Gazetteer of New York, 1860 & 1861 page 526
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shipbuilding became a leading pursuit of the people. In 1816, steam navigation was first intro¬
duced on Lake Ontario, and its great progress since has been of immense importance to Oswego.
In 1829-30, Alvin Bronson and T. S. Morgan erected the first flouring mill. In 1828 the Oswego
Canal was finished, and in 1830 the Welland Canal was opened, giving a new impulse to trade
and opening to the place an almost boundless commerce in the future. With the advantages of
natural position and the stimulus of the lines of internal improvement, both the commerce and
manufactures of Oswego have increased in an almost unprecedented manner
; and there is every
reason to believe that this increase is to continue for many years to come.


OSWEGO (town) —was formed from Hannibal, April 20, 1818. A part of Granby was
annexed May 20, 1836. It lies upon the shore of Lake Ontario, on the w. side of the river. Its
surface is generally rolling, ending in a bluff shore upon the lake. The streams are the Eight Mile,
Rice, Snake, and Minetto Creeks. A fall in Oswego River within the limits of this town affords an
abundance of water-power. The underlying rock is principally red sandstone, and the soil a gravelly
loam. Boulders and water-worn pebbles are scattered over tbe surface, making it very stony in places.
Minetto,1 (p.
V.,) situated on Oswego River, 4 mi. from the city, contains 150 inhabitants. Sooth
West Oswego is a p.o. The first settlement was made in 1797,'by Asa Rice, from Conn. Reuben
Pixley came in 1800, and Daniel Burt in 1802.2 There are nowin the town 2 churches; M. E. and Bap.

PALERMO—was formed from Yolney, April 4,1832. It is an interior town, lying just s. w.
of the center of the eo. Its surface is undulating. The large swamp in the
e. part of the town is
57 feet above Oneida Lake, and the ridges are about 25 feet above the swamp. The streams are
Scotts ' and Fish Creeks. The soil is generally a sandy loam. Lumber and the products of wood
are the principal manufactured products of the town.3 Palermo, (p.v.,) situated near th&
center of the town, and Vermillion (p.v.) each contains 1 church and about 15 dwellings.
The first settlement was made in 1806, by David Jennings, Simeon Crandall, and Sylvanus Hop¬
kins.4 The first settled preacher was Rev. Asaph Graves. There are now 4 churches in town.5

PARISH 8—was formed from Mexico, March 20, 1828. It is an interior town, a little s. e.
of the center of the co. Its surface is undulating, but considerably broken by ravines, and in
some parts rough and stony. The streams are Salmon Creek and its branches. The valley in the
w. part is 246 feet above Lake Ontario, and the
e. summits are 25 to 50 feet higher The soil con¬
sists of clay, sand, and gravel, and is moderately fertile. Less than half of the town is under culti¬
vation. There are 12 sawmills, 4 shingle factories, and other manufacturing establishments in town.
Parishville, (Parish p.o.,) on Salmon Creek, in the
w. part, contains 1 church and 34 houses.
The first settlement was made in 1804, by Thomas Nutting, Eliada Orton, Jonathan Bedell, Amos
Williams, and Rev. Gamaliel Barnes.7 There is 1 church in town; two denom’s, M. E. and Bap.

REDFIELDwas taken from Mexico, as part of Oneida co., March 14,1800.8 It is the n. e.
corner town of the co. Its surface is hilly in the s., but in the N. it spreads out into a high, roll¬
ing plateau 800 to 1,000 feet above tide. A wide intervale extends along tbe course of Salmon
River, ivhich stream drains nearly the whole town. The underlying rock is gray limestone, and
the soil upon it is generally a thin and moderately fertile gravelly loam. The soil of the intervale
is a deep, sandy loam of good quality. The greater part of the town is still unsettled, and the
uplands are frosty and forbidding regions. Center Square, (Redfield p. o.,) situated on Salmon
River, in the s. part of the town, contains 2 churches and about 30 houses. Greenborough.
is a
p. o. in the n.w.part. The settlement of the town was commenced in 1798, by immigrants
mostly from Conn.9 The first church (Cong.) was organized with 19 members in 1802, by Rev.
Joshua Johnson. There are now 2 churches in the town; Cong, and M. E.

transportation ranging from 10 to 20 cents per barrel from
Salina to Chicago. This price for freight is much less than it is
from St. Clair River to Chicago, less than half the distance,
illustrating the fact that the demand for up freights is at the
great receiving point of down freights.

1 A sawmill at this place is one of the largest in the State, and
is capable of sawing 20,000 feet per 24 hours.

2 Among the early settlefs were Nathan Nelson and -

Beckwith, in 1804; Eleazur Perry, in 1805; Jonathan Buel and
Jacob Thorpe, in 1806; and Daniel Robinson, in 1809. The first
birth was that of Thomas Jefferson Rice, in 1801; the first mar¬
riage, that of Augustus Ford and Miss Rice, in 1800; and the
first death, that of an infant child of Asa Rice, in 1798.

3 There are in the town 8 sawmills, 3 shingle and stave fac¬
tories, 2 gristmills, and 2 tanneries.

4 Among the first settlers were Alvin Walker, Stephen Blake,
and Zadock Hopkins. The first birth was that of Alvin Walker,
jr.; the first marriage, that of Joseph Jennings and Sally Cha¬
pin ; and the first death, that of Zadock Hopkins,—all in 1811.

The first inn was opened in 1816, by Stephen Blake; and the
first sawmill was built hy Phineas Chapin, in 1812. The first
school was taught hy Harriet Eason, in the summer of 1812.

6 2 M. E. and 2 Bap.

6 Named from David Parish, who purchased the town before
its settlement.

7 Paul Allen settled in town in 1805. The first birth was that
of Ransom Orton, in 1805; the first death, that of Jonathan
Bedell, killed hy the fall of a tree; and the first marriage, that
of Nathan Parkhurst and the widow Bedell. J. J. Miller kept
the first inn, in 1807; and Martin Way and Paul Allen built the
first sawmill, in 1808. The first school was taught at Parish-
ville, in the summer of 1807.

8 The town of “Arcadia,” so called, was annexed Feb. 20,1807,
The town of “
Greenboro” was erected Feb. 21,"1843, and re-an¬
nexed March 1,1848, in consequence of fraudulent practices
with regard to assessments upon the lands of non-residents.

9 Among those who settled in the town in 1798 were Amos
Kent, Josiah Tryon, Nathan Sage, Jonathan Harmon, James


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