 See p. 613.
The principal of these gas springs are in Bristol Hollow, on both hanks of Canandaigua Lake, within 3 mi. of the village, and in East Bloomfield and Richmond. A sulphur spring is found on the outlet of the lake, but the principal one is at Clifton.
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