MAMXIBAIj—was formed from Lysander, as a part of Onondaga co., Feb. 28, 1806, and em¬ braced all that part of Oswego co. lying w. of the river. Oswego and Granby were taken off in 1818. It is the n. w. corner town of the co. Its surface is gently undulating, the ridges being 30 to 50 feet above the valleys. In the e. part are several swamps, one of which covers 500 acres. The soil is a rich, sandy and gravelly loam. A salt spring, from which salt has been manufactured, is found in the n. w. corner. Springs of brine, characteristic of tbe Medina sandstone strata, have been discovered in several other localities, but none of sufficient strength to render their working profitable. The principal manufacturing establishments are those of leather, lumber, and the pro¬ ducts of wood.1 Hannibal, (p. v.,) on Nine Mile Creek, a little w. of the center of the town, contains 3 churches and about 60 houses; Hannibal Center (p.v.) contains 20 houses; and Hulls Corners (South Hannibal p.o.) 18. Wheelers Cornersis a hamlet in the n. part, and Kinneys Four Corners is a p. o. Settlement was commenced in 1802, by Thomas Sprague and his sons, from Milton, Saratoga co.2 The first church (Bap.) was organized in 1815.®
HASTINGS—was formed from Constantia, April 20,1825. It lies upon the n. shore of Oneida Biver, in the s. part of the co. Its surface is level or gently undulating, its northern boundary being about 75 feet above Oneida Lake. The soil is clay, sand, and gravelly loam. In some parts of the town it is difficult to find fresh water by digging. Brine springs are found in several parts in the red Medina sandstone formation. In tbe n.e. part is a tamarack swamp, of about 5 acres, in the center of which is an immense spring 10 feet in diameter. This spring is on a level with tho surrounding summit; and it is surrounded by a deep, loose muck which extends downward to an unknown depth. There are 18 sawmills, several gristmills, and 2 tanneries in town. Central Square (p. v.) contains about 50 houses; Basting's, (p. v.,) in the sr. part, 30; Caughctenoy, (Cod-e-noy,) (p.v.,) on Oneida River, in the s.w. part, 30; and Hastings Center (p.v.) 15. Smiths Mills and Fort Brewerton are villages of about 20 houses each. The latter is situated at the foot of Oneida Lake, on the site of old Lort Brewerton.3 The first settlement was made at Fort Brewerton, by Oliver Stevens, in 1789.4 There are 4 churches in town.
MEXICO—was formed from Whitestown, April 10, 1792, as part of Herkimer co. Parts of Richland and New Haven were annexed May 9, 1836. It included the northerly towns of Oneida eo., nearly all of Lewis and Jefferson cos. w. of Black River, and all of Oswego co. E. of Oswego River. Camden was taken off in 1799, Champion, Redfield, Turin, Watertown, and Lowvilie in 1800, Adams in 1802, Lorraine and Williamstown in 1804, Yolney in 1806, Constantia in 1808, New Haven in 1813, and Parish in 1828. Its surface is gently rolling. It is well watered by numerous small streams, the principal of which are Little Salmon and Sage Creeks. There is scarcely a foot of waste or broken land in the town. The underlying rock is gray sandstone, covered deep with alluvial deposits. The soil consists of clay, sand, and gravelly loam, and is very productive. Considerable attention is given to stock raising and dairying; the manufacture of lumber, barrels, and leather is carried on to some extent.5 Mexico, (p.v.,) near the center, was incorp. Jan. 15,1851, and con¬ tains 3 churches, an academy,612 stores, 2 banks, 3 hotels, 3 flouring and grist mills, a sawmill, a furnace and machine shop, 3 coach factories, 4 carriage shops, and 3 cabinet shops. Pop. 948. Colosse, (p.v.,) in the s.e. part, contains 1 church, 2 inns, a store, 2 sawmills, and 2 gristmills. Pop. 119. Texas,8 (p.v.,) located near the mouth of Little Salmon Creek, contains 30 houses; Union Square, (p. o.) in the e., is a hamlet. The names of the earliest settlers within the pre¬ sent limits of this town are lost. There were about 25 who had already located in 1798; Jonathan Parkburst and Nathaniel Rood, from Oneida eo., came that year.9 By the upsetting of a boat upon tbe lake, in 1799, Capt. Geerman and 6 others were lost, and in 1804, by a similar disaster, 9 others,
Bellows and Betsey Vickery, in 1808; and the first death, that of Horatio Stevens, in 1792. Chester Loomis kept the first inn, in 1815; and Hastings Curtis, the first store, in 1820. The first school was taught by Patrick Vickery, at Caughdenoy.
® There are 19 sawmills, 5 gristmills, a fulling and cloth dress¬ ing mill, a woolen factory, and 3 tanneries.
7 The Mexico Academy was organized in 1826, as the “ Renssel¬ aer Oswego Academy.†Its name was changed May 19,1845.
8 Formerly called “Vera Cruz." See p. 520.
9 Phineas Davis and Calvin Tiffany, from Conn., settled in 1799; John Morton and Asa Davis in 1801; Peleg Brown. Daniel Eames, and Leonard Ames in 1804; and Solomon Peck in 1805. The first birth was that of Truman Rood, Aug. 10, 1799; and the first marriage, that of Richard Gafford and Mrs. Rood, widow of N. Rood. The first grist and saw mill were built by Mr. Scriba’s agent; and the first store was kept by Benj. Wright. The first school was taught by Sanford Douglass, at Colosse, in 1806. |
There are 18 sawmills, a stave factory, 2 gristmills, and 2 tanneries in town.
Watson Earle, Samuel Baron, Joseph Weed, Sterling Moore, David Wilson, and Israel Messenger settled at Hannibal Center in 1805. The first birth was that of Carr Sprague, in 1805; the first marriage, that of Daniel Thomas and Prudence Sprague, in 1803; and the first death, that of a daughter of Thomas Sprague, in 1806. Tho first gristmill was built by Earl & Colton, in 1805; and the first sawmill, hy Silas Crandell, in -1811. The first inn was kept by Henry Jennings, in 1808; the first store, by Benj. Phelps, in 1815 ; and the first school was taught in 1810.
A little E. of the fort ground is a sandbank, in which bones are found belonging to men over 7 feet high. A mound at the
E. extremity of the bank is full of human bones, indicating the place of sepulture for thousands.—Clark’s Onondaga, vol. 2, p. 182.
Among the early settlers were Timothy Vickery, Chester
Loomis, Solomon Allen, and Jacob Bice. The first birth was
that of John L. Stevens, in 1802; the first marriage, that of Silas
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