Gazetteer of New York, 1860 & 1861 page 509
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above the river. A series of bluffs 100 to 300 ft. in height extends along the river. The greater
part of the hilly region is arable. The principal stream is Quassaic Creek,1 forming a part of the
boundary of New Windsor. It receives from the n. Fostertown and Gidneys Creeks and Orange
Lake Outlet. Orange Lake,2 in the w. part, covers an area of about 400 acres. Along its inlet is
considerable marshy land. The soil is principally a clay and sandy loam. NewburgH, (p. v.,)
on the Hudson, near the s. e. corner of the town, was incorp. March 25,1800. It lies upon a steep
slope which rises from the river to the height of about 150 ft. and thence spreads out into a rolling
region. Besides the Court House, it contains 14 churches,3 4 banks, and several private schools
and academies.4 It is largely engaged in the manufacture of printed cotton cloths, castings, beer,
and a variety of other articles.5 The commercial interests of the place are also large and import¬
ant.6 The village is supplied with water brought from Little Pond, 3 mi. s.w., by the Newburgh
Waterworks Co. These works were erected in 1853, at a cost of $115,448. In the lower part of
the village the water has a head of 230 ft. A steam ferry connects this place with Eishkill Land¬
ing. Pop. 9,256. Overlooking the Hudson, in the s. part of the village, stands an old stone man¬
sion known as “ Washington’s Head Quarters.” It is surrounded by a fine lawn of several acres;
and the whole premises are owned and kept in order by the State.7 Savil is a p. o., about 5 mi.
n.w. of Newburgh. Middle Hope, (p.v.,) in the n.e. part of the town,contains 2 churches
and 12 houses; Fostertown, 4 mi. n. w. of Newburgh, a church and 10 houses; and CJard-
nertown, e. of Orange Lake, a church and 14 houses. Coldeiiiiam is a p. o., in the w. part.
Balias ville, 2 mi. n. of Newburgh, is a hamlet. The first settlement was made on the present
site of the village of Newburgh, by Palatinates, in 1708.® The first church (the Lutheran) was
formed about 1709; and the first minister was Rev. J. Kockerthal. The first Episcopal minister
was Rev. Hezekiah W. Watkins, in 1747.8 An almshouse, for the support of the town poor, is
situated upon a farm of 75 acres on the s. w. line of the village corporation of Newburgh. The
buildings are of brick; and the cost of the whole establishment was about $45,000.9

IVEW WINDSOR10—was formed March 7, 1788. A part of Hamptonburgh was taken off in
1830. It lies upon the Hudson, n. of the center of the co. Its surface is a rolling and hilly up¬
land. The slopes and the summits of the hills are usually smooth and arable. Snake Hill is a
rough, rocky eminence in the
n.e. part, 500 to 600 ft. above tide. The principal stream is Mur¬
derers Creek, flowing through the s.
e. corner. Tin Brook flows n. along the w. border. Little
Pond, in the
n. e. part, supplies the Newburgh Waterworks. It is 230 ft. above tide. The soil is
a gravelly and slaty loam. New Windsor, upon the Hudson, 2 mi. s. of Newburgh, contains
2 churches and about 75 dwellings. It is a steamboat landing, and the center of a large brick

mementos of the War of 1812 and the Mexican War. The walls
of the bedroom occupied by Washington are covered by original
letters of Washington, La Fayette, and other distinguished men
of the Revolution, framed and glazed. Among the curiosities
are the tables used by Washington and La Fayette, links from
the chain which was stretched across the Hudson, and a great
variety of warlike implements. Near the sr. e. corner of the
house is the grave of Uzal Knapp, the last of Washington’s Life
Guards; he died in Jan. 1856.

8 The Palatinates settled in Newburgh in 1708; hut it was
not until 1719 that lands were patented to them. When the
patent was issued it was divided in farms to families,—50 acres
being apportioned to each person. The patentees were George
Lockstead, Michael Weigand, Herman Shoneman, Christian
Henricke, Joshua Kockerthal, Burger Meynderse, Jacob Web¬
ber, Johannes Fyscher, and Andries Volck. At the same time,
a tract of 500 acres was set apart as a glebe, for the support of
a Lutheran minister and schoolmaster, and the settlement de¬
signated as
“The Palatine Parish by Quassaich.” In 1747, at
the election for trustees of the “ Glebe,” the members of the
Church of England elected trustees of their own faith, who
closed the doors of the church against the Lutherans. The sub¬
ject was laid before the Governor and Council, who, in 1752,
confirmed the
Glebe” to the Church of England, and reissued
a patent therefor to Alexander Colden and Richard Albertson,
trustees, under the title of
“The Parish of Newburgh.” By acts
of the Legislature, passed since the war of the Revolution, the
income of the “ Glebe” is now devoted to public schools. The
Newburghis from a town in Scotland. From the early tax-
rolls the fact is placed beyond question that Newburgh was the
first European settlement in Orange.

« Outside of Newburgh Village there are 4 churches in town;
3 M. E., and 1 Presh.

io This building will accommodate 200 inmates. It is amply
supplied with hath rooms and water, and is one of the best fur¬
nished and managed institutions of its kind in the country. A
school is maintained throughout the year.

n The Precinct of New Windsor was formed from the “Ft&
cinct of the Highlands,”
in 1763.


Named from Qussuck (stone), and ick (locality), literally Sto¬
ny creek. Sometimes called '* Chambers Creek.”


Formerly called “ Moose Pond.” It was afterward called
Machins Pond,” from Capt. Machin, who erected upon its
outlet a manufactory of copper coin.


s 4 Presb., 3 M. E., 2 Bap., 2 Asso. Ref., Ref. Prot. D., Prot. E.,
and R. C.


' 4 The Highland Academy, a private hoarding school, was com¬
menced Sept. 1,1858. (See p. 751.) The Newburgh Collegiate In¬
stitute was commenced May 1, 1857. There are several other
select schools in the village.


s Among the manufacturing establishments are 3 founderies,
giving employment to 117 men, and turning out work to the
amount of $ll8,000 annually; the Newburgh Steam Printing
Cloth Manufactory, employing 325 hands, and producing
$200,000 worth of goods per annum; a brewery, employing 35
men, and producing 35,000 bbls. of beer; and an agricultural
implement factory, a car factory, a car wheel factory, a piano
forte factory, a soap factory, a machine shop, boiler works, and
a barrel manufactory,—in the aggregate giving employment to
200 hands, and producing annually goods to the amount of


Shipping to the amount of about 4,000 tons burden is owned


at this place. The receipts of lumber brought by the r. r. to


bunches of shingles.


I The N. E. part of this house was occupied by Jonathan Has-
brouck from 1753, and from this circumstance it was formerly
known as “ The Old Hasbrouck House.” The kitchen on the s.
was added in 1760, making it a long, narrow building. In 1770
an addition was made upon the whole length of the w. side, and


a new roof was thrown over the whole. There are 8 rooms
on the first floor, and from the principal room 8 doors open
leading to every part of the house, including the chambers and
cellar. This building was used by Washington for his head¬
quarters while the American army occupied this position upon
the Hudson. It was purchased by the State in 1850, and is
kept as nearly as possible in its original condition. The rooms
and tho grounds a>*» filled with relics of the Revolution and


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